Weight gain over Xmas

So diet has been going well. Had lost 4st (56lbs) since 1st April. And then put on 3lbs last week. Lied to my trainer and told him I wasn't fussed as enjoyed all the lovely food. Who was I kidding! Of course I mind! 3lbs gain in 1 week? Xmas or not, feel a bloody idiot! Wanna cry


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Many people gained over the holidays, myself included. Enjoying yourself for a couple days doesn't make you an idiot, it makes you human. The trick is to make sure you get right back to work when it's over. Besides, that can be considered a normal fluctuation for some. If it were 3 pounds of fat, you would've had to eat 10,500 calories over maintenance.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Get over it and move on.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It'll be mostly water weight. ..give it a week and then you can judge better a true gain.

    I'll step on scales in next few days but I'm not bothered - been maintaining my weight loss goal for 2 1/2 years, it's just a matter of getting back on track after special occasions which involve alot more food than usual...they're part of life :smile:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Lots of water weight. 3 pounds is nothing. It'll be gone before you know it! I probably gained about 7 (I was already in a surplus going into the holiday). Fun!
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    My 4 pound gain I know was water. Its been steadily going down since Xmas. I expect to see my last official weigh in weight tomorrow morning, if not even lower. I restricted myself to one day of not counting, and have stayed under my calorie goal since. There will be more food and drink new years eve, I'm doing extra workouts until then!
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    cookey71 wrote: »
    So diet has been going well. Had lost 4st (56lbs) since 1st April. And then put on 3lbs last week. Lied to my trainer and told him I wasn't fussed as enjoyed all the lovely food. Who was I kidding! Of course I mind! 3lbs gain in 1 week? Xmas or not, feel a bloody idiot! Wanna cry

    It's probably water weight. It was Christmas after all. It sounds like you are really doing great on your diet. Look at how far you have come! Just do what you have been doing and you will be right back on track!
  • cookey71
    cookey71 Posts: 12 Member
    Thx guys! I know I was probably making a fuss over nothing! This weight loss and getting fit and leading a new healthy lifestyle means so much to mean that I sometimes let things get to me more than I should! Will get over it
  • cookey71
    cookey71 Posts: 12 Member
    It'll be mostly water weight. ..give it a week and then you can judge better a true gain.

    I'll step on scales in next few days but I'm not bothered - been maintaining my weight loss goal for 2 1/2 years, it's just a matter of getting back on track after special occasions which involve alot more food than usual...they're part of life :smile:

    Wow! Well done on weight maintenance! That is brilliant!
  • Ioras88
    Ioras88 Posts: 57 Member
    edited December 2015
    I gained around 3 kg (about 6.6 lbs) over Christmas. Those delicious cookies! Man!
    I sure hope that most of that IS water weight. The last time I weight this much I didn't fit into the pants I'm currently wearing. It got a bit tighter but I still fit into them so there goes some hope, haha.

    Anyway, back to carefully weighing and logging everything (tbh I couldn't log cookies because they're self-made) and regular exercising.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @Ioras88 most of it will be water weight you'll be glad to know :smile:
    As for those cookies, if you made them, then use the MFP recipe builder and then you will know exactly how many calories are in each one - its better to know so you can limit yourself. I am a firm believer of knowledge being power :smile:

    @cookey71 Thanks :smile: <3
  • cookey71
    cookey71 Posts: 12 Member
    Ioras88 wrote: »
    I gained around 3 kg (about 6.6 lbs) over Christmas. Those delicious cookies! Man!
    I sure hope that most of that IS water weight. The last time I weight this much I didn't fit into the pants I'm currently wearing. It got a bit tighter but I still fit into them so there goes some hope, haha.

    Anyway, back to carefully weighing and logging everything (tbh I couldn't log cookies because they're self-made) and regular exercising.

    Cookies! Yum lol! Still, as you say, back to logging and weighing everything
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    10lbs+ over the last month right here - starting again and moving on ....
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    As of this morning I was up 10+ pounds over the last 5 days. I expect most of it to come off over the next few weeks.

    Don't worry about it. Times of feasting are a part of normal life.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    cookey71 wrote: »
    Thx guys! I know I was probably making a fuss over nothing! This weight loss and getting fit and leading a new healthy lifestyle means so much to mean that I sometimes let things get to me more than I should! Will get over it

    It's definitely a learning process. And for the record, today I was down almost 2.5 pounds from yesterday, so lots of water weight came off.
  • tabletmfp
    tabletmfp Posts: 53 Member
    I haven't been brave enough yet to go on the scales but fair play to those who have. I had 2 days of overeating. One day was very excessive and the next day not so bad. On Sunday I had 650 calories due to a hangover. On Monday I had 1000 calories. Today I had 650 calories. Tomorrow I will have 1200 calories and hopefully on Thursday 650. I will weigh in on Friday am. If the damage isn't too bad I might eat plenty that day, new years day. That's my plan. Good luck!
  • jpaulsims
    jpaulsims Posts: 43 Member
    I gained 7 lbs over Christmas, and planned for that. I knew I'd get back to my regular process this week that I've had a lot of success with over the last several months (lost 47 lbs so far). I felt no guilt about the holiday eating because I've proven to myself I can make progress towards my overall weight goal. I'm already down .8 lbs today so some of that gain was water weight. Anyway, I just encourage you to not sweat it and remember how far you've come and continue doing what's made you successful so far in losing the weight you've lost.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Listen OP - The majority of us 'gained' here and there over the past few weeks.

    I haven't weighed myself because I KNOW I have and I regret nothing. It is what it is. We are humans, not robots. Why on earth can't we enjoy christmas due to the fact that our bodies will simply retain a little water? Christmas comes round once a year. That's once a year that I can kick back and break bread with my family and not be so regimented and strict and 'on point'. You bet i'll get right back on track come January - but until then, I'm going to party like the rest of them and like hell am I going to feel bad for that.

    We'll all be right there with you getting back 'on the wagon' so to speak in 2016. I'll be raising my glass to a healthy, fighting fit new year.
  • cookey71
    cookey71 Posts: 12 Member
    Brilliant answers everyone! Thank you x and yes, Xmas is but once a year. Bring on 2016
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    im up 7 pounds

    New Years Eve is going to be a *kitten* show and its going to be funnn! I can't wait! not worried about the gain 2016 ill get right back into it

    enjoy yourself its ok
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    cookey71 wrote: »
    Thx guys! I know I was probably making a fuss over nothing! This weight loss and getting fit and leading a new healthy lifestyle means so much to mean that I sometimes let things get to me more than I should! Will get over it

    i would also suggest as a part of a healthier lifestyle that you cut yourself some slack from time to time. thinking you're going to be 100% on all of the time is unrealistic. there's always going to be stuff. i've been at this for over three years and i can tell you that i put on a good 8-10 Lbs every winter while still doing a lot of healthy stuff and eating well...but it's winter and cold and the days are shorter and i tend to just move a little less...in the grand scheme, it's not all that important and it comes right off as soon as things warm up and I start racking up the miles on the bike again.

    a few years ago, this really bothered me but i came to realize it's just a natural cycle for me so i don't let it get to me or "derail" me in anyway..as long as i'm cognizant of what's going on, it's no biggie. i'm basically 180 - 185 in the summer and 185 - 190 in the winter.