Weight Watchers Refugee - How best to transition??

The new WW tech and SmartPoints roll-out was an utter fiasco. I was on WW online since March of 2013, lost 75 pounds (slow and steady did it for me - and the freedom of Points Plus). I sang it's praises to anyone that asked about my success..... Then it all came crashing down before Thanksgiving. (Thanksgiving for a nutrition app roll-out. Really? Are you kidding me?) While the previous tech suite was somewhat workable - it was no great shakes either - but this one I predict will rival the "New Coke" fiasco of the 1980's as a brand killer. And I've been paying $20 a month for that crap.

So I've been impressed with the usability of MFP before - but now I'm a refugee looking for help. I was double logging for comparison for a few days - but decided this morning (when I got too frustrated with WW search) to focus on MFP. But How best to transition?

I'm trying my MFP profile on a 1.5 pound-a-week setting - and that seems to come close the my 47 (or so) daily points from WW.

MFP gives credit for activity like WW (used to), so that's easy on a daily basis. But MFP is a daily count and WW also had 49 weekly points to use anytime. This weekend I "rationalized" that 49 points is about the equivalent of 10 beers (5 points X 10) and my splurges were generally alcohol based on the weekends anyway - so I tolerated extra calories of about 1400 (Yeah - I know - that's carb heavy - and my "extras" weren't actually all alcohol).

Has anyone tackled this transition before? What do you recommend given MFP is not weekly focused?


  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Welcome! How did the double logging play out? Were you under or over your calorie goals?

    I think you'll find that calories give you a lot more flexibility with your eating plan so that you won't need weekly "points" because your indulgences can already fit into your day (especially if you factor in exercise calories). And if you go over one day and under another, it's not a big deal in the scheme of things. Just try to average your goal.

    I hope you enjoy the app (and the extra $20 in your pocket every month!)
  • You will find that MFP gives you back a lot more calories than WW did. If you're used to the WW calculations, you will only want to eat back about 1/2 or less of what MFP gives you. Watch for that. Other than that, I would say just be careful that you don't slip into eating refined stuff (which points would slightly punish you for doing). I calorie is a calorie on MFP, so it's up to you to distribute them healthfully. (is that a word?). As for specific calories, I think my leader said that points plus worked out to about 1500 calories a day including fruit. I use that as a guide.
  • Sorry. I was thinking of exercise in the first line when I discussed MFP giving you back calories.
  • countrylove12
    countrylove12 Posts: 53 Member
    I was on weight watchers too...I actually still am signed up but have been using MFP. I wanted to see how Smart points worked but I feel as though the new ideas are the same ones that are here on MFP. The whole being able to eat fruit and not having anymore GHG for me is crazy. I could eat so much fruit in one day. What I am trying to do for my "weekly points" is watch my calories. If I'm under by 100-200 Mon-Fri then on Saturday/Sunday I have an extra 500-1000 calories to eat.
  • minniemouse723
    minniemouse723 Posts: 2 Member
    I cancelled my Weight Watchers subscription yesterday. My husband and I had each lost a significant amount of weight since August (he lost 35 lbs, I lost 26), but the new SmartPoints goals were so unobtainable. Even Weight Watchers' own products went up in points (their frozen meals, treats, etc.), and other foods were not decreased by enough points to compensate. We were each losing 1-2 pounds per week on the Points Plus program, and now eating the same foods on the SmartPoints program, we were achieving similar results but constantly being told that we went over our allotted points and needed to eat less. It was incredibly frustrating. So now we're trying out MFP, and so far, so good. We like it a lot. MFP gives us each a similar allotment to the daily Points Plus program (when we select the 2 lbs/wk goal), so we will probably stick with it. Still trying to figure out how to manage weekly points/calories, but overall, I think this is a much better solution for us.
  • TW081570
    TW081570 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all. Trying 1.5 pound setting for now and already been on a 2 month plateau with WW anyway (ah winter - seems my body does that - and Holidays don't help). Will probably be more in earnest after New Years ( and determined to be more mindful with or without technology this Holiday). I guess trial and error - might take a while to figure out the weekly v. daily + splurges. Wishing you all the best this New Year!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    You have the right idea but don't make it complicated. You are making the right choice! There are so many supportive members here that will encourage you with positive reinforcement daily!. Log every BLT(bite, lick and taste) that goes in your mouth and walk. The weight will come off. Even better if you can do a little more exercise. Variety and volume as far as food goes helps and keeping your protein level up! Good Luck!
  • Bchlvr64
    Bchlvr64 Posts: 89 Member
    There is another similar thread going I've been watching - I was thinking we need our own support group lol. I am considering dumping WW too for all the reasons mentioned here.
  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    I'm a lifetime WW member, who just cancelled today! So, it's my first day with MFP and really like it and what I see so far. I only have 15# to reach my goal, but the new program change threw me all out of whack. Rather than points, I like seeing not only the calories, but where those calories fall nutritionally. Does everyone use the free app or the premium?
  • ParisPrincesse
    ParisPrincesse Posts: 24 Member
    I am, so glad I found this thread. I am currently doing the Smart Points & it's just not working for me at all. I have done WW for 12 yrs & I loved it. I was so excited for the new program, but instead of losing I actually gained a pd. Ugh I have about 15 pds to go. I think I might have officially out grown WW! :'(
  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    Cali01 wrote: »
    I am, so glad I found this thread. I am currently doing the Smart Points & it's just not working for me at all. I have done WW for 12 yrs & I loved it. I was so excited for the new program, but instead of losing I actually gained a pd. Ugh I have about 15 pds to go. I think I might have officially out grown WW! :'(
    You are definitely not alone! I went through all the materials, and it seemed like the delicious food is mostly vegetable based. I have nothing against vegetarians, and I'm happily eating veggies and fruits, but I love bread and meat. I work on balance and portions. What I really love about MFP is seeing where I'm failing (too many carbs, too much sugar). I don't even add sugar to anything, but amazing all the foods it's in. Key for me I'll be eating even less processed foods. Hang in there - this is a great app and it appears a lot of supportive peeps.

  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I'm a Lifetime member who is 16 pounds under my WW set goal. The leaders there hate it because as long as I weigh in once a month they never make any money from me, lol. That said, I use my Fitbit to maintain and the great community here at MFP for support. After counting calories only with my Fitbit and using my free WW online tools, found that their new program has me at least 300 calories under what I should have for my activity level. I think if anyone is able to lose weight here on MFP, they should continue on. Since it is free. As for me, I'll continue to weigh in at WW monthly since my membership there will always be free as a Lifetime member.
  • ParisPrincesse
    ParisPrincesse Posts: 24 Member
    Cali01 wrote: »
    I am, so glad I found this thread. I am currently doing the Smart Points & it's just not working for me at all. I have done WW for 12 yrs & I loved it. I was so excited for the new program, but instead of losing I actually gained a pd. Ugh I have about 15 pds to go. I think I might have officially out grown WW! :'(
    You are definitely not alone! I went through all the materials, and it seemed like the delicious food is mostly vegetable based. I have nothing against vegetarians, and I'm happily eating veggies and fruits, but I love bread and meat. I work on balance and portions. What I really love about MFP is seeing where I'm failing (too many carbs, too much sugar). I don't even add sugar to anything, but amazing all the foods it's in. Key for me I'll be eating even less processed foods. Hang in there - this is a great app and it appears a lot of supportive peeps.
    Thank You, so much. Since the WW app was messing up, so bad they gave me a free month, so I think I'm going to try MFP for a month & see how I do. I hate leaving WW, because I have been doing it so long, but sometimes you just have to let go.
  • carlmeg
    carlmeg Posts: 1 Member
    Ugh, fellow WW refugee...the new program just completely derailed the WW-mindset of freedom/etc and it is now way too restrictive (in my opinion). I have used MFP in the past just for comparison (always get more food on MFP :P) but am now considering switching over here full-time. Appreciate all of the input and tips!
  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    edited December 2015
    Cali01 wrote: »
    Cali01 wrote: »
    I am, so glad I found this thread. I am currently doing the Smart Points & it's just not working for me at all. I have done WW for 12 yrs & I loved it. I was so excited for the new program, but instead of losing I actually gained a pd. Ugh I have about 15 pds to go. I think I might have officially out grown WW! :'(
    You are definitely not alone! I went through all the materials, and it seemed like the delicious food is mostly vegetable based. I have nothing against vegetarians, and I'm happily eating veggies and fruits, but I love bread and meat. I work on balance and portions. What I really love about MFP is seeing where I'm failing (too many carbs, too much sugar). I don't even add sugar to anything, but amazing all the foods it's in. Key for me I'll be eating even less processed foods. Hang in there - this is a great app and it appears a lot of supportive peeps.
    Thank You, so much. Since the WW app was messing up, so bad they gave me a free month, so I think I'm going to try MFP for a month & see how I do. I hate leaving WW, because I have been doing it so long, but sometimes you just have to let go.

    My first experience with WW was in 98 and I lost 40 pounds. After gaining it all back and joining twice again after, I never had the same success. I kept yo-yo'ing the same last 14#. Since I love the online tracker, I was going broke as I maintained the same weight. Something just wasn't working...perhaps lack of motivation; feeling locked in to the same meeting time each week (late evening). Having this Community board, you can get motivation 24/7 for free.

    WW started with making the transition to the new plan by focusing on non scale victory and making time for yourself .....I loved that addition to the mindset of what it takes to maintain a healthier lifestyle. When they came along and switched the points program, I lost interest in the first two weeks. It only benefits them, not the member, unfortunately. After all, we're all struggling with weight because we love food. Take away the foods we love completely and you have a bunch of unhappy members! Being able to eat foods that I love on occasion and in smaller portions makes me happy. I have one life to live, and I'll be darned to go through it completely miserable! I love MFP, I'm learning a lot about the food choices I make, some of which I thought were good, turn out to be not so good.

  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    edited December 2015
    Eileen_S wrote: »
    I'm a Lifetime member who is 16 pounds under my WW set goal. The leaders there hate it because as long as I weigh in once a month they never make any money from me, lol. That said, I use my Fitbit to maintain and the great community here at MFP for support. After counting calories only with my Fitbit and using my free WW online tools, found that their new program has me at least 300 calories under what I should have for my activity level. I think if anyone is able to lose weight here on MFP, they should continue on. Since it is free. As for me, I'll continue to weigh in at WW monthly since my membership there will always be free as a Lifetime member.
    My understanding is you have to maintain your weight 2# over or under your goal to maintain free status with WW. What state are you in, and is the the WW rule not being enforced where you are?

    I'm a Lifetime member, but since I'm stuck at the last 14# it would be quite awhile for me to go for free :(


  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    Eileen_S wrote: »
    I'm a Lifetime member who is 16 pounds under my WW set goal. The leaders there hate it because as long as I weigh in once a month they never make any money from me, lol. That said, I use my Fitbit to maintain and the great community here at MFP for support. After counting calories only with my Fitbit and using my free WW online tools, found that their new program has me at least 300 calories under what I should have for my activity level. I think if anyone is able to lose weight here on MFP, they should continue on. Since it is free. As for me, I'll continue to weigh in at WW monthly since my membership there will always be free as a Lifetime member.
    My understanding is you have to maintain your weight 2# over or under your goal to maintain free status with WW. What state are you in, and is the the WW rule not being enforced where you are?

    I'm a Lifetime member, but since I'm stuck at the last 14# it would be quite awhile for me to go for free :(


    That's possibly why, there're so many lifetime members because their using MFP, to lose the weight & then get their meetings free; at WW.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    My Mum has recently transition from WW to MFP and has been VERY successful.
    Simple answer - enter your stats into the MFP app and eat to the number given (remember, you can eat back your exercise calories). It doesn't have to be hard or complicated and WW's new SmartPoint's is a whole lot more complex than it needs to be. My mum wishes she did the transition sooner. Wishing you the very best of luck! :)
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,488 Member
    I left Weight Watchers over a year ago. I only lost about 10lbs. I love MFP and think it's easier that WW. I haven't lost anymore weight here but that's a combo of a crazy thyroid and lack of self control :) I think once you break out of the points way of seeing things and start seeing it terms of calories and macros, you'll love it too.
  • jenjen1707
    jenjen1707 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm glad I've found this thread ... I'm new to MFP as of yesterday and have been a member of WW for years. Having said that my weight has been up and down throughout those years. I started again recently and lost weight, but that weight stalled when I started on the new Smartpoints plan and I found it too restrictive. As an example, I've had a smoothie as a breakfast for years and loved the fact that fruit was "free" but they've even changed this now and fruit added to a smoothie has to be pointed so my smoothie went from 4 points up to 12 just because I've whizzed up a small banana and a handful of berries and spinach. Ridiculous.