slimming world

hi new here and doing slimming world diet at the moment any one else on it.i am from the uk and need to lose at lea:love: st 3st.i am not very mobile at present as just had a total knee replacement,so that isnt helping things .is anyone else the same luv to hear from you .x


  • ronniesgirl1982
    I'm from the UK too and I need to lose 2 and a half stone. My sisiter n law sugested Slimming world. how are you finding it?
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Glad to have you here. This is a great site with wonderful people. Lots of encouragement.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Looks like a great diet plan! Just keep plugging away!
  • kerrytucky
    Wow, very impressed with the weight loss ladies!! I just finished my first week of following slimming world and lost 6.5lbs. Am obviously very happy about this! Am attempting to do this at home as I live in Canada and there are no slimming worlds over her unfortunately. My sister who lives in the UK has lost a whopping 70lbs on the plan! She is my inspiration! It is hard to get all information on syns etc over here so if anyone has any tips etc it would be greatly appreciated!!
    Keep up the great work ladies:)
  • MFP1984
    MFP1984 Posts: 48 Member
    I lost 2.5 stone on SW a few years ago very easily and it stayed off until last year when in defiance I decided to ditch good eating rules and eat all those foods id previously considered bad. So I'm back on it this week and excited about the results. The two times I've started it from scratch I lost 10lbs and 7lbs in the first week.
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    I'm going to join you ladies - i've also done really well on it in the past and then let the bad habits creep back in before completely throwing it out of the window. I eat more fruit and veg on SW than I usually do and never go hungry, it's amazing! I just need to keep up that discipline and not get complacent. I'll be doing it at home (still got my books) and doing permanent green days. Last time I stuck to it I lost just over a stone, that's all i'm really aiming for at the moment so fingers crossed!