Where my tall girls at?



  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Well there's his problem. I've found some shorter men just can't handle being around taller women and feel superior by using our insecurities against us.
    As my coffee cup says 'KEEP SMILING it makes people wonder what you're up to' :)
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    merbear787 wrote: »
    merbear787 wrote: »
    I'm 5'10" and currently 176. I have a goal weight of 140 which would be healthy for me as I have a small to medium frame. I am feeling very upset though as a co-worker (male) offers to buy the office lunch frequently and when I told him I was being healthy and packed my healthy lunch, he made fun of me in front of the entire office saying I wanted to be at "101 lbs." I know I would be healthier if I lost some weight. Anyone know how to deal with this kind of person?

    This may not be kind, and depending on your office space, use sparingly, but with guys that made rude comments, I go straight for short d*ck innuendo. Like,

    "Geez, Mike, not ALL of us are trying to overcompensate for our obvious shortcomings." With a real pointed look at him up and down. It works really well if it's a short guy (considering you're 5'10"). If he's a tall guy, then focus on the lower half.

    Short d*ick references are pretty much guy kryptonite, but you've got to have the moxy to pull it off.

    Haha this made me feel much better :) I don't think it would fly at the office, but helps me laugh it off. Ps - he is probably 5'5" at most

    That's even better, just make fun of his height then.

  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm almost 37, 5'11, and currently weigh about 152. I've been between 147 & 153 for about 3 years now. I wear a 6/8 pants, 4/6 dress. At my largest, 193, I wore a 14 TIGHTLY. The reason I started losing was because I refused to buy 16's.

    I have an hour glass shape with larger than average boobs (32DDD size bra). Most of my tops are mediums and sometimes I need a small.

    Everyone is pretty used to me being this size so I never get "wow, you are small" comments, but while I was losing I got a ton of "when will you stop?". And really, that's my decision.

    I really like where I am. Could I afford to tighten some things up? Sure. Could I afford to lose some more and be in the 140's? Sure. But all in all, I feel good.

    Your goal is TOTALLY reasonable, please don't let people talk you out of it. I guarentee you'll feel so much better.
  • saucesofit
    saucesofit Posts: 16 Member
    I am 5'11 and a competitive bodybuilder. At my heaviest (and highest bodyfat) I was about 170. Over the past four years of adding muscle my weight has fluctuated a bit as I've gone through bulking and leaning phases and made it a goal to increase muscle. In my profile picture I am around 140lb, but at a very low body fat; it's not one I sustain year round.

    Currently I sit at about 155 and 15% body fat during my off-season and a bit over 140 and under 10% on stage. I find that each time I lean out for a competition I tend to weigh a bit more, but have a bit better visual composition.

    As far as lifting is concerned, I agree that it's not as easy for taller girls. I mean this both in regards to the mechanics of some lifts (like squats) and to the visual increase of muscle. I generally attest the later to having longer muscle bellies. Basically we ARE building muscle it's just not as compact so the growth is less noticeable.

    I think I am most happy with my overall look (and strength) at about 148. When I get to my leanest stages I don't feel as powerful in the gym.
  • Yemisi1994
    Yemisi1994 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 196lb I want to get down to 150 in 3 months!
    I did the insanity programe over the summer holiday and lost 15lb I want to start doing it again today!
    Kinda new to this add me fellow tall girls so we can motivate each other :) x
  • ramepithecus
    ramepithecus Posts: 40 Member
    Since you said that you had long legs, I'm betting you have similar issues that I did. What worked for me was really widening my stance and making sure my knees followed my toes as I squatted (they came in more which was due to the tight groin muscles). I also warmed up with goblet squats (and still do). There was a great youtube video that helped me out, but I can't remember the guy's name now. I'll see if I can find it and post it for you.

    Lindsey - everything you wrote was helpful/great advice and I think that video will help too. I was completely unable to do squats with a 'normal' stance but couldn't tell if going very wide (which felt more comfortable) was bad. Thanks :)
  • frankiesgirlie
    frankiesgirlie Posts: 669 Member
    cmtigger wrote: »
    jpoppx wrote: »
    So, it's hard to compare my weight to other girls.. I'm 5"11 and 220 pounds, so I'm struggling with settling on what my goal weight should be. I'm currently wearing a size 14, while I know others around my same weight range larger. I can't be unrealistic, and when I tell people that I want to lose 70 pounds I often get a disgusted reaction, because apparently I don't look like I have that much weight to lose, but according to the scale I do. Would love some input from some ladies on the same boat as me!

    I'm 5'10" and started at 170. I'm 163 now, wearing a 12-14 depending on the garment. I really don't tell anyone that I'm working on loosing weight, though they might understand because I've had two hip surgeries in the last two years, so I put on weight. I'm just aiming for 145-150.

    I'm 5' 9". I have a small frame as I wear a size 7 1/2 shoe and have smaller wrists and thinner fingers than my 5'3" sister in laws who look TINY.
    I've been as high as 163, but looked overweight with stomach bulge. I carry any extra weight in my stomach only, so it stands out. I feel my best at 140. Came on MFP at 152. Now am at 144. I feel great right now, just want to lose the last 4 lbs to give myself some "play" and make my target weight forever 140-144. I wear a size 6 except for some pants are an 8 cause I do have a booty. You have to decide what weight works for you and makes you feel good and NOT go by others opinions. I come from a family of overweight women and they constantly tell me with side ways looks, eye rolls, and sometimes out & out rudeness that I'm too thin. I consider the source.
  • ro_vanou
    ro_vanou Posts: 13 Member
    5'9 and 180lbs. I started at 220lbs after my pregnancy. I want to get down to 145lbs...I haven't been that weight since I was 18. Oh boy I can't believe it was almost 10 years ago
  • ro_vanou
    ro_vanou Posts: 13 Member
    Yemisi1994 wrote: »
    I'm 5'9 and 196lb I want to get down to 150 in 3 months!
    I did the insanity programe over the summer holiday and lost 15lb I want to start doing it again today!
    Kinda new to this add me fellow tall girls so we can motivate each other :) x

    Good luck! I'm 5'9 too :)
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    cmtigger wrote: »
    jpoppx wrote: »
    So, it's hard to compare my weight to other girls.. I'm 5"11 and 220 pounds, so I'm struggling with settling on what my goal weight should be. I'm currently wearing a size 14, while I know others around my same weight range larger. I can't be unrealistic, and when I tell people that I want to lose 70 pounds I often get a disgusted reaction, because apparently I don't look like I have that much weight to lose, but according to the scale I do. Would love some input from some ladies on the same boat as me!

    I'm 5'10" and started at 170. I'm 163 now, wearing a 12-14 depending on the garment. I really don't tell anyone that I'm working on loosing weight, though they might understand because I've had two hip surgeries in the last two years, so I put on weight. I'm just aiming for 145-150.

    I'm 5' 9". I have a small frame as I wear a size 7 1/2 shoe and have smaller wrists and thinner fingers than my 5'3" sister in laws who look TINY.
    I've been as high as 163, but looked overweight with stomach bulge. I carry any extra weight in my stomach only, so it stands out. I feel my best at 140. Came on MFP at 152. Now am at 144. I feel great right now, just want to lose the last 4 lbs to give myself some "play" and make my target weight forever 140-144. I wear a size 6 except for some pants are an 8 cause I do have a booty. You have to decide what weight works for you and makes you feel good and NOT go by others opinions. I come from a family of overweight women and they constantly tell me with side ways looks, eye rolls, and sometimes out & out rudeness that I'm too thin. I consider the source.
    My family makes a lot of rude comments about "fat" and "obese." They even made rude comments about my grandma gaining weight in her 90's. I pointed out that most 90 year olds aren't in good enough health to gain weight.

    But I'm in little contact with them due to many things, so this is for me. I prefer my body between 145-150, and I worry that I will do damage to my hips if I continue gaining.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited November 2015
    Since you said that you had long legs, I'm betting you have similar issues that I did. What worked for me was really widening my stance and making sure my knees followed my toes as I squatted (they came in more which was due to the tight groin muscles). I also warmed up with goblet squats (and still do). There was a great youtube video that helped me out, but I can't remember the guy's name now. I'll see if I can find it and post it for you.

    Lindsey - everything you wrote was helpful/great advice and I think that video will help too. I was completely unable to do squats with a 'normal' stance but couldn't tell if going very wide (which felt more comfortable) was bad. Thanks :)

    Glad it helped. I struggled with that too, and after looking into it more, it seemed to be in the only solution I could find. It seemed like most squat advice was not from long legged people with short torsos (like me). But when I finally found some, that was the solution they used. Given the body mechanics, I'm not sure anything else is possible with the angles between legs, hips and torso. I'd also throw in there that to feel like you're plie-ing or some will say rotating your feet outward on the floor (but they don't actually move ) really activates the posterior chain and keeps your knees out, which is key.
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I'm 5'11 and my goal is ~165#. But, goals are fluid and can always change :) I haven't been below 180# for about 6 years, so I can't really picture myself like that anymore. I mostly just want to feel sexy in and out of my clothes again!
  • SunflowerCutie
    SunflowerCutie Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'8/5'9 and I currently weigh about 204 pounds. I would like a medium but sometimes large this depends on the clothing. That I have skinny wrists and ankles. I was 191 pounds like 2 years ago and I was so close to being 189 pounds but when one of my close friends passed away last year I got so depressed that I gain the weight back and I went back to 217 pounds. I'm still working on it but I'm not giving up even though when people try to sabotage me or try to tell me I don't need to lose no more weight but I don't care what they say. I wanted to try to get down to at least 170 or 160 depends where I look good at, but the most important thing is I want to be healthy.
  • lapetiteguimauve
    lapetiteguimauve Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'9'', not as tall as some of you here. I started at 213 lbs in Feb and I used to wear size 14 at the time. Lost 65 lbs so far and right now I wear a size 4. My goal weight is 130 and right now I weigh 158 lbs. I came home for the holidays and my family's freaking out over me wanting to lose another 25+ pounds, but I want to lose the fat and hopefully gain some muscle.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm 5'8 ..so short comparatively :)

    But my target weight range ...and where I've been for the last year in maintenance is 158-160lbs

    It depends on your frame, musculature, genetics where your scale weight range fits best

    Don't buy into an arbitrary scale number but use measurements, clothes, how you look, how fit you are to feed back into it. Use your own body aesthetic to determine your end goal weight range and not a weight you were in your teens

    I personally like to look shapely, soft but strong ...I wear a size 6 (UK 10) at this weight
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Yemisi1994 wrote: »
    I'm 5'9 and 196lb I want to get down to 150 in 3 months!
    I did the insanity programe over the summer holiday and lost 15lb I want to start doing it again today!
    Kinda new to this add me fellow tall girls so we can motivate each other :) x

    46lbs in 3 months is inadvisable and really not achievable ..losing over 3.5lbs a week is detrimental to health and body composition. Be realistic in your goals ...a good rule of thumb is around 1% of body weight and slowing down as you get nearer to goal so that the change to maintenance is less traumatic.

  • Ladiebug710
    Ladiebug710 Posts: 133 Member
    I think your goal is very reasonable. I'm 5'10" and currently 220. I'm in a 16 now and can fit some 14s. My goal is 165. Last time I was there I was a 10/12 and definitely not thin
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm 5'10. Right now I am 180ish but I just had a baby a month ago. Normally I am around 150 and a size 6. Right now I'm in size 10. (I think, I have a pair of size 8 jeans that are a little too small)

    I think I look fine right now, however I don't fit into any of my clothes so I really need to lose the extra 30 lbs
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I'm 5'9" and currently 150 pounds and size 9. I think 5'11" and 150 would be fine. Us tall girls get to wear our weight well. It's wonderful.
  • emmadeutschmann
    emmadeutschmann Posts: 4 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm 5'10 and started out at 225. My goal was to lose 75 lbs and I hit that, and I managed to drop 10 more! 70 is totally reasonable, just go slow and steady, and you'll definitely see results. Best of luck to you!