how many calories do you eat a day/ on your cheat day/weekend?



  • Losingthedamnweight
    I try to keep it in the 5-6,000 calorie range on those days where I just let go. That way my daily calorie burn of 3,000 calories plus my daily 1000 calorie deficit means I should only be set back maybe 3 days or so
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Don't do cheat days, but at the weekends I ate at maintenance cals when I was in my losing phase...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Three meals of that pizza, cheese sticks, beer, and brownies doesn't even get you 2/3 of the way to 28,000.

    It does put me squarely within the earlier stated range of 20K +/- 8K.

    With 3 meals conservatively estimated at 5K-6K, that's 15K-18K, which is in the range of 12K-28K. If I eat even 1 single snack (very conservative) of a bag of chips (1K-1.5K) and 1-2 tubs of dip (1K-2K), that brings the total to 17K-21.5K. Does that alone get me to the high end of the range of 28K? No, it doesn't. The conservative estimates wouldn't be expected to add to the high end of the range... they should be closer towards the low end of the range... and 15K is pretty close to that.

    Look, I don't really care whether you can comprehend what it is like to have a truly insatiable appetite. It really isn't fair because I have to be hungry all the time in order to avoid weight gain. I have to feel like I'm starving in order to lose weight. I wish I could be like those who can be satisfied with tiny portions because if I decide to have a true cheat day, I erase so many weeks of feeling like I'm starving myself and I end up satisfying my hunger for just 1 single day. This is why I just can't have a true cheat day.

    I think the "conservatively estimated" part is where the difference is. If you're guessing everything high, then your calculations are going to be different than someone who uses the average since it would balance out. In this case, I believe you are eating less than you think you are.

    Now that doesn't mean you don't have a big appetite. We still understand your struggle with that. However, if it is really that bad, you need to see a doctor about it. There could be something going on that is making you feel that hungry.

    I'm comparing what I've actually eaten on cheat days, having looked up those foods in the database in addition to small estimates for foods not listed or generically listed in the database or for which I don't recall the brand, etc. such as one of my cheat days last year where for lunch, I cooked 2 boxes of spaghetti (2 lb. boxes, so 4 lbs. of spaghetti, but I don't recall the brand to get an exact calorie count), 2 bags of frozen meatballs (again, I don't recall the brand or whether each bag was 10 oz., 12 oz. etc.), and I don't recall how many cans or what brand of sauce or parmesean cheese.

    For the evening meal that same cheat day, I know the exact size, brand, and kind of pizza. I baked 2 cakes at home, and I don't recall the brands of cake or frosting and such... so I take the 2,894 calories from the taco pizza (which I had rounded off at 3K figuring the taco sauce would get me pretty close to 3K), and figure 1K-1.5K calories for each box of cake mix and tub of frosting combined, then 5K-6K is about right. That ignores the beer, so I still think I'm being pretty conservative at 5K-6K for that meal. Other cheat days where I might have eaten only 1 cake and cheese sticks, or cookies and cheese sticks, or some other combination of foods would likely be within around that same range. So while I admit there is some estimation as to exactly how many calories I eat on cheat days, I really don't think my estimates are too high.

    As far as a medical issue, I don't make amylin, but I'm not convinced that explains it. I have mentioned to doctors that I'm trying to lose weight and I'm frustrated because I feel like I'm starving myself all the time, but I think they understand that as a normal part of weight loss. I see it the same way. Either I can be fat and happy or fit and hungry. Cheat days only help make me happy for a day, so the result is that I'm still fat and I'm still hungry. It's the worst of both worlds. THAT is why I no longer do cheat days.

    You are all that food in one day? That is definitely a lot. The digestive issues would be horrible.

    As to the bold part: no, feeling like you are starving yourself is not a normal part of weight loss. Maybe at first, but it should not be that way through one's entire dieting journey. I think it's normal to get to a point where you feel satiated, and learn to make those food choices that keep you reasonably full.

    Really, it is not a choice between being fat/happy or fit/hungry. I'd push this one with your doctor because there really could be something else going on.
  • tabletmfp
    tabletmfp Posts: 53 Member
    In the last month I have been having 1 cheat evening on Saturdays. This is because 1 I enjoy it, and 2 if I don't have it I loose more weight which isn't good as I'm trying to maintain. So in total I have 3 light days of 650 cals and 3 days of 1600 cals plus this cheat evening where I don't count. The cheat evening consists of a few glasses of wine, Chinese take away and a desert. This plan is keeping me steady within 1 kilo. It took several weeks of trial and error to get here. I am now a happy bunny.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    I don't have cheat days and normally eat until I'm full (so as long as I'm hydrated and not consuming a lot of processed or high fat foods).

    Low activity day: 1400-1600 calories
    Moderate activity day: 1600-1800 calories
    High activity day: 1800-2300 calories
  • kamjz
    kamjz Posts: 1 Member
    I have been eating 1000-1100 kcals for too long,until my weight dropped to 45.then,i made lots of cheatdays-cheatweeks,and gained 4 kg. for now i'm eating 1350 on low activity days and 1500-1550 on moderate activity days, in order to loose 1 having cheatmeals 1-2 times a week.the highest was 3K,but mostly they are-2200-2800.btw,im not working out,only beating step goal;9-10K a day :smile:
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    When I do go over! It's usually by a lot. Like 3,000 over. Allowing myself between 1800-2000 per days helps keep the need in check. But not totally.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    jackidoll wrote: »
    I aim for 1200 a day m-f but on the weekend i allow myself a little more. what is everyones take on cheatdays

    My goal is 1810 and I do approximately the same every day. Sometimes less on Saturday because it is a less structured day than work days. Sometimes more on Sunday due to eating at other friends or family.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    I am on a reallllly slow plan (down to the last 4-5 lbs) and chipping it off at a rate of about .5 lb week, with some "off" weeks due to my travel schedule. I try to eat 1350-1500 calories a day, and 1-2 x a week, go over that by a few hundred calories (glass of wine one night, eating a dinner at a restaurant etc.) I work out 5-6 days a week, too. (The 1350-1500 calories is total--I don't add in extra for workouts.)
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    I feel you @midwesterner85 , some of my more calorically ridiculous days (10k+) would have people looking at me and my log like I'm crazy too. Even as a little kid I could eat a stupid amount of food- I really missed my window as a competitive eater ;) . Do you find its rest days on your run schedule?
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    People seem to hate the words "cheat meal" "cheat day", I think we all know what it means in terms of MFP, it's not like cheating on an exam or on a spouse.

    A cheat meal or cheat days (like when I'm on vacation) mean loosely counting calories, so how many I eat could be 1000 over maintenance or 5000 over maintenance (this one is probably unlikely).
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    I feel you @midwesterner85 , some of my more calorically ridiculous days (10k+) would have people looking at me and my log like I'm crazy too. Even as a little kid I could eat a stupid amount of food- I really missed my window as a competitive eater ;) . Do you find its rest days on your run schedule?

    I can eat a lot whether a rest day or not, but there are occasions when running does seem to decrease my appetite immediately afterwards. It doesn't happen every time I run, and it never lasts very long (I might not be hungry for 1 hr.) before I'm starving again, but sometimes exercise helps for a brief period of time. I'm not sure what is different about those runs. The only thing that comes to mind is that they are always short-mid length in the 4-6 mile range.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    I don't do "cheat" days because they come with guilt. I also found that weekly cheat day just had me undoing all of my progress from the week. I found it better to have the same calorie goal all 7 days of the week.

    If I know there's a special occasion coming up, I may eat a little less for a few days leading up to it, then eat whatever (but log EVERYTHING) on the occasion, then continue with my regular daily calorie amount the next day.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    kamjz wrote: »
    I have been eating 1000-1100 kcals for too long,until my weight dropped to 45.then,i made lots of cheatdays-cheatweeks,and gained 4 kg. for now i'm eating 1350 on low activity days and 1500-1550 on moderate activity days, in order to loose 1 having cheatmeals 1-2 times a week.the highest was 3K,but mostly they are-2200-2800.btw,im not working out,only beating step goal;9-10K a day :smile:

    You bumped a year old thread, with your first post, but I'm a little confused. Can you clarify? Your weight dropped to 45? 45 kg? 99 lbs? What is your overall goal - are you still trying to lose? Or now maintain that loss?
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    Dont do cheat days I do IIFYM (1320 cals) if I want something I log it first and work my day around it I also work out and bank calories.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I don't do "cheat days". I try to average 1800-2000 calories per day a week when cutting and around 2300-2400 per day when maintaining.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    jackidoll wrote: »
    I aim for 1200 a day m-f but on the weekend i allow myself a little more. what is everyones take on cheatdays

    I don't do cheat days, and weekends are just like any other day. If anything, it's easier to eat LESS on the weekend as I am always busier and and on the go.