Newbie here and FED UP!!!!



  • Jreneewright
    be careful of stress and dont let it push you back to comfort eating... ( something i struggle with)
    log everything! even if you go over your calories. it makes you accountable and it will help!!

    keep your head up and just remember we are all on this path with you!! here for you if you need support!!
  • gambit_1
    gambit_1 Posts: 1
    It has been my experience in the gym that one of the best cardio exercises is simply using an eliptical machine. It is literally no impact and works your legs, glutes, and arms.
  • javaruck
    javaruck Posts: 47 Member
    This is a great site with terrific people. I'm new to myfitnesspal but I used a similar site and dropped 65 LBS going from barely able to walk to the end of the block to now participating in triathlons and marathons.

    I'm now trying to drop even more weight on account of some new health issues but feel like this site will provide the tools and support to succeed. All the best to you as you start your journey.
  • mallory2215
    You can do this!!!! And you are at the right place for encouragement and support. The biggest advice I can give you that is working for me is being honest with yourself. It doesn’t cheat anyone but yourself to not report everything you eat!

    Tips that have helped me and might help you:
    Make an attainable work out goal ( 3 times a week, 30 min a day). Food is only 1/2 of the puzzle.
    Get a work out partner. someone who will push you and hold you accountable and most of all make it fun for you.
    Set goals ( which you have already done they look awesome)
    Drink water - most of the time you are hungry you are actually thirsty- if you can drink and entire glass of water or water bottle before you eat and see if you are still hungry.

    Good luck on your journey! Just remember you can do this and your body will do whatever your mind tells it too! Feel free to add me and you are going to do awesome!!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Joining up here is a great first step. Get onto this and stick with it, I'm not going to lie to you, things are pretty grim starting off but wait until you see those first few pounds drop off - you'll feel so much better!!! Good luck!!! xx
  • jaycurran
    jaycurran Posts: 25
    Hey, you've definately come to the right place. I'm pretty new here too but everyone is so supportive and helpfull :) You can do it! :)
  • curvycreation
    curvycreation Posts: 19 Member
    The only thing I have to say is dieting is hard work!! It's not easy, but with this site you are not alone! ;)
  • HSmamato4
    HSmamato4 Posts: 70
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone!!! You all are very inspiring!
  • candis30
    candis30 Posts: 17
    Good for you!! You can do it! Add me as your friend and we can help each other. You'll be running up & down the steps like Rocky in no time!!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I'm glad you came here. I have been here for 10 days and these are wonderful people full of support and encouragement. I've been doing well and I'm sure you will too.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    You're in the right place then.
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    My best advice: don't ever give up. It's going to be a tough journey and the changes you make might seem overwhelming (or even impossible) at some points, but do what you can, and keep going. Just don't slip away!

    AND scroll through the success stories whenever you are feeling like you can't get to the end! So many people have completed their weightloss journeys and so can you! I love reading the success stories. All of them are inspiring, and some of them are just off the charts amazing and unbelievable! It's a great tool for motivation. Good luck to you!

    "A year from now, you'll wish you had started today."
    (just a lil quote that's been keeping me going lately!)