I've built my gym but have no motivation

Hi I've built a gym but have no motivation to get back in it and train regularly anymore I used to train for years and years but since my son was born I've lost the urge and now have a pot belly I was 4 stone heavier than I ever was I've managed to lose 2 stone but have 2 to go and started eating cap again has anybody got any inspiration for me get me out of this rut


  • FluffyAndFestive
    FluffyAndFestive Posts: 53 Member
    I don't know if this will help, but I'm a Daddy as well. My son is 5, and earlier this year I was pushing close to 300lbs. And a very very unhealthy body fat%. I would never want my son to know the unhealthy reprocussions from being that over weight or the judgement, stigma and self loathing attached to it. The best way we can teach our kids anything is by leading by example and having them see this at such a young age, even when we think they don't notice it or will remember it. I want to try and be healthy for myself and for my son. He's a motivation and inspiration. I hope this helps and regardless of what motivates you, whatever it is I hope you find it. All the best.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I hear ya! I love to exercise but it sure can be hard to get started some days.

    What helps me is having a window I know I will lose if I don't use. For example, if I don't get out and get some cardio at lunch time, I know I will be sleepy and kicking myself all afternoon. I now have a four day per week membership at the gym and go more than when I could go seven days per week.

    I imagine you have limited windows of time as well - can you just force yourself to start?
  • belfastbaby7
    belfastbaby7 Posts: 24 Member
    It's hard going man I work offshore and work like mad when am there but the food is crazy it's just there in every coffee break lunch break it's pizza pizza pizza I never used to have temptations like this so it's hard to not eat it problem is when I get home I'm so lazy now I just eat Chinese or Indian or burgerking I built a gym out the back fully loaded with the best machines it's a brilliant gym but now am by myself I just don't have the motivation anymore it's horrible I never used to be so lazy towards the gym
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Maybe post this question in the Fitness & Exercise forum? I think you will get more answers there.
  • bigsicklittlesick
    bigsicklittlesick Posts: 55 Member
    The same thing happened to me. I have an amazing home gym. I used to be in the best shape. Then I went back to school for 3 years and stopped completely. It's amazing how one can go from working out so much to not doing anything at all. I gained a lot of weight. I came back here for motivation. I find that keeping active in here and having active friends gives me more motivation to workout. I'm finally using my gym again. I think MFP really helps. :)
  • skittlesdt43
    skittlesdt43 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey man I work on a tow boat and I'm always surrounded by food lol. I've been having a hard time myself getting back on track. I always maintained a nice body figure till my child came along witch lead to eating when my wife did and allowing ourselves to fall. Well motivation is hard to come by when surrounded by good food and the guys on deck aren't much help. So I've been looking into intermediate fasting and started taking it on. My motivation is my family and that is what helps me want better for myself. So far I'm a week in changing my eating habits to allow me to get where I want to be and its pretty good. I am looking for more motivation and inspiration, from anyone who can relate to my lifestyle working out here having to be gone for so long. I hope I was some help man.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Maybe you need to get back in a gym, perhaps with a trainer for a few sessions, in order to get back the drive...it's one of those things that you have to get into for a few weeks / months to build back the drive and desire

    And also being a Daddy...use it...do you want your child to grow up with a father who can't keep up with him, who isn't able to kick a ball, run around, piggy back etc ...or do you want to be the most active, fun dad you can be

    Speak to the management / caterers on the offshore rig ...they should provide alternatives to pizza...in fact I bet they do

    Get your calorie intake under control ...get your *kitten* back in the gym ...it's hard but so what?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    It's gotta be in you. You can be inspired, encouraged, cheer on, etc., but unless you want to, all of that won't help.
    What's it going to take? You can't get time back, nor does thinking about it. You either want to do it or not.
    What I can tell you is that if you start small (maybe just one set per exercise) it's easier to get back into it that way, then to go 3-4 sets when you're out of shape.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
