Ladies over 50!

Yesterday was my 54th birthday and today I am dedicated to make some like changes. I am 5'3" and weigh 202 lbs. I need help with motivation and some support. The older we get the harder it is to lose weight, but I know we can do it!


  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Yes we can!
    Just forget your age. It doesn't matter. Listen to your body. Watch what works & build on that. Yes, we burn SLIGHTLY fewer calories than we did when we were younger but it's not that dramatic. We also get more sedentary & lose muscle mass; you can easily combat both of those issues.
    I felt much like you. I started August 11. I feel great now & I'm still 30 lbs off my goal weight. I haven't felt this great in my body since I was in my 20s.
    So jump in. Forget your age. Just enjoy this body & this life!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Are you a teacher? I'm a sub! At least we get A LOT of steps a day at school!!
  • smithharia
    smithharia Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all.I am in my 70's and have dealt with weight issues all my life. It becomes harder as I get older and more necessary because now I have arthritis and it really is imperative that I take the weight off as soon as possible so that I dont hurt as badly. I am seeing a physical therapist and he says I will feel a lot better if I lose some of the weight.
    I have cut out artificial sweetners and am cutting as much as possible sugar. Sugar is one of my biggest downfalls. I start on it and wind up eating ecerything in sight. Hope support of this group will help.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 51, 5"2 and currently 138.4 (probably a little more this week, I'm not currently speaking to my scale). I started at 248.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I'm 61 and 5'2". I work out daily and, while its hard to lose weight as we age, I found it hard to lose weight when I was younger as well. Count your calories, log every bite, be honest about it, and you'll lose weight. I come on here daily to get ideas and motivation. The first time around a few years ago, I reached my goal weight and stopped logging. I promptly gained it all back and then some. So, stick with the program and read these boards daily, as someone else is in your shoes on any given day and will post.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    It is true that losing immediately helps your joints & ligaments. I've lost 10% of my body mass & it feels great!
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Hi, I'm 51, a lot taller, and weight a lot more. I like to be supportive and I appreciate friends who log and are also supportive. I agree, we can do this. Sure, it's more challenging when we're older, but, we are more knowledgeable in lots of ways and we can use that to our advantage.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Remember: you'll never be as YOUNG as you are right now, today!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Mentally it can be easier to lose as we get older because we've lived with The weight longer, want to get rid of it more badly, know how to commit to a goal, are more aware of the health concerns, and just have more internal motivation. Forget all the chatter about whether or not it's harder. At my small fitness studio, I've earned a lot of respect from many younger people who've been bouncing up and down the same 10 pounds while I've dropped 120+.

    60 yo
    SW 301
    CW 178
    GW 150
    18 months
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited December 2015
    Ho Ho Ho! Happy Holidays! B)

    I'll be checking in here, too, thanks for starting the thread, Teach!

    I started MFP in Nov 2010 and lost 65 lbs. in 2 years. However, I have "magically" gained 20 back over the last 3 years, all because I got lazy with logging! I have officially made up my mind it's time to get rid of the excess. Can't fit into clothes!!

    I'm 61, live in the beautiful PNW, musician & teacher, gardener, married to a great guy, have 2 dogs that I walk daily around several different parks in the area. I love to turn up the stereo up in the mornings and dance for half an hour, but I hurt my knee last Feb. so haven't been doing much extra cardio. I can handle a little now, I think. Also must get back to daily yoga!! This cranky old bod needs it bad, lol.

    SW 225
    CW 180
    GW#1 160
    GW#2 150

  • LeslieinOC
    LeslieinOC Posts: 14 Member
    Yay! So glad I found this thread! I'm 57, post-menopausal, need to lose 18 pounds (per doctor), but I'd like to lose 20-25 pounds because I know my best weight for my bone structure. Six years ago I entered into a crazy stressful season (elderly parents illnesses/death, boomerang kids, grandkids and babysitting, job change, cross country get the idea) and I ate carbs to self medicate. Within a year I'd gained 20 pounds and I cannot get them off! Recently I started experiencing heart palpitations and feeling like my heart was skipping a few beats. Sugar and high carb foods made it worse. Now I'm very low carb/high fat (10 days now) and the heart palpitations have stopped, I'm sleeping better and feeling more energetic. The scale isn't moving though. I know it will be a long, slow journey to my goal weight so am looking for other 50+ women to "get it". I stay active all day long, but I know I can be more purposeful. It's time to get back to the gym and weight train again! I'd love to join a Zumba class, anyone walked into one of those classes cold turkey?
    BTW, I'm 5'6, have loooong legs, and a short torso. All of my excess fat is chest and waist. I'd like to look like an hourglass again rather than a rectangle!!
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Hello everyone and happy holidays!

    I'm 57 years old and 5'4". My starting weight was 210 lbs., current weigh is 146 lbs. My goal weight is 140 lbs.

    I started my weight loss journey in mid January 2015. Next month will be my one year anniversary. It has been a year of ups and downs. Learning good eating habits has been tough and an on going lesson. I'm convinced I will forever be a student in this quest. This past year has also been a time of reflection in how and why I got so heavy. I was miserable in my own skin and blamed everything and anything on how I got that way. Looking back I have been over weight for most of my life. What a waste! I have tried to lose weight before and failed every time because I dropped the ball somewhere along the way. Thank goodness my lightbulb went off and I started to take responsibility for my own actions.

    With that in mind I have vowed to log my food everyday, think twice before I put food in my mouth and try to stop eating when I feel satisfied. I believe I will need to do this for the rest of my life.

    If anyone is looking for support please friend me.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Yes, please friend! We've got lots in common here!! Patience has been the key for me... Just plain ole simple patience. Spread that shiz all around during this process. I'm not going to scold and nag and shame myself. I'm too old for that approach!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited December 2015
    Friends are good. Patience is good! Age is a factor, perhaps, but certainly not a detriment. If our metabolisms slow, then we must adjust accordingly. I need less food, period. And excellent nutrition at every meal. Instead of self control, I try to think of it as self care.

    Positive reinforcement ---> treating ourselves with kindness. I admit I haven't been paying close enough attention to that very thing! It's one area that I must continue to work on. Just writing about it helps, and reading your posts. Thanks!

    I feel actual hunger this morning, that's a good sign. Did excellent with logging yesterday!

  • hudacurry57
    hudacurry57 Posts: 13 Member
    Please friend me as well. I'm a 58 year old grandmother raising one of my grandchildren, who's 7. We have great fun together. I don't have much of a social life as I am disabled by Arthritis. I must also lose as much as I can to help my poor joints. I started in November at 199.6 pounds. This scared me to action. Its not easy because I also battle long standing MDD. I now have lost 11 pounds. Not so much, but its a start!
  • hudacurry57
    hudacurry57 Posts: 13 Member
    Seems some of my MFP friends have sort of punked out on me lately.
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi all. Just turned 57 and started MFP on Dec 1. At first I was concerned that starting at the holidays was going to be a bust but now I think it was brilliant. 7 lbs down so far a and I eat anything I want Xmas treats the whole deal, just in small quantities and log every bite. So far down 7 lbs and have 53 to go.

    Huda: 11 lbs since November? That is great! Don't downplay your accomplishments, you are going down in weight when most are going up..

    JB: nice inspiring post.

    Scolaris: I agree. One benefit of age is wisdom. We have learned how to focus on what counts.

    Dia: thanks for your story. Your success is an inspiration!

    Lorr: wow!

    Leslie: stress eating will do it, I know from experience. Learning to manage stress differently is part of the deal, right?

    Teach: thanks for starting this discussion!

    Let's get this thing done, friends!

  • LeslieinOC
    LeslieinOC Posts: 14 Member
    jb_2011 wrote: »
    Friends are good. Patience is good! Age is a factor, perhaps, but certainly not a detriment. If our metabolisms slow, then we must adjust accordingly. I need less food, period. And excellent nutrition at every meal. Instead of self control, I try to think of it as self care.

    Positive reinforcement ---> treating ourselves with kindness. I admit I haven't been paying close enough attention to that very thing! It's one area that I must continue to work on. Just writing about it helps, and reading your posts. Thanks!

    I feel actual hunger this morning, that's a good sign. Did excellent with logging yesterday!

    jb_2011 - So true. I need to change my thinking from self control to self care. It really is my motivation. I want to be strong and healthy and hiking the Grand Canyon at 100 years old with my future great grandkids!
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh, and Teach, my birthday was on the 16th. We are giving ourselves a wonderful birthday present by doin this!
  • ptmuguca22
    ptmuguca22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone i'm Kim
    i have been away from MFP for awhile but i know i need to get back on track, i am only 5 feet tall and back up to 133 pounds last year i was weighting in at 125 and i would like to get back done i want to lose at least 10 pounds and go from there.. i am 52 years old and i too work in schools and am on my feet all day 7.5 hours 5 days a week
    then three nights a week i have a part time job working 5 hours a night, i have done WW watchers just like everyone else sure i have lost weight with them but as like you all its expensive and the last time i was on it which was the online version it wasnt working for me couldnt lose any weight.
    so i am back here once again to get things started,
    we are all in this together WE CAN DO IT!!