New Years Resolutions?

2015 is coming to an end and it's only a few days till a New Year. I thought it would be great to hear ....
Your top 5 (or however many you want) things thats happened over the year (whether weight loss or anything else) and...
Your top 5 (or more or less) resolutions/goals for 2016?
Heres mine -
Top 5 2015 memories -
1. lost an overall 8lbs
2. Got back into dog walking
3. Found exercise that suit my life without triggering seizures (mainly yoga)
4. My diet is only just (apart from christmas) starting to be healthier
5. I discovered I really enjoy cooking and baking (however I need to learn on how to control eating everything I bake, I'm a cake lover


  • iona_ellen
    iona_ellen Posts: 138 Member
    Top 5 resolutions/goals -
    1. Lose 2 stone
    2. Do 10,000 daily steps
    3. Slimming World diet but also calories (maybe 1350cals)
    4. Be more organised of weekly shopping lists.
    5. Learn how to say no to snacks and sweet foods
  • SimonCypher
    SimonCypher Posts: 254 Member

    Great memories from 2015 and also a great list of 2016 goals! You can do it, :)

    Here's mine,

    2015 Memories;
    1) Take up running (really enjoy it and wish I'd started sooner)
    2) Take part in my first official race (Great North 10k)
    3) Signed up and took part in my first ever Half Marathon (Great North Run)
    4) Lose 2st
    5) Start eating a healthier / more balanced diet

    2016 Resolution / Goals;
    1) Take part in 12 'Great Run' races (travelling the length of the UK for some of my races)
    2) Beat my Half Marathon time from last year (definitely believe this is achievable)
    3) Continue working on my diet / lifestyle changes
    4) Spend more time with friends / family than I did in 2015.
    5) Stay focused on training plans which I start and maintain my weight.

    I'm sure the above will be achievable, I just need to make sure I plan as that's when I work best. If I fail to plan, I'll plan to fail!

    Really looking forward to my races, although definitely need to work hard as I've got 3 Half Marathons within a 4 week period! Eek.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I like this!

    2015 memories
    1) I lost 10kg! (21lbs I believe that converts to). And that despite not being 100% focused and starting in March.
    2) Competed at an Adult IJS level in figure skating
    3) Planned and booked my first overseas solo trip
    4) sounds silly but the first time I completed the Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred I was chuffed! (And yes, that's how unfit I was...I couldn't even finish it the first time!)
    5) I ACCEPTED NO (well, fewer) EXCUSES (ok ok, so I still made some. But less than usual.)

    2016 Goals
    1) Since I lost 10kg this year, I think I will try for maybe 15kg next year. I don't want to get too crazy ambitious, so I figure if I shoot conservative, anything above is a bonus.
    2) Have a mega great time on my solo trip ( portion sizes...oh boy)
    3) Get stronger and more flexible
    4) Complete at least one orienteering course jogging all the way (!)
    5) Qualify for the Adult National Championships (and look bloody good in my dress when I do!)

    Oh and 6) ACCEPT NO (or even fewer) EXCUSES
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Eat more good chocolate.
  • zombiebrandy0112
    zombiebrandy0112 Posts: 88 Member
    Top 5 from 2015:
    1. Lost 35 lbs
    2. Started running regularly
    3. Ran my 1st 1/2 Marathon
    4. Got into my smallest size
    5. Feel comfortable in a bikini

    3 Resolutions for 2016
    1. Run at least 4 1/2 marathons
    2. Maintain weight (so far so good since July!!)
    3. Take better care of my skin
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    edited December 2015
    My resolution from 2015 was to lose "the weight". I lost 100 pounds and am now in the healthy weight range so I did it :)

    For 2016 my resolution is to maintain. I also want to become stronger and increase my flexibility.

    I've also resolved to stop letting my kids watch garbage on television. We just cancelled DirecTV so well on our way toward that.
  • kisamekick
    kisamekick Posts: 47 Member
    1. Start going on the treadmill
    2. Hit 130 pounds
    3. Spend more time on my piano
    4. Try and cook everything in my vegan cookbook
    5. Stop eating pombears, god damnit
  • wallingf
    wallingf Posts: 29 Member
    1 - finally started walking 10000 steps a day consistently
    2 - lost my remaining 20 pounds and hit my WW goal weight (92 pounds total)
    3 - became a grandmother for the first time :-)

    1 - accurately measure and log EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth for at least a few months to try and get a better reading on what my real TDEE is. I'm hypothyroid and have always believed I needed fewer calories than others to lose weight. Now I think it's possible I don't....that it's just as possible I've been eating those calories and ignoring them, as "it's only 15 calories". Multiply that by 5x a kinda adds up :-P
    2 - lose another 5 pounds...hopefully
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    - got more serious about cycling
    - bought a true road bike for racing
    - started working with a coach to become a better cyclist

    2016 goals (I don't really do resolutions)
    - drop about 10-15 Lbs or so to get to a more competitive riding weight
    - compete in at least 5 cat V USAC sanctioned events
    - finish top 10 in at least one of those
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    - lost 44lb
    - Can bench 5x180lb, squat 5x245lb, and DL 5x280lb at 176lb, which means I hit my 1x bench goal, probably hit my 1.5x squat goal, and have a little ways to go for my 2x DL goal
    - Did 5 pull ups in a single set (20 in the session)
    - Ran 5k non-stop even if it was at my snails pace

    2016 goals
    - 20 pull ups in a single set (continued from 2015)
    - bench 1.5x, squat 2x, DL 2.5x
    - Be able to consistently run a 5k
    - snap a photo with 6-pack abs, purely vain and don't even care if it is super brief.

    We'll see if I come up with more goals for 2016 as the year goes on. I haven't even decided yet if I want to gain weight or just recomp at my current weight for a while first.
  • dbienz
    dbienz Posts: 188 Member
    This is great!

    Great moments of 2015
    - I ran my first half marathon!
    - Then I ran another! :smiley:
    - I lost over 30 pounds.
    - Drink at least 6 cups of water a day but usually more (around 10-12 cups).
    - I'm back in school, hoping to apply for a PhD program soon.

    Goals for 2016
    - Lose a total of 50 pounds.
    - Ran a full marathon (maybe... might stick to halfs for a little while haha)
    - Pay off all my debt except my car.
    - Do 10 consecutive pull ups!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i dont make resolutions. ever. if i want to change something in my life, no matter the date, i make proactive steps in that direction.

    i wanted to quit smoking. 2 years ago i did.

    i wanted to lose weight. lost 70 some odd pounds over the course of this year.

    i want to incorporate more strength training in my exercise regime. I've begun doing resistance training before my cardio every day (and have the sore muscles to prove it LOL).

    i want to increase my (already okay) credit score. I've done a lot of research on how best to do that, and am incorporating that knowledge into my overall finances.

    as far as highlights from this year go...

    1- losing 70 odd pounds
    2- 4 were all components or results of LOSING that weight lol (exercise, mindful eating, buying smaller clothes, etc)
    5 - would be finding the best boyfriend ever ;)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Nope, never keep them why bother?
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Top 5 2015 memories
    1)Losing an overall of 17.5lbs
    2)Started going swimming again
    3)Taking part in my first official race(Race for life 5K)
    4)joined a leisure centre and enjoyed it
    5)Drinking more water
    Top 5 2016 resolutions
    1)Lose 6 stone
    2)Cut down on sugar
    3)Carry on going to my local leisure at least 4 times a week
    4)Start making my diet healthier
    5)Start to believe that I can lose weight
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,840 Member
    i have a bad Memory . So I hope its ok to due just resolutions. 1) 1)lose 30 lbs to get to 180 my dream weight 2) 2)lean to spell better 3)finish reading 1984 4) 4 4)drink less coffee 5) 5)try to get 8hs sleep each day
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Great memories from 2015 - My kids Christmas Show and Christmas with the family, Finishing my first ever Triathlon - and then a second. Apart from that the best bit was honestly 12 midnight when it turned 2016.
    Resolutions - to plan stuff AND actually do what I plan. Have a great year and keep the faith in yourselves :-)
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    PS Iona_ellen - I love your dog :-)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    A couple of years ago, a friend introduced me to the "One Word" idea. Instead of a list of resolutions, you pick one word that should shape your life in the coming year. This year's word for me is "brave." I bought a little silver bracelet from Etsy to help remind me. :blush:
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    -I recovered from a car accident and was able to run again. I'm up to 3.5 miles at the moment.
    -Maintained pretty well
    -I've read 15 books this year. It's not much, but it's significantly higher than the 0 books in the previous years.
    -Been pretty consistent with my Spanish lessons.
    -Aside from my first day hospitalized, where the doctors didn't allow me to eat more than some gelatin cups, I've spent the year eating enough calories for my age and activity levels.
    -I'm more confident in myself.

    -I really want to do a pull up.
    -I want to run 10k and improve my speed
    -I want to read at least articles in Spanish, maybe even a low level book.