What can be achieved in 6 months?

pjbr86 Posts: 6 Member

Out of curiosity, what can be achieved in 6 months? Pics very welcome! :)



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    depends on the person,their goals,how committed they are,how much work they put into it, possible health issues,etc. everyone is different. so what can be achieved in 6 months for one person.may take the next person a year or more. some it may be less.I dont have pics to share,but the first 6 months I worked out I lost like 18 lbs and many inches.possibly could have lost more had I been weighing and logging my food.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited December 2015
    Depends on where you're starting from. I dropped 70 lb in less than six months, but I was starting around 320. I also made significant cardiovascular and strength gains in that time.

    For someone with less to lose, 25-50 lb would be more likely.
  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    50 pounds isn't unreasonable, I would be happy with a 30 pound loss in 6 months.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    pjbr86 wrote: »

    Out of curiosity, what can be achieved in 6 months? Pics very welcome! :)


    The question isn't answerable because it depends on:
    1. What you want to achieve (gain or loss or general fitness)
    2. Where you are starting from
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    +1 to the idea that it's very individual, with starting weight (lots vs. little to lose) and sustainability (can you eat this way consistently over the long haul) as major variables. IMO, you want to use the weight loss process to learn new and healthier ways of eating forever, not just cut like crazy to lose (then regain, or drop out midway).

    I've lost 56 pounds since mid-April 2015. Female, 5'5", SW 183, CW 127, GW close (I'll know it when I feel it, probably 120-125-ish). And I'm old (60) and hypothyroid . . . but very consistent/persistent and analytic about the process.

    At the 6-month mark, I weighed 135.5 (47.5 pounds down), and was working to slow my loss rate from the initial 2 lbs/week down to 1lb/week then (now) 0.5lb or less per week.
  • smfh
    smfh Posts: 17 Member
    AnnPT77, Your starting weight, height and age are very close to me right now. Can you tell me what kind of eating you switched to? i.e. counting calories, ww, paleo? Thanks for any help. smfh
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    smfh wrote: »
    AnnPT77, Your starting weight, height and age are very close to me right now. Can you tell me what kind of eating you switched to? i.e. counting calories, ww, paleo? Thanks for any help. smfh

    Well, I don't want to hijack OP's thread onto this topic! I'll try to answer, but briefly.

    I didn't really switch my style of eating that much; I mostly just ate less.

    I followed the basic MFP-recommended routine: I set a weight loss goal, which implies a calorie goal, then stuck to it (most of the time; with occasional departures that I didn't stress about, on truly special occasions like my birthday). I weighed & logged foods, estimating (on the high side) when I had to (restaurants, food others prepared). If I went off plan one day or one meal, I just got back on. I ate back a good share of my exercise calories.

    I experimented to see what types of foods were the most satisfying/filling for me, and ate those. I experimented with relative meal sizes & timing (you know, 3 equal meals, vs. big breakfast, vs. 5 small meals etc.) to see what worked best for me, then ate that way. I don't see much point in saying how I eat *specifically*, because what works best for me might not work best for you (but you can friend me if you want to see my diary, or chat more).

    It's not necessarily always easy, but it seems pretty simple, to me.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    What can you achieve in 6 months? How hard are you willing & able to work at it?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    It is very individual.

    @rankinsect lost 70 lb with a start weight of 320 and is a young man.
    I lost about 15lb with a start weight of 130 and am an older woman.

    There is a basic recommendation for how much you should aim to lose per week of 1%-1.5% of your body weight per week depending on weight so you could extrapolate from that.
    MFP also has a recommendation, I think it is aim to lose .5lb a week for every 25 lb you are overweight ( someone please jump in here).

    Cheers, h.
  • BakerAcer
    BakerAcer Posts: 27 Member
    I'm a 5'6" female and lost 30 lbs in 6 months. SW 208 CW 178...have basically been maintaining for the last two months of that because I let myself slow down with several vacations, a wedding, and the holidays...so more is possible, but ready to get focused again! I will say my attitude has changed a lot over time and I'm not in as big a rush to hit my goal weight; it feels like it will happen eventually and I feel much healthier, which feels like a better goal than a specific weight.
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    Took me almost exactly 6 months to go from 165 to 132, which was slightly below my original goal. I've been maintaining through the holidays nicely now, despite all the buffets and family dinners (and totally indulging in them). So glad I devoted those 6 months to committed weight loss. Definitely doable, definitely worth it.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I went from 220#, (5foot 10 inch 60 year old male), to 190# from July 4 to December 29 (same year).
  • morgennn
    morgennn Posts: 169 Member
    Completely depends on the person, their weight, age, determination etc etc :)

    I started my weight loss journey on the 7th of November at 207lbs, I weighed in at 186.2 this morning, December 29th.

    20.8lbs down in less than two months, but for someone else this may take one, or it may take six.
  • kmleaf
    kmleaf Posts: 46 Member
    By now, you have heard that weight loss is subjective to many factors, so I will just say what I have lost. I lost about 70 lbs in the first 6 months. It's been 8 1/2 months now and I am down 88 lbs. I did this by faithfully logging my food. I have not begun any exercise program yet but I am certainly more active now that I can move without breaking into a sweat. I'm 5' 2", 59 yrs old and was close to 300 lbs when I started.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Figure you lose 1% of your body weight a week and multiply that by 24. Remember that's an approximation based on consistency though.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    More than you think.
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