roller coaster of losing and gaining

I work so hard to get to 129 and then I get back up to 135. This happens all the time for months and months now. I can't stand it. And I get depressed and stress over it and become obsessed to getting back to what I was. I feel fat in the 130s and completely fine if I'm in the 120s


  • ise311
    ise311 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey you're not alone. Having the same issue. From 60kg down to 52kg... Now back at 58kg. What I have done... :(
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    What are you doing to lose the weight? Are you hitting 129 and then stopping whatever it was you did to get there?
  • babygirlx3o
    babygirlx3o Posts: 118 Member
    No. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. But some days I just go over cause I crave something. Those days it's close to 2000 or a bit more.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I'm in the same range as you and currently at 125, at 1200 calories. If you eat 2000 calories you'll gain weight. Keep working on healthy food choices and portion sizes. Read the Maintenance boards on here, even if you aren't quite there yet. It's a big psychological change from losing to maintaining. It sounds like you're good at losing but not so good at maintaining-yet.

    One thing I do if I eat over is hop on my stationary bike for an hour and cut about 325 calories while I watch TV. It's a small amount but is good mentally and physically. I'm shooting for 120 but my goal for December was just to hold the line at 125. You can do this. Just work on making this a way of life change- not a diet.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    No. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. But some days I just go over cause I crave something. Those days it's close to 2000 or a bit more.

    I wonder if you may be eating more than you think once you get in the 120s. It's physically impossible for you to gain real weight if you're eating at a deficit. How do you determine the number of calories you're eating?

    Also, as someone who relied on the 1200 calorie thing for weight loss for as long as I can remember, I think you should eat more. You may not feel deprived with so few calories (I know I didn't!), but now that I eat more I can tell that I wasn't giving my body what it needed. Seriously I used to be so hardcore with trying to create a big deficit, but now I'm very against it. I think the more slowly a person loses weight, the more likely s/he is to keep it off. If eating more isn't an option, I'd just suggest making sure you're getting the nutrients you need.
  • babygirlx3o
    babygirlx3o Posts: 118 Member
    No. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. But some days I just go over cause I crave something. Those days it's close to 2000 or a bit more.

    I wonder if you may be eating more than you think once you get in the 120s. It's physically impossible for you to gain real weight if you're eating at a deficit. How do you determine the number of calories you're eating?

    Also, as someone who relied on the 1200 calorie thing for weight loss for as long as I can remember, I think you should eat more. You may not feel deprived with so few calories (I know I didn't!), but now that I eat more I can tell that I wasn't giving my body what it needed. Seriously I used to be so hardcore with trying to create a big deficit, but now I'm very against it. I think the more slowly a person loses weight, the more likely s/he is to keep it off. If eating more isn't an option, I'd just suggest making sure you're getting the nutrients you need.

    I use nutrition labels for calories. And in a matter of three years I went from 243 to 135 now. I've been in between 129 and 135 for a year now. My biggest problem is I eat even when I'm not hungry. I eat when I'm bored or tired or just craving something. Its like I'm always wanting to eat.
  • adawn1981
    adawn1981 Posts: 32 Member
    No. I try to eat 1200 calories a day. But some days I just go over cause I crave something. Those days it's close to 2000 or a bit more.

    I wonder if you may be eating more than you think once you get in the 120s. It's physically impossible for you to gain real weight if you're eating at a deficit. How do you determine the number of calories you're eating?

    Also, as someone who relied on the 1200 calorie thing for weight loss for as long as I can remember, I think you should eat more. You may not feel deprived with so few calories (I know I didn't!), but now that I eat more I can tell that I wasn't giving my body what it needed. Seriously I used to be so hardcore with trying to create a big deficit, but now I'm very against it. I think the more slowly a person loses weight, the more likely s/he is to keep it off. If eating more isn't an option, I'd just suggest making sure you're getting the nutrients you need.

    I use nutrition labels for calories. And in a matter of three years I went from 243 to 135 now. I've been in between 129 and 135 for a year now. My biggest problem is I eat even when I'm not hungry. I eat when I'm bored or tired or just craving something. Its like I'm always wanting to eat.

    I'm going through this too. I'm always going between 126 and 131. I always want to eat too :( friend me. Maybe we can motivate each other.

  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I use nutrition labels for calories. And in a matter of three years I went from 243 to 135 now. I've been in between 129 and 135 for a year now. My biggest problem is I eat even when I'm not hungry. I eat when I'm bored or tired or just craving something. Its like I'm always wanting to eat.

    You dropped nearly 100 lbs, awesome. Maintenance is its own challenge and motivation and dedication to not slipping back into old habits is tough. I also love to eat, and can easily devour 3000 calories in a day. The only thing that worked for me is to give myself a window of about 7lbs. If I ever reach the cap of that window, I dive back into logging with renewed vigor. I feel your pain, there are days where I can literally eat non-stop especially at night. The only thing that works for me is to eat like a bird all day, to save up for my late night binges! I just have to eat at night, my body craves food at that time.