What do you do when you’re on vacation?



  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I usually make sure we stay some where with a small gym and a pool so the kids can swim with dad and I can get in some workout time

    with 3 kids most of our vacations are planned around active kid type things anyway so I get a little of exercise and fun at the same time.

    I would love a vacation to relax, but who am I kidding, even if there weren't kids around, we would be doing something to see the place we chose to go and to stay active.

    I am sure you must be getting in some extra walking or activity somewhere.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    this is circling around in my head like crazy. I leave for Florida in a week and a half. My friend has bought all these restaurant.com coupons. argghhhh! two days will be ok...cause we'll be a theme parks. The sunday brunch...not sure how to deal with that one. LOL I'm going for maintenance at this point.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I've recently come back from a 2 week holiday where I eat and drank whatever I wanted, be that waffles with chocolate sauce dusted with icing sugar for breakfast or curry for dinner accompanied by beer.

    I haven't weighed myself (I don't bother these days) but the way my clothes fit and how I look tells me I probably haven't put on a thing.

    I think if you ridiculously binge on holiday then yeah it can be a bad thing. However, realistically you won't undo months of hard work in two weeks (specifically fat gain as opposed to water gain) if you are vaguely sensible. In addition, if you have been eating at a calorie deficit for a while then physically I think it is hard to gorge yourself everyday anyway. I found that I was like a kid in a sweet shop for the first few days but after that my eating fell away to normal levels and the only things I really wanted was an omelette, fresh veg and fruit!

    In addition, whilst I wasn't in the gym once I was generally far more active on holiday than I am at home weirdly. I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk here but over there I was swimming, walking and sweating (it was damn hot!) a lot more. This balanced out the additional eating at not being in the gym.

    Relax. Enjoy yourself. Make good choice the majority of the time. You'll be just fine.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I just got back from a 13 day florida vacation and I did both. I ate lots of things that I don't normally eat at home: Cheesecake, real ice cream, chocolate covered bananas, frozen yogurt, brownies, etc. This was our nightly big splurge. (Oh, did I mention at least 6 slices--over the course of our trip--of Giordanos stuffed pizza??) During the daytime, I ate big bowls of fresh fruit, yogurt, seafood, turkey sandwiches. I tracked everything on here as best I could from our condo. I also made sure I took 2-3 long walks on the beach every day and walked where ever else that I could (easy to do on vacation!). I skipped the gym because I would not have enjoyed it so I did what I liked..walking. I thought I'd probably gained a few pounds...but I actually lost a pound! I think that is the difference for me now...I've been working on this slowly for 2+ years and it is now a lifestyle. I know I have to balance my eating with exercise forever. I can still splurge (& I do!) but I earn it or work it off. If I had chosen to just go hog wild and stuff myself silly, I would have gained 5+ lbs that would take me (personally) 2 months to lose. I chose to be aware constantly of what I am eating, enjoy it...splurge, but I am willing to pay for it :)


    P.S. Weight watcher magazine just had an article this month about how walking on sand burns 50% more calories so if you are at the beach, take advantage of that!!!
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm trying to figure out the same thing right now! I'm going on vacation to visit my family in Texas in about 3 weeks...there's ALWAYS lots of food and drinks and laying by the pool...I plan on playing in the pool as much as possible and hopping on my parents treadmill to keep my workouts going; as for the food, if we're eating at their house I'll be more careful about what I eat, but when we go out I'll probably be bad. I know that's not the best plan but it's San Antonio and the food is SO good! If I go up a few, I'll have to reign it in when I get back. The most important thing for me to personally remember is portion sizes- it's so hard for me to break the habit of eating too much when I'm on vacay!
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    Leaving for vacation Friday Morning. Only a Weekend trip to Williamsburg Va. Plan to eat healthy all day, enjoy a nice dinner. Swim some laps at the hotel each night. Also will be getting in lots of walking at the amusement parks all day so I am sure there won't be a problem as long as I don't go overboard.

    I won't be checking in to MFP or weighing my foods but I will use good judgment.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I went to Florida for a week in April, took our laptop and still
    tracked exercise and food. Yes I was over but only gained
    two pounds, while my hubby gained five.
    I took yoga on the beach twice a week and walked the beach

    I still ate and drank alcohol but didn't go crazy and ate
    sensibly and we still had a good time and I also ate
    ice cream.

    You can do this will a little planning. :bigsmile:
  • hammersue1
    hammersue1 Posts: 96 Member
    I had my holidays in may and it was all inclusive so I had whatever I wanted. I managed to gain 6 pounds as well.
    Damn thing is I didnt get back onto losing weight and carried on as if I was still on all inclusive. Greed is such a bad thing. I know I am proof and have been for too many years (being a yo yo dieter). Not a good thing. Today I have now started back here and need a big kick up my backside to keep me at it. I have no willpower at all it went out the window one day and didnt come back.
    I sit and watch the tv programs about losing weight etc. how the hell do I sit and eat a oversized scone with margarine and jam on it while the program is on I know exactly what I am doing. I just cant stop sometimes. I have so many health risk factors. I do not want to loose my life sooner than need be. Can anyone tell me why I do it. What makes me do it when I know I need to be good and have been so many times. I loose it then gain it all the time. Its such a shame as I am so proud of myself once I get to it right.
    Any suggestions will be great. i do have hobbies I make cards and jewelery. so its not like I dont have things to keep me busy.
    Oh well I promised to start monday but didnt. so I have managed to start today. I just need to keep it up once again as last year did so well. Any help would be great moan over lol. Sorry went off the subject a little there lol
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    As far as the nutrition part goes, I enjoy my vacation and don't think about the scale, but in the back of my mind, I try not to overdo it at every meal. I went on a cruise in December and gained 1.5 pounds. I considered that a win. With all the food options I had, I was happy with that. I did exercise while on the ship though.... got my but out of bed 4 mornings and worked out, plus we walked a lot on the islands and did a zip line/obstacle course tour on one of the islands that was a great workout. Leaving for South Carolina this week and my plan is similar. Work out when I can, but enjoy some good meals, maybe even eat a dessert ot two along the way. My niece and nephew are 10 and 8 and will be with us, I am sure they will keep me active!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Hey! So with this I can help! I just got back from Florida yesterday. Today I stepped on the scale and I stayed the same weight.
    I had a 3 day car drive, 5 days at the Disney Parks and then 2 days on the road again.
    I didn't count calories, I ate healthy & not healthy foods, alcohol but lots of water.
    I walked 8-12 hours a day those 5 days plus went swimming.

    Enjoy, don't feel guilty and don't go crazy. Even if you gain a few lbs, you will lose them again!
  • nhgirl30
    nhgirl30 Posts: 52 Member
    I try to be conscious of my food choices on vacation. I normally get a lot of exercise on vacation with all the walking around so I don't worry too much about that. Overall I just enjoy my time away, face the scale when I get back and get back on track as soon as possible.
  • lezabee
    lezabee Posts: 2
    •Your fist is about the same size as one cup of fruit or pasta

    •Your thumb (tip to base) is the size of one ounce of meat or cheese

    •Your palm (minus fingers) equals three ounces of meat, fish, or poultry

    •Your cupped hand equals one to two ounces of nuts or pretzels
  • pittielover23
    I am not going to log while on vacation, but I am not going to go completely crazy either ;) We are going to Hawaii, and we are very active vacationers, so I wont be lounging around much lol Historically, I have actually lost weight on vacation because I am much less likely to snack since we are so busy doing things. No boredum = no mindless snacking. You best believe I am having me some Mai Tais though!

    Our hotel does not have a gym or anything, but we will be doing a lot of hiking and swimming ect, so I am not too worried.
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    First, I thought lifestyle change. Share a plate. This is forever & there will be many vacations. I like the food I eat now better than before so after I eat I usually feel good and accomplished. Find a way to move... run, walk, play in the water. It will all work out but I think throwing caution to the wind is not a good idea. Just saying, everyone see's it differently.

    Have a great time and most importantly relax
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    for me, I have fun, eat some naughty things, YET keep in mind that I'll be paying for it when I return to reality, and just go from there. And when I come back? I just don't weigh myself and pick up from where I left off! No blood, no foul.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I always lose weight on vacation. Mostly because I am more active. I say enjoy yourself, but don't go crazy on the diet and make it a point to get your water in.
  • busub
    busub Posts: 58
    Personally, I just eat. No counting, no fretting, just eat. Spent a week in Hawaii (my home state, so I ate everything I could that I can't get here in the mainland). But my tastes have changed for the better since starting my weightloss journey. Despite eating what I wanted, I've changed in that I crave more fresh foods rather than processed carbs. Lots of lean protein (c'mon, it was Hawaii, FISH), fresh fruit and veggies. I did not, repeat, did not, skimp on the beverages.

    I came home, expecting some damage and was happy to see it was only 3 lbs. However, prior to the vacation I was stuck in somewhat of a plateau. Since then (2 weeks ago), I've lost the excess 3 pounds, plus another 3. So there is a silver lining to it all.