Ladies over 50!



  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    Happy holidays all! Let's keep it together and keep in touch!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow, beautiful dogs, jb!

    How's everyone doing?

    I have been a little up in calories but feeling good about my choices. Up one pound which is not great but not bad either.

    Leaving tomorrow for a visit to my folks up north. I am a little worried cuz I have had trouble staying on plan up there in the past as well as getting back on plan on coming back so here is my strategy:

    I will do my darndest to stay on plan while gone and snack on things like carrots if I feel the urge to eat. I will no matter what keep track of all food. And no matter what be on plan when I get back.

    One thing that is a drag is that I pulled a muscle in my leg doing squats and can't really exercise so that is also slowing things down a bit. Hopefully all will be resolved soon!
  • Mfsdiet
    Mfsdiet Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 52, retired and looking to concentrate on learning to cook healthy meals as well as developing an exercise plan.... I would definitely like to try a yoga class... I'm not new to MFP but I would like to really utilize everything MFP has to offer i.e. the community support, the challenges etc... There are so many success stories out there... I'd like to have my own in 2016
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!

    Snowy, wishing you luck - I know from firsthand experience that it can be very difficult keeping our eating under control while visiting with family. Hoping your leg feels better soon, too.

    I need to make a few promises here. Resolutions, I guess they are.

    1) Start a stretching routine first thing every morning.
    2) Cut out wine on weeknights.
    3) Buy myself a little congratulatory non-food gift every time I lose a pound.
    4) Walk my dogs twice a day instead of once.

    Happy Monday!

    :) jb

  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I for one am thankful that the Christmas food is just about done. The one thing that is driving me crazy is the banoffee pie and homemade cinnamon rolls with orange frosting that I see ever time I open the refrigerator. Lord help me. I am thinking I might put the pie down the garbage disposal. I know my husband would just die if I did that to his cinnamon rolls. I just need to remember how hard I have worked to get to were I am. The fact that I am 2 pounds heavier when I got on the scale this morning is helping me get perspective. I know there is no way I really gained that much but still that's what the number read.

    So to get really on track I have already logged my food for the day and vow to stick to it!!!

    I hope everyone is slaying their own demons (food issues).

    Thanks for letting me vent.
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Quick update...... I liked my idea of putting the banoffee pie down the garbage disposal so that is just what I did. I kept telling myself that I can make this again if I choose and right now I choose not to eat it! Yeah me!!!!

    I also individually packaged up the cinnamon rolls and put them in the freezer. Done, done, done.
  • gdadki
    gdadki Posts: 64 Member
    Please add me I am 59 and ready to lose some weight !
  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member
    jb_2011 wrote: »
    Hope everyone had a nice Christmas!

    Snowy, wishing you luck - I know from firsthand experience that it can be very difficult keeping our eating under control while visiting with family. Hoping your leg feels better soon, too.

    I need to make a few promises here. Resolutions, I guess they are.

    1) Start a stretching routine first thing every morning.
    2) Cut out wine on weeknights.
    3) Buy myself a little congratulatory non-food gift every time I lose a pound.
    4) Walk my dogs twice a day instead of once.

    Happy Monday!

    :) jb

    thanks for the encouragement jb--it helps!!

    I like your resolutions, good job. Your dogs will be happy!

    Welcome jdadki!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Happy New Year! I'm up at my cabin in OR in deep snow. Let's keep in touch & start a fun thread together for the new year...
    I'm eating A LOT. I know because I still track. (I think I caught a little case of food poisoning earlier this month because I haven't felt like food is passing thru me normally + I actually lost a little bit more. Weird.) I have one last big festive dinner to pull together for my dad's visit on January 1 and then I will be eating the dietary version of the monk's proverbial hair shirt. And happily! This morning as I was making aebelskivers for my family I was looking longingly at the plain yogurt. I miss you plain yogurt! You're so... plain!
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    snow, I hope things aren't horribly stressful with your family now. I know how hard it is sometimes to return to good eating habits. We will be here for you.

    jb, what a good idea to walk your dogs twice a day! They will love it too. I hope you keep us updated on your non-food rewards.

    dia, good job on getting rid of that pie down the disposal. :smiley:

    scolaris, I bet it's REAL NICE being in your cabin in that snow. It was 85 degrees here today and I'm wishing for some cooler weather.

    I made it back to the gym today! I'm so happy about that. I had almost talked myself out of it while I was walking to the gym door. I love this gym too. I haven't had any family issues over the holiday because they are all about 1 1/2 hrs from here. I'm kinda glad these holidays are ending where we can get back to normal life. I gained a few lbs., but, I also weighed and it also has me more determined to get back on track.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    kar328 wrote: »
    Feel free to add me. I'm 51, 5"2 and currently 138.4 (probably a little more this week, I'm not currently speaking to my scale). I started at 248.

    Lol mine said some mean things to me the day after Christmas!

  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Check out You Tube Leslie Sansone walking DVD's. Low impact. Fun.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Nancy. I am 60. I have been at this since last February. I have been more successful on MfP then anything I have ever tried before. I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 130-135. I'm getting close to goal and the weight loss seems to be so slow now. I've also heard about gaining 4 plus when you start maintaining, so I will probably add 4 more to goal :( . On the bright side, I know this works! If I can survive New Years.... I enjoyed Christmas a lot!!!!!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited December 2015
    Today will be better. Today will be better. Today will be better. Chanting helps :smile:

    I'm still not quite ready to get 100% serious, I guess. But I'm not giving up! I made good progress yesterday with exercise and stretching, so that's a plus. Eating was perfect during the day but I took a plunge in to snackville at night. Not upset about it, just need to make a plan and leave room for something at night.

    Scolaris, how's the snow up there? Are you at Hood? I'm in Portland.

    Amy, great you made it to the gym! Feels good to get a good workout in.

    Snowy, how's your visit going? Eating ok?

    Welcome gdadki, mfsdiet, and Nancy.

    Dia, I don't like throwing food away, either, but there's something quite satisfying about tossing leftover sweets and pies and even ice cream down the garbage disposal. I've done it a few times!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I don't think I could ever throw pie away! I admire you!

    I'm just east of Ashland in the Cascades. So really just a little over the CA border as the crow flies... Very near Lake of the Woods if you know that place, an old timey resort from the teens and 20's. I love Portland. A favorite city. A former neighbor of mine makes beautiful hats & sells them in the Pearl District from a shop named Bonnet. It looks really cute!
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Hello to everyone new. Just catching up on my reading. Glad you have found us. More the merrier. Jump in and let us know more about yourselves. I for one am interested in who you are, why you joined MFP and you goals. I believe support is very important and benefits everyone.

    I will start.....

    I live in Maine and work in Massachusetts (near Boston). Thank goodness I am self employed and am able to set my own schedule. I am not sure I would like to drive the 1 1/2 hour (one way) everyday. I am a graduate gemologist and certified jewelry appraiser hence the screen name (dia_nruf = diamond in the rough).

    I have been on MFP for almost a year. I started in mid January 2015. I have been heavy most of my life and one day the light bulb switch on. I had had enough. I was done with being over weight. I have tried many times to lose weight and have done so but was never able to keep it off. I said to myself that if I was going to do this again I needed to change my eating habits and my whole thought process with food. I needed a game plan to lose the weight and most importantly a plan for maintenance after the weight is gone. I have been reading a lot about maintaining and believe I am ready to start. I have lost 63 pounds and am within spitting distance to goal. I started at 210lbs and my goal weight is 140lbs. I am 57 years old and am 5'4" tall.

    Yesterday I got back on the horse per say after the holiday eating and got my exercise in and logged all my food and was even under calories.

    Today it is snowing and later it is supposed to turn to freezing rain. Not sure about the walking I had planned for my exercise will be able to be accomplished. On to plan B.

    Planning my food and logging for the day so I don't have to think about it later when I am hungry and my will power is at its lowest.

    I look forward to hearing more about you and have a great day.

  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    dia_nruf wrote: »
    Hello to everyone new. Just catching up on my reading. Glad you have found us. More the merrier. Jump in and let us know more about yourselves. I for one am interested in who you are, why you joined MFP and you goals. I believe support is very important and benefits everyone.

    I will start.....

    I live in Maine and work in Massachusetts (near Boston). Thank goodness I am self employed and am able to set my own schedule. I am not sure I would like to drive the 1 1/2 hour (one way) everyday. I am a graduate gemologist and certified jewelry appraiser hence the screen name (dia_nruf = diamond in the rough).

    I have been on MFP for almost a year. I started in mid January 2015. I have been heavy most of my life and one day the light bulb switch on. I had had enough. I was done with being over weight. I have tried many times to lose weight and have done so but was never able to keep it off. I said to myself that if I was going to do this again I needed to change my eating habits and my whole thought process with food. I needed a game plan to lose the weight and most importantly a plan for maintenance after the weight is gone. I have been reading a lot about maintaining and believe I am ready to start. I have lost 63 pounds and am within spitting distance to goal. I started at 210lbs and my goal weight is 140lbs. I am 57 years old and am 5'4" tall.

    Yesterday I got back on the horse per say after the holiday eating and got my exercise in and logged all my food and was even under calories.

    Today it is snowing and later it is supposed to turn to freezing rain. Not sure about the walking I had planned for my exercise will be able to be accomplished. On to plan B.

    Planning my food and logging for the day so I don't have to think about it later when I am hungry and my will power is at its lowest.

    I look forward to hearing more about you and have a great day.


    Hi Beth! Sounds like you are doing great! (We haven't thrown all the junk food out yet, and I'm struggling to ignore it.). Ice coffee in the afternoon helps when I just need something to keep me going.

    I teach six graders here in North Carolina. I'm enjoying my break presently. My days are longer because I stay after to tutor, do Battle of the Books, and help my grandson get a jump on how.

    I try to get on the treadmill mornings before work since it's dark most days when I get home. At school, I walk a lot, so that helps.

    I hope your weather improves. Ours is insanely warm at the moment. We have also had tons of rain. Thanks for welcoming me to the group! I'm so excited to hear about everyone else!
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thanks Nancy for telling us about yourself. I find it much easier to connect with friends if I know a little bit about them.

    It sounds like you definitely get your exercise done at work and anything else is a bonus! I wish I had room for a treadmill as winter can be long up here. I am thinking of trying snow shoeing this year. Hubby is willing to give it a try so it is definitely on my list of things to keep me moving.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member

    Busy morning, not much time to write. Sunny and cold here, love seeing the blue sky for a change!! I'm going now to do my stretches, then will walk dogs with a friend later. Also have to wash walls - getting ready to paint the bathroom. Still deciding on colors!

    Wishing you all a good day.

    jb B)