Weight gain over Xmas



  • cookey71
    cookey71 Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2015
    salembambi wrote: »
    im up 7 pounds

    New Years Eve is going to be a *kitten* show and its going to be funnn! I can't wait! not worried about the gain 2016 ill get right back into it

    enjoy yourself its ok

    You're absolutely right! 2016, back on track!thanks x
  • cookey71
    cookey71 Posts: 12 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cookey71 wrote: »
    Thx guys! I know I was probably making a fuss over nothing! This weight loss and getting fit and leading a new healthy lifestyle means so much to mean that I sometimes let things get to me more than I should! Will get over it

    i would also suggest as a part of a healthier lifestyle that you cut yourself some slack from time to time. thinking you're going to be 100% on all of the time is unrealistic. there's always going to be stuff. i've been at this for over three years and i can tell you that i put on a good 8-10 Lbs every winter while still doing a lot of healthy stuff and eating well...but it's winter and cold and the days are shorter and i tend to just move a little less...in the grand scheme, it's not all that important and it comes right off as soon as things warm up and I start racking up the miles on the bike again.

    a few years ago, this really bothered me but i came to realize it's just a natural cycle for me so i don't let it get to me or "derail" me in anyway..as long as i'm cognizant of what's going on, it's no biggie. i'm basically 180 - 185 in the summer and 185 - 190 in the winter.

    Thank you for reminding me to cut myself some slack! You're right!
    Love the fact that you are no longer bothered with your Winter weight gain and know it is just part of you! Inspirational! Thank you x
  • tinger12
    tinger12 Posts: 62 Member
    For those who say you gained over the few days of Xmas, just remember a pound is approximately 3500 calories. That's 500 per day for one pound. For 4 pounds did you really eat an extra 14000 calories over the week of Xmas? That's an extra 2000 calories each day for one week.

    Looking at it another way. That's about two pints of Ben and Jerry's vanilla ice cream every day on top of your regular daily calories. Or 15-20 small cookies every day. Or 3.5 black forest ham footlong subway sandwiches ( with no cheese or mayo, etc.). Every day!

    I imagine most may have gained a pound of a pound and a half with most being water retention.

    Don't sweat those single or short term indulgences.
  • Bex_hostie
    Bex_hostie Posts: 52 Member
    I'm usually strict and very honest with myself - but Christmas is Christmas, I put in a blanket calorie count & enjoyed the special days, I went home to my family & I very rarely get to see them so I enjoyed good food, good wine & company. If I put a Couple of pounds on that's fine, everyone does at Xmas - and you've already proven to yourself you're capable of losing weight so it's a tiny weeny bump in a long road. And it was for a good reason :) don't beat yourself up! 4th Jan is my first day back at home so that's my 'start date' to truly get back on it... & I won't weigh myself until week after that which gives the water retention etc time to go. You're doing just fine
  • meglet2202
    meglet2202 Posts: 35 Member
    I can't believe it. I've been sort of eating crazy since December 18th. Lots of cookies, candy, way too much. Last night I pre-blogged all of my food, determined to get myself back on track. Most of the holiday food is gone. I've been 2-4 pounds up, but this morning, I was back at my weight from the 17th? How did that happen, I haven't been eating at a deficit AT ALL.
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    I am feeling stout. I shouldn't be, because I have logged everything and offset ci with co, so I should be at status quo. I am a bit scared to get on the scales to check. I think I'll wait till the day before term starts; discipline is much easier in term time.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I finally got on the scale. Up 6 pounds in 12 days when I should only be up about 2 or a little less. I haven't weighed this since over a year ago
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    Everyone seems to be saying water retention through sodium and carbs. Hoping so.
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    I broke. 4 pounds up, and I still have Sunday lunch with old uni friends to go. It can't be fat, though; I have been very controlled.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Carnhot wrote: »
    Everyone seems to be saying water retention through sodium and carbs. Hoping so.

    Yep. I'm already two pounds down from yesterday. I know I gained 1 or 2 real pounds though as well. But I really eat a lot.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I gained 8 lbs, roughly. In 1 week. I was down 4 lbs this morning but I expect most of the rest is real. I ate a heck of a lot of sugar cookies and fudge (both all gone now). Can't get much more concentrated calories than homemade chocolate fudge.

    I'll try to eat a slightly larger deficit for the next few weeks to make up for it. If not, I guess I just lose a bit slower than I'd planned. At least I'm not likely to binge like that again until next year!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I gained 8 lbs, roughly. In 1 week. I was down 4 lbs this morning but I expect most of the rest is real. I ate a heck of a lot of sugar cookies and fudge (both all gone now). Can't get much more concentrated calories than homemade chocolate fudge.

    I'll try to eat a slightly larger deficit for the next few weeks to make up for it. If not, I guess I just lose a bit slower than I'd planned. At least I'm not likely to binge like that again until next year!

    Nice outlook! Hope you enjoyed :)
  • Carnhot
    Carnhot Posts: 367 Member
    Agreed. No point in life without joy, and comestibles are a source of joy. The gym is seeing a lot of me at the moment, given the weather here, to work it off.
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    I was up 13 lbs in 4 days! It was definitely (mostly) water weight for me. I've already lost 7 lbs after 2 days of getting back on track. I don't feel guilty at all because I enjoyed my holidays and I know how to get back.

    If you're like me and eat healthy most of the time, you can enjoy yourself on those few times of the year you splurge. And do it without guilt!

    Happy New Year!