Hi I'm new...

I'm new to the site, but not new to weight loss.

My name is Sara and I'm 26 years old. I am currently living in Indiana but I am from Michigan originally. I moved down to Indiana to live with my boyfriend and kind of just sit around the house since I have nothing to do or no friends. I have finally gotten myself a job after applying for over 250 jobs here!

I unfortunately do not have a scale down here :( So it makes it hard to track my weight loss.

The one thing I have noticed since moving is that my eating habits have changed. My boyfriends mom cooks maybe once a week and its usually something out of a box and isn't that good..:ohwell: So it isn't that healthy. When I get the extra money I try to go buy some food to make myself decent meals. And if I do cook something and have left overs his mom has the habit of just going into the fridge and throwing away what I have made..... If you hadn't notice she have a really rocky relationship, she feels I'm out to trap her son and mooch off of him so that makes things stressful as well :huh:

I found my boyfriends old mountain bike buried in the barn yesterday and dug it out and cleaned it up put air in the tires and need to fix the seat so it doesn't wobble all over the place. So I can at least start riding a bike and I've been using the push mower to mow a large chunk of yard as well.

I just need some motivation, I start out strong and then fizzle when I don't start to see any results. So that's my biggest hurdle that and there isn't anything in this house to eat good or bad so it's hard to cook healthy or eat healthy for that matter. But I'm trying. When the boyfriend and I buy our own house in the next couple months I know I can handle it a lot easier.

I'm trying real hard to keep this up and hope to meet some new people and hopefully meet some people in my area!


  • MarielElizabeth
    Hi! I am new too.. Just started yesterday. My boyfriend signed up too so we are checking up on each other's diaries throughout the day. I , too, have the problem of starting something and then letting it fizzle away.. My motivation is my wedding next summer so I keep thinking about the dresses I want to wear and how they will NOT look good on me right now. Find yourself a motivation. And see if your boyfriend will eat better with you. Maybe you can even get his mom on board. :-) Good luck!

    Mariel from Michigan
  • smason1284
    smason1284 Posts: 25 Member
    I keep watching say yes to the dress and am like man I want a cute dress like that..lol

    My boyfriend is an Over the Road Truck driver so he stops to eat every couple days I send food with him but the only time I see him is on the weekend and he's skinny. And he eats good he rarely eats any sweets, watches what he eats and how much. I've gotten a lot better on my intake its just a slow process and when I'm starving and there is nothing here to eat a cup of Easy Mac is about my only savior from being hungry all night

    I kinda feel like a fatty next to him, he's tall and porportional (sp?) and I'm short and overweight..LOL I wanna look good next to him too!

    Getting his mom to do anything with me is like pulling teeth out of an alligator, she doesn't like me at all, and even told the boyfriend when we started dating that she doesn't understand why he'd wanna date someone like me that's overweight with tattoos. Best part is she is the same size as me she wears the same size pants and everything!

    She comes home from work sits on the couch watches tv and plays facebook games until its time for her to go to bed so she doesn't have the drive to do anything besides watch tv...she will sit on fb all day playing games without moving or eating...it's sad....

    It will be an all around better situation when we can move out. I was told I can move in as long as I help out, well helping out turned into I do everything and she sits in the house. I can at least do my own thing at my own place and be responsible for groceries etc on my own.