It's time

I don't believe I can do this. This is probably my 5th time starting over this year, but I gotta learn to believe in myself. I'm not happy or confident anymore. I'm disgusted by my reflection. It's time to change all that.

Some facts about me:
*I'm 5'4
*35 years old (just had a birthday!)
*Last time I checked I was 180 pounds-probably more least it feels like it
*No kids, we did try but no such luck
*High blood pressure
*Cancer survivor
*I just want to be healthier
*First goal weight is to get down to 160

I hope to connect with people, make friends, and help motivate each other


  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi! I have been on my journey since November, just before Thanksgiving. I didn't believe I could stick with it for a month let alone until I reach goal. Then something clicked and I have been doing great ever since. I am concentrating on my food intake first because that is my biggest issue.

    The exercise has always been easier for me for some reason. But the main thing is that now I know I will succeed. I am doing my thing even though I live with family who support me on my journey but don't want to take it with me. That's ok with me as long as they don't interfere with my journey. I realize that this journey is mine to take regardless of what support I get or don't get.

    Feel free to add me and we can motivate and support each other.
  • francois_
    francois_ Posts: 48 Member
    Nadean, your openness, honesty and determination already make you a fighter and surviving cancer already makes you a winner :-) Perhaps a support group with lots of positive energy this time around may help. Build your team with friends who consistently log on and actually read their friend's posts. The proper team will cheer you on during the good days and pick you up during the bad, which seem to outnumber the good. Feel free to add me on your team.
  • cagbunag
    cagbunag Posts: 25 Member
    Let's be friends and keep each other on track! You're on your way-- take it one meal at a time!! You will do it this time ;)
  • kelbelruck
    kelbelruck Posts: 4 Member
    We are similar! Just turned 34, this is my 3rd try this year, 5'4'' and 213lbs! I went to the dentist and my BP was 150/100! It scared me!!! I'm trying to get healthy so I don't end up in an early grave! I also need help with motivation! Let's be friends. We can do this!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You can do it. Stick with it and you will surprise yourself. You have done the right thing by setting mini goals
    Good luck
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 265 Member
    We are all here for you! We can all motivate each other. I'm here every day....most days several times checking out the boards. You've got this!