60lbs down but plateauing

Hey, looking for any tips. Back in Jan after hitting a peak of 355lbs I started to lose weight. Took to running 3+ times a week and improving the diet. It fizzled out a bit mid year with diet and exercise fluctuating, but then I got back on it and lost more. In all I lost around 60 lbs up to around oct. However then it just stopped. Since then I've been using a personal trainer a couple of times a week, diets been okayish, but even though a have a bit more muscle the weight just hasn't moved for 2 months. So, not quite sure why the weight isn't coming off, even if its just a couple of lb a month. Any ideas what's wrong?

Ive got all the apps and gadgets so I know calories aren't too bad and exercise is okayish too. Only thing I can think of myself is that I need to hammer the diet and exercise more, and really be strict and optimise. Have another 100lbs to lose, so its annoying I've already lost months to plateauing.


  • ultrahoon
    ultrahoon Posts: 467 Member
    If you aren't losing over two months while being consistent with your calorie intake and exercise regime, then the hard truth if you are no longer in a meaningful deficit. What calorie deficit per day are you currently running, and what means do you take to ensure that deficit is an accurate figure?
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 661 Member
    You need to cut more calories. If you have that much weight to lose still, it should be melting off if you have a significant deficit happening. You are most likely eating at maintenance. If you amp up the exercise you might just burn yourself out, but lowering your calories shouldn't hurt too much.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited December 2015
    Do you use a food scale to weigh and log everything you eat? I would start with that to see if you are truly eating the amount of calories you think you are. I cannot find the video comparing the two meals...if someone has that and could post it.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Do you use a food scale to weigh and log everything you eat? I would start with that to see if you are truly eating the amount of calories you think you are. I cannot find the video comparing the two meals...if someone has that and could post it.

    This. And have you adjusted your intake down as you've lost, since your body requires less calories now?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    My first impression is that you're estimating your calories in. (Words like okayish indicate that I think.)

    When you first started, at 355 pounds your body used more energy and you could probably have a reasonable deficit by just eye-balling portions and being more aware of your food choices. If that is no longer working, then its time to firm up your logging. A smaller body uses less energy, even if that body is still overweight. So use the MFP recommended calories for losing 1.5-2 pounds per week, log accurately and honestly (food scale for solids, cups for liquids), and see what happens over the next 4-8 weeks.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Congrats on your loss so far. Most plateaus are due to "calorie creep." Follow the advice above about how to tighten up your intake. You can do this!
    Sw 301
    CW 176
    GW 150
    18 months
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Another vote for tightening up your food logging. You don't need to be strict, so much as accurate.
  • KWalsh480
    KWalsh480 Posts: 1 Member
    I like the saying "you can't outrun a bad diet". Meaning that you probably aren't burning off as many calories as you think you are, and you're taking in more calories than you really need for weight loss.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    KWalsh480 wrote: »
    I like the saying "you can't outrun a bad diet". Meaning that you probably aren't burning off as many calories as you think you are, and you're taking in more calories than you really need for weight loss.

    that. it sounds like you are estimating your calories. as you lose weight, the weight loss slows and the calorie burn decreases for the same workouts.
  • ikeATtheGYM
    ikeATtheGYM Posts: 17 Member
    Calorie deficit is achieved by expending more energy and/or eating less/differently.

    Things that helped me, were to set my goals based on a 2000 calorie diet, even though based on my weight/height/activity, I have a BMR 2800 calorie maintenance. This means that until I get down to like 200lbs I will be at 400-800 calorie deficit just from dieting and then on some days I'm able to only eat 1500 calories, so even larger deficit. The only way I allow myself to eat more than 2000'calories is on days I do heavy training. And then I'll add about 500-600 calories per hour of heavy training(if weights, must be done HIIT, to get some cardio element)You will find that no matter what your individual numbers are, you will always be at a reasonable deficit.

    As for 1 specific eating tip that helps me. Those small bags of mixed vegetables(broccoli,cauliflower, carrots) are easily steamed in the microwave in 3 min and are about 70-100 calories for the whole bag, the trick is to find a sauce or dressing that you like and that is fairly low calorie, I like to use BBQ sauce or Trader joes cilantro dressing or TJs spicy Asian peanut vinaigrette. 2 tablespoons is enough for the veggies to be tasty but it only adds 40-80 calories. This is my go to side dish or even whole meal.

    ALSO, you will plateau! This is good and healthy and sometimes necessary, take the time to reevaluate your workout modes and intensity, adjust accordingly and then motivate yourself to increase your efforts to get to that next level of your goal.

    Remember it's never a straight path up to the peak, mountain roads always curve and switchback and plateau, but as long as you keep driving forward you will get to the peak!

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Re the veggies, I love balsamic vinegar. It just takes a few drops so almost no added cals but tons of flavor. Especially if you get a good brand.
  • ikeATtheGYM
    ikeATtheGYM Posts: 17 Member
    Oh yeah, if you can do some vinegar and some seasoning or hot sauce, that's hardly any calories and absolutely the better choice....but after your 400th serving you may want to have some other options, too...
  • Matthewpaver
    Matthewpaver Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry I haven't replied, the app never told me I had responses.

    I managed to get down a few more pounds lately, down to 289lbs (took 2 months to get from mid 290's to less than 290 with exercise and good eating. Odd!). In terms of comments about calorie intake, I've been tracking my life with this app and totalling around 1500 calories or less a day, consistently for the whole month, and have upped protein and down'd bad carbs. Also got a good running watch with HR monitor. Great for tracking steps, sleep and making sure I'm in the fat burning HR zones when exercising (forerunner 235).

    My weekly exercise routines roughly speaking are 2x 1 hr PT strength sessions, 2x 30 min turbo training sessions, 2x 30 min runs, 20 min dog walks nearly every day. So doing plenty, and to be honest the PT sessions leave me aching bad for days so my level of cardio is about manageable for now. I've noticed I'm getting a lot more muscle thanks to the PT, so accept the scales may not reduce rapidly given the swap of fat for muscle.

    The weight is coming off very slowly though, just hope it keeps going cos there's still 80lbs to go.
  • chulipa
    chulipa Posts: 650 Member
    Sorry I haven't replied, the app never told me I had responses.

    I managed to get down a few more pounds lately, down to 289lbs (took 2 months to get from mid 290's to less than 290 with exercise and good eating. Odd!). In terms of comments about calorie intake, I've been tracking my life with this app and totalling around 1500 calories or less a day, consistently for the whole month, and have upped protein and down'd bad carbs. Also got a good running watch with HR monitor. Great for tracking steps, sleep and making sure I'm in the fat burning HR zones when exercising (forerunner 235).

    My weekly exercise routines roughly speaking are 2x 1 hr PT strength sessions, 2x 30 min turbo training sessions, 2x 30 min runs, 20 min dog walks nearly every day. So doing plenty, and to be honest the PT sessions leave me aching bad for days so my level of cardio is about manageable for now. I've noticed I'm getting a lot more muscle thanks to the PT, so accept the scales may not reduce rapidly given the swap of fat for muscle.

    The weight is coming off very slowly though, just hope it keeps going cos there's still 80lbs to go.

    I understand where you are coming from i have been losing weight since August 2015 and have lost 70 lbs most came off fast and easy but the last 2 months its much slower a pound here and there and i started at 287 and now weigh 218 but it just doesnt want to come off and i only eat 1200 or less some days and exercise some. Wish i understood why it has slowed to maybe 2 or 3 pounds a month when i still need to lose 40 or 50 lbs more hope this post you have started helps us and anyone else who is struggling.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Congratulations on losing so much!
  • Matthewpaver
    Matthewpaver Posts: 9 Member
    Cheers. Managed to get to 285 the other day so it's still come off, just always wish it was quicker. 75lbs to go till the target now. Must admit i much prefer my lifestyle now to what it was, and don't seem to miss all the junk food or sitting around doing nothing for ages.
  • goingforahundred
    goingforahundred Posts: 590 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss!! Keep on truckin'. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    I know where you're coming from. I don't eat back exercise calories, and I've tried to hold mine at1 1200 calories as it was set for me. I have lost 70 lbs since last February, but it started to really slow down at the end of the summer, and now...I'm desperately trying to lose those last 6 lbs.... I don't lose anything some weeks and it's tough when you feel like you are doing what feels right. I'm not going to give up on my goal but I do wonder if I'll ever get there.
  • Matthewpaver
    Matthewpaver Posts: 9 Member
    swim777 wrote: »
    I know where you're coming from. I don't eat back exercise calories, and I've tried to hold mine at1 1200 calories as it was set for me. I have lost 70 lbs since last February, but it started to really slow down at the end of the summer, and now...I'm desperately trying to lose those last 6 lbs.... I don't lose anything some weeks and it's tough when you feel like you are doing what feels right. I'm not going to give up on my goal but I do wonder if I'll ever get there.

    Hang in there. My weight stayed at 295lbs for over a month for no apparent reason, and then all of a sudden I lose 10lbs in 2-3 weeks. Just keep the exercise up and try to swap out more carbs for protein I guess.