Long Roads and Slippery Slopes

Fairwyn Posts: 14 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! I've been using MFP for about a week now and I'm really loving it, so I decided it was time to introduce myself.

I am a 28 year old mother who had a very hard pregnancy about 4 years ago. My little girl turned out perfect (whew), but it left me in a pretty bad state. I went from 150lbs to 280lbs in about 3 months due to complications in the pregnancy, and had to have an emergency c-section a month and half early. I've since then managed to get down to 190 .... then back up to 230... then well, it's just yo-yo'd between those numbers for 2 years now. I had/still have hypothyroidism, and then during the pregnancy my ability to absorb calcium and B12 was damaged leaving me chronically anemic. I'm in very good care and treatment for all this but the results just aren't getting me to where I need to be, and they're looking at starting blood transfusions if I don't start showing improvement.

The bright side:
I want to lose weight. I very passionately want to lose weight. And talking to my doctors, it's going to be a lot of pain, but if I can work through it, I have a very high chance of beating back the damage and avoiding blood transfusions. I've just got to take it slow and not get discouraged. When I try my hardest and see little or no improvement.... or even worse weight gain, yeah it's hard for me to keep exercising through the pain.

In other words... weight loss is a constant struggle for me, but I'm hoping I'm just stubborn enough to finally beat this and get healthier. I used to feel like I should give up due to my limitations... but now all I feel is that I want control back in my life.


  • maxzorro
    maxzorro Posts: 23 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been facing for the past 4 years. You sound like a very strong, determined woman though and you will get through this!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other and stay on track. Just reading your story has motivated me to get my butt to the gym during my lunch today! Thanks for the push!

    Take care.
  • Fairwyn
    Fairwyn Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you, I sent you a friend request. Also, if anyone else would like to add me as a friend, feel free to send a request my way.
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