Meal replacment shakes?



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,010 Member
    star1407 wrote: »
    I have a nutribullet to make smoothies. Spinach or kale with some nuts, seeds and whatever fruit you like topped up with almond milk or coconut water. Really filling and super healthy

    I make smoothies as well. Protein powder, some sort of fat, veggies and/or fruit, various liquid.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    jaorti95 wrote: »
    Does anyone know by expirence a really good meal replacment shake? I wanna give it a try, I've heard good things about it but don't know what to take.

    Ask yourself why you'd want to do this, given the variety of food options out there that are tasty, high in nutrients and digestible fibre.

    Meal replacements don't aid weight loss no more than eating 2 macdonalds a day would. Calories in vs calories out, I could lose weight literally eating junk food if I want, as long as I stay under my calorie goal.

    Work on eating proper food and exercise/strength training.
  • BuddhaB0y
    BuddhaB0y Posts: 199 Member
    I mix and match protein bars and meal replacement shakes quite a lot. But it's not because I can't/won't make something. It's because I'm not usually hungry in the morning, but I do my best to put some calories in to help jump start the day. I also find it is convenient when I need calories but don't want to fill up.

    Protein shakes are also good but I use those more as a protein boost than a meal.

    Just log them accurately and move on with your day. I don't consider it something that will prevent me from keeping weight off later because I will always use them in some fashion in my lifestyle.

    I think the consensus on here is "do whatever is right for you, as long as it's not dangerous or unhealthy".
  • hot1313
    hot1313 Posts: 6 Member
    I have tried many, my favorite tasting plant based is from Arbonne chocolate protein shake :)
  • jaorti95
    jaorti95 Posts: 65 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    The fundamental issues with meal replacement shakes as I see it are

    Short term fix for long term issues
    Overpriced for what they are
    Satiety factor
    No learning curve for long term maintenance
    Play with water weight rather than fat
    Basically are low cal, low carb glop with additives
    Many are sold in MLM schemes (spits)

    Yes I've tried them before, yes I convinced myself they were tasty, yes they work for the weeks you use them, yes weight just springs back and you are in a worse position than when you first tried it

    So you didn't lose much weight?
  • jaorti95
    jaorti95 Posts: 65 Member
    ilex70 wrote: »
    Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard or Almased.

    Prefer Almased at this point because I can't deal with fake sweetener and I find Almased more satiating. Best blended up with ice and almond milk in a powerful blender.

    You might also try Quest protein bars. You can just throw one in your purse. Drink a lot of water with it.

    I wouldn't commit to a large amount of anything at first.

    Thank you!!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Jillasmar wrote: »
    LEAN BODY FOR HER CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA ICE CREAM. It is so good. I swear by this stuff. Tones me, keeps my muscle and slays the fat on my body. I LOVE it. You can order online. I like to mix mine with almond/soy or reg milk in a blender with crushed ice and peanut butter. You can throw spinach in it or vitamin capsules and you will never taste it. SO YUMMY. Please Do yourself the favor and get it :):)

    Um, say what now?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Jillasmar wrote: »
    LEAN BODY FOR HER CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA ICE CREAM. It is so good. I swear by this stuff. Tones me, keeps my muscle and slays the fat on my body. I LOVE it. You can order online. I like to mix mine with almond/soy or reg milk in a blender with crushed ice and peanut butter. You can throw spinach in it or vitamin capsules and you will never taste it. SO YUMMY. Please Do yourself the favor and get it :):)

    If this is true, why does anyone exercise?!? This sounds much easier than hitting the weight room.

    Hint: If it sounds too good to be is.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited December 2015
    jaorti95 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    The fundamental issues with meal replacement shakes as I see it are

    Short term fix for long term issues
    Overpriced for what they are
    Satiety factor
    No learning curve for long term maintenance
    Play with water weight rather than fat
    Basically are low cal, low carb glop with additives
    Many are sold in MLM schemes (spits)

    Yes I've tried them before, yes I convinced myself they were tasty, yes they work for the weeks you use them, yes weight just springs back and you are in a worse position than when you first tried it

    So you didn't lose much weight?

    Not sure if joking :)

    I think at the time I probably lost about 5-10lbs ...but within a month of stopping it went back on plus was a prime yo-yo phase with no learning curve

    In 9 months calorie counting I lost 48lbs and have been maintaining at 53-55lbs below my staring weight for the last 10 months
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I've been drinking Premier Protein and it is pretty tasty! They were bought at Sam's Club.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I make my own.

    If you like gingerbread, Oxygen magazine has a recipe for a delicious Gingerbread cookie shake: 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1/2 cup vanilla enriched Rice Dream, 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, 1/2 tsp ginger, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 T molasses, and ice cubes. Blend and drink ! Mmmmmm

    I also like a Creamsicle, which is a cup of orange juice (I get the Healthy kids kind with extra calcium and vitamins), half a scoop of vanilla protein powder (I’ve been getting spirulina), and a lowfat vanilla yogurt. Blend and drink.

    The Protein Packed Pina Colada smoothie is blended with the following ingredients: Cup cottage cheese, cup canned pineapple or cup pineapple juice, half a frozen banana, half a cup of milk, 1 T coconut, half a scoop vanilla protein powder, and a cup of ice cubes.

    The Key Lime Protein Shake is blended with half an avocado, juice of a lime, 2 tsp lime zest, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, 1 T coconut, a cup of milk, and 1-2 packets of Stevia (optional).

    The Chocolate Maple Shake is made by blending a cup of milk, 3 T protein powder, 1 T cocoa powder, and 1 tsp maple syrup

    Last but not least, for a change, I blend a cup of orange juice (I get the Healthy kids kind with extra calcium and vitamins), half a scoop of chocolate protein powder (I’ve been getting spirulina), and a lowfat coffee yogurt. Also good!
  • jph3
    jph3 Posts: 17 Member
    I love food waaay to much to drink my calories, but sometimes time can be a factor. Like many here, I blend my own. Nothing fancy, just whey protein, almond milk, natural PB, and oats. It's fast, filling, and I can adjust the macros to however I see fit.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    OP, there are no shakes or smoothies that will make you lose more weight than eating food. Drinking a 250 calorie shake is the same as eating a 250 calorie meal, except there is nothing to chew.

    I sometimes make a smoothie in the morning if I'm not really hungry - whatever protein powder I got a good deal on, almond milk, spinach, and some kind of frozen fruit. I try to keep it to around 200 cals, because whatever I put in the smoothie, I will be hungry in a couple of hours. Chewing is the key to feeling full for me.

    Whatever you choose, watch the calories! So many people fall for all the marketed "health shakes" and they pay a lot of money to drink more calories than they probably would have eaten anyway.
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    I don't think total food replacement is the answer. I personally like making my own so I can get lots of greens, seeds and fruit in me. I swap one or at the most two meals when I'm on healthy eating ( which I'm not at the moment)
  • bacs
    bacs Posts: 40 Member
    I use them because sometimes I have trouble eating breakfast. If I have to be at work early and food just doesn't sound good it's better than not eating. The Atkins ones aren't bad, low sugar and good amount of protein. I don't use them as a way of losing weight per se but more to have an option for a quick breakfast.
  • jaycee1972
    jaycee1972 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been using tesco ultra slim shakes for a bit just on 3 days a week. They are really nice and most days I wasn't that hungry. I had fruit as snacks along side during the day and a normal tea. I am starting Exante after new year which is a complete program and includes meals, bars, soups, shakes etc but haven't tried them yet.
  • jaorti95
    jaorti95 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks everyone! Really take notes on all this. I just want to try something that's new and see where my body takes it from there, these tips are very helpful tho some ways I didn't think of! So thank you!
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I use a meal replacement shake for breakfast because mornings are really hectic for me and it is the only way I know I will get some good nutrition in me to start the day. It keeps me full for about 2 hours but even if I eat "chewable" food for breakfast I will still be hungry in 2 hours anyway. That is just the way my body works. Just make sure you read the labels and know what you are buying. There are a lot of shakes out there that aren't actually meal replacement but are protein powders. You want something that has a large listing of vitamins and nutrients in ti. Also look for something that has as few artificial sweeteners and processed crap in it. I am one of the few people on here who actually likes Shakeology. Many people will tell you it's overpriced crap but it does what I need it to and I am happy with the product so I dont care what others think about it ;) I'm sure you will find something that works for you just do your research and read your labels
  • Stephanie3399
    Stephanie3399 Posts: 40 Member
    I love advocare shakes, personally! They have great flavor too! I mainly drink them in the morning when I don't have time for breakfast!