Back again...again!

Hi Everyone,

So I'm not technically new, but I'm back after being a successful mfp-er a few years back.

Basically this app is GREAT and I lost almost 2 stone, then for some reason or another (I haven't been able to pin point it despite lots of brain wracking) I started binge eating in secret. At first only a few times, but now it's become almost daily.

I've been doing a bit of half arsed mfp-ing over the past couple of years, but now I'm determined to shift some weight. I did it before, I can do it again!

Friends on here are what keeps me going, so if anyone would like to join me along the journey, please send me a request!

Peace and love.

Katy xxx


  • a_new_life_2016
    a_new_life_2016 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Katy I'm in the same place as you, I've set up a new account after years of playing at it and failing, I'm hoping I can motivate myself in the coming year as I have a huge amount of weight to lose, good luck with your weight loss, always here if you need support xx
  • suebell
    suebell Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on the repeat offender list, too. Got to get it together!
  • a_new_life_2016
    a_new_life_2016 Posts: 17 Member
    Haha suebell I feel naughty now...
  • vtwoman
    vtwoman Posts: 13 Member
    I agree with you's so easy to slip and slide back into our old ways. I'm in the same boat!
  • aljones33
    aljones33 Posts: 8 Member
    Katy, I am with you! It has been hard for me to stay consistent and stick with tracking. I've started this time with very small goals and adding to them each week, so far so good!
    ITSKBHUN Posts: 7 Member
    Good to know I'm not the only one in this boat :). Adding you all! X
  • TaraRoyle
    TaraRoyle Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, reading through the posts, is like listening to myself. I used to be on MFP but for some reason (unknown) stopped coming on. Would be great to get and receive some support from new friends xxx
  • brown_eyed_girl13
    brown_eyed_girl13 Posts: 24 Member
    Im a repeat offender too! I did so well a few years ago, but lack of motivation, quitting smoking, and a couple of health scares have caused me to eat more and exercise less. I'm a stress eater, and I need the motivation and encouragement to change that.