What stupid things did you do this year?

-I brought a vivofit pedometer and didn't wear it most of the time
-Went to the gym, worked hard for an hour then somehow ended up at the drive through several times
-Binged on boxes of salt and vinegar rice crackers two or three times a week
-Didn't scan any food items into myfitnesspal because the thought never crossed my mind
-Ate beyond what I burnt off with exercise (and there was a lot of exercise)
-Made my weightloss goals too ambitious
-Let other people manipulate me into eating bad food that I did not want
-Refused to log binges. The day I started doing that was such a relief, I realized many of my binges weren't as damaging as I thought.
-Substituted potato for sweet potato/kumara but ended up eating three times as much because I thought there were way less calories.
-Got a meal plan from a nutritionist and was confused by her listed ''four rashers'' of bacon for breakfast and ended up eating four pieces. Luckily I only did that once.
-Tried to make losing weight as painful, hard, and unhappy as possible
-Didn't replace emotional eating, binging or eating for pleasure/comfort with something else, and ended up getting very depressed and confused.
-Thought corn was a low calorie option and ate a lot of it, before checking how many calories it was.
-Didn't save messages people sent me so they got wiped off my account, and they had really great advice :-(
-Didn't write down useful information I found on the forums
-Didn't log in most days
-Tracked my actual exercise times on the website so was given too many calories to play with
-Ate way too much salt
-Didn't get enough sleep (ironically, I am writing this at 2:30am)

Hopefully by acknowledging these things, I won't do them in 2016. What were your stuff-ups?


  • Potter_Nerd07
    Potter_Nerd07 Posts: 27 Member
    - Stopped going to the gym after I failed to complete a spin class because I was too embarrassed
    - Buying God knows how many takeaways because I couldn't be bothered to cook
    - Stopped logging on MFP
    - Didn't get enough sleep
    - Didn't look after myself properly whilst doing rehearsal for two different shows causing me to start burning out.
    - Stopped cycling
    - Too much salt
    - Drank too much pop and crap and not enough water.
    - I'd go into the shop for one thing and I'd come out with chocolate, crisps, cake, sweets and cheese
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    Luckily, I still lost about 15 kilos, but I could have done much better.
  • CurvesCreations22
    CurvesCreations22 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Till July thought I was lifting heavy weights and thought cardio was everything to reduce my weight! I learned so much.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    - Stopped going to the gym after I failed to complete a spin class because I was too embarrassed
    - Buying God knows how many takeaways because I couldn't be bothered to cook
    - Stopped logging on MFP
    - Didn't get enough sleep
    - Didn't look after myself properly whilst doing rehearsal for two different shows causing me to start burning out.
    - Stopped cycling
    - Too much salt
    - Drank too much pop and crap and not enough water.
    - I'd go into the shop for one thing and I'd come out with chocolate, crisps, cake, sweets and cheese

    Do you still do those things now?
    Newarski22 wrote: »
    Till July thought I was lifting heavy weights and thought cardio was everything to reduce my weight! I learned so much.

    What have you changed since then?
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Didn't change orthopedists when I felt I was not able to communicate with him. Then was not diagnosed correctly due to his laziness in checking out an x-ray and ended up walking around with a broken hip bone for 3 months.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    -Drank too much soda
    -Didn't drink enough water
    -Let people bully me
    -Didn't sign into myfitnesspal everyday
    -Didn't go to the gym between personal training session
    -Stopped doing 10,000 steps a day after losing a certain amount of weight
  • Ifitfits
    Ifitfits Posts: 46 Member
    Gained 40 pounds

    Thats about the dumbest thing i did all year
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    Ifitfits wrote: »
    Gained 40 pounds

    Thats about the dumbest thing i did all year

    Haha fair enough
  • CubicalF13
    CubicalF13 Posts: 263 Member
    edited December 2015
    -Was losing weight at a snails pace and wondering why so slow. On further review, realised had been eating back most of my exercise calories. Stopped doing that, weight started melting off faster.

    - Bought a digital scale to replace old scale. Old scale was displaying wrong weight by -5 kg. GAH! Feels like im starting over again.
  • beautifulsparkles
    beautifulsparkles Posts: 314 Member
    CubicalF13 wrote: »
    -Was losing weight at a snails pace and wondering why so slow. On further review, realised had been eating back most of my exercise calories. Stopped doing that, weight started melting off faster.

    I did that too. Seems like I am less likely to overeat if I do less cardio.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Came back to the forums
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    Lost 66 lbs then got pregnant!

    Okay so at 8 and 1/2 months I am starting to get excited about it and VERY excited to be able to workout and make myself so proud of the hard work I put in.

    By Christmas of 2016 I just might have enough confidence to post a full body picture on here!
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    Came back to the forums

    ^^^ this

    oh wait...is this just about health & fitness stuff?
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    Went about 2 months without logging my food - that did not work out well for me.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I don't think food or exercise decisions would even crack the top 50 of my stupid things list.
  • JessicaJS23
    JessicaJS23 Posts: 1,863 Member
    Stopped taking phen phen :(
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited December 2015
    Fell for some BS!
    I'm old enough to know better! :tired_face:

    Fell out of my routine and gained some of my weight back! :confounded:
  • WMDemetree
    WMDemetree Posts: 3,923 Member
    go on.. we're listening.
  • sw33tp3a15
    sw33tp3a15 Posts: 1,674 Member
    edited December 2015
    I ate way too many chocolate chip cookies and some other minimal stuff that's not worth sharing. But those cookies though, they killed me....