Im Getting Married and Have A LOT of Weight To Lose!!!! Advice??

Hi everyone! Let me start off by saying this is my third time coming back to the site after leaving 2x before and losing my way on my journey. Hello again :blush: I made a cross country move and fell off the wagon after losing a good amount of weight and have since gained all that back and then some!! To be safe Im saying my starting weight is around 300. I want to get as close to 200 as possible.

Please no bashing, I would love to lose weight healthily and maintain but right now I want to drop as many pounds as possible and tone my arms and legs as much as possible. I dont want to eat a measly amount of calories I just want to lower my carb intake to mostly healthy carbs from fruits and veggies and my protein to come from fish and sometimes chicken. Again, please no bashing I just really would like words of encouragement and hopefully theres some women out there facing an 8 month deadline as well :blush:

SW: 300
GW: 230
Proposal Date: 12/25/2015
Wedding Date: 08/20/2016


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Congrats on the engagement and welcome back to MFP!

    70 pounds in 8 months will be tough, but doable. You're looking at losing slightly over 2lbs a week, which is generally the maximum one should expect to lose from a healthy diet and exercise.

    Honestly, my only advice is to set MFP up to lose 2lbs/wk, and stick to it. Log your food as accurately as humanly possible (use a food scale to weigh what you eat!), stick to an exercise regimen (doesn't have to be intense if you're a beginner, just get yourself moving), and take it from there. Log your exercise in MFP and eat back 50-75% of the extra calories it gives you, since it can overestimate your calorie burn sometimes. After a month, reevaluate. Did you lose more than expected, or less? That can give you an idea of how accurate you are being and how you should move forward.

    If you slip up, consider it a bump in the road and move on. The worst thing you can do is quit. But above all else, remember that your fiance loves you just the way you are. You're going to be beautiful on your wedding day no matter what :)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I think goals are wonderful, but deadlines aren't so great. I would suggest doing your best and making it about being healthier forever and not by a certain date. That day will come and go so just do your best every day.

    That said, get a good scale and use it. Stick to serving sizes. Drink water and go for walks.

    Good luck :)
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    Thank you ladies. I agree about the deadlines Courtney and Lauren I love your advice and outlook! I'll be setting my MFP now and doing my best :smile:
  • justynegil
    justynegil Posts: 13 Member
    i am in the same boat, I would like to lose 60-70 lbs by july, I get married in september but I would like to be able to have my dress all fixed by July at the latest, feel free to add me and we can try to motivate each other for our big days :)
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    Okay- maybe this will help just motivation- wise- you CAN DO THIS! Attached are my weigh ins from 2014- I did WW. I did plateau at a loss of about 135 lbs but now on MFP I've lost 6 lbs since Nov. 30- if I can do it- YOU can!
    Congrats on your wedding! 1sokjct9drzd.png
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, first I want to jump on the "deadlines stink" bandwagon. I think 70 lbs in that time frame is a best case scenario, but you for sure can get pretty darn close.

    I hope you don't take this as a criticism, but did you focus on lowering carbs the first two times you lost weight? Is it possible lowering your carbs isn't sustainable for you & is the reason you keep "falling off the bandwagon" so maybe isn't the best plan? The one thing you MUST do is have a calorie deficit, so your best plan is to find a way to eat that you enjoy and keeps you satisfied on the right number of calories, and lowering carbs is just one way to do that. Me personally, I'm a hangry mess on low carb, but if that's the way you like to eat, more power to ya!

    I find pre-logging my meals helps me to stick to the plan and not let temptations get to me. And even though I don't do low carb, I focus on getting enough protein and let my other macros fall where they may, hitting the protein number helps me not feel hungry.

    However you go about it, best of luck to you, and congrats! Whatever the number on the scale is, you will be able to rock that dress and have a blast :drinker:
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    Hey Kimny72,
    The first 2 times I was on here, no, carbs were never a concern for me I was just eating better and excersing. Smaller portions, caloric deficit as well. Prelogging is a great idea! thank you for that! And being hungry is the biggest thing I've been concerned about when it comes to low carb eating. We'll see what happens though.


    Justy: Yay! a wedding buddy! friends request sent :smiley:
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Hey Kimny72,
    The first 2 times I was on here, no, carbs were never a concern for me I was just eating better and excersing. Smaller portions, caloric deficit as well. Prelogging is a great idea! thank you for that! And being hungry is the biggest thing I've been concerned about when it comes to low carb eating. We'll see what happens though.

    Okay, then yeah try it, it certainly does work for some people, maybe it will be the thing that gets you to goal and straight thru to maintenance :)

    I have no patience for being hungry! So for me playing with my macros to find a way to keep my calories down and not be hungry was beyond important. Everyone in my family knows that if I get hungry I will make them miserable until I get fed. And my coworkers don't talk to me in the AM until I eat my yogurt!
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    lol I totally get that! "You're not yourself when you're hungry" snickers knew what they were talking about.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    My suggestion for you would be to pick a way of eating that you could see yourself doing forever. Once something is habit, its easier to do.
    For me, I couldn't do low carb forever , I couldn't even do it for a week. I lost all my weight eating about 190 g of carbs per day ( carbs don't cause people to gain weight . a calorie surplus does) and had no problems losing and maintaining for about 2 yrs so far. I weigh 135 lbs and am 5'8 tall. Instead of depriving myself , I learned about portion control and moderation. I eat the foods I love, but eat the proper portions. Instead of a gallon of Ice cream, I eat a serving now. I learned self control . for lasting success ,it must be a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    Love that ^^^^
  • reetgreenthumb
    reetgreenthumb Posts: 6 Member
    According to my kickboxing instructor, our brains need 170g of carbs to function properly. He put me on a diet and I lost a bunch of weight. It was low carb but I was allowed lots of veggies and meat. I was allowed my grains and fruit before lunch and eliminated added sugars. I was only eating about 1300- 1500 calories a day and felt really good. It allowed me to have one junk food or a cheat meal every week. It takes a while to get used to not eating the sugar and but I didn't get hungry.