Hello everyone! Would love to make some new friends!

My name is Dawn, I'm a thirty year old living in Ohio. I have an amazing, supportive, beautiful fiancee, her name is Calissa. I'm a physical therapist assistant student (hello stress eating)!

I have been on weight loss journeys before. I actually lost 80 lbs years ago using myfitnesspal! But here I am about four years later, and have gained about 50 lbs back (ouch that is hard to say).

So I am back again, this time committed to not just losing weight, but also to just being more healthy. Making better health and food choices, so I can maintain a healthy weight once I achieve it again! So I want to find balance in this journey.

I am lucky to have support at home. My beautiful financee is on her own journey as a well. But I'd love to have more friends and a large support system here as well! I found it helped me last time around.

So if you are in need of non judgemental support, and want to give the same maybe we can encourage each other!


  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome back!!! I'm on the up and down cycle and hoping to make 2016 the best year yet!!!! Happy to join you on the journey
  • brigghteyez
    brigghteyez Posts: 7 Member
    I like you lost about 50 lbs several years ago. I just had a baby, and I'm a teacher. My job is stressful but my little one (and myself) has motivated me to become a heathy person once again. We can do this!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    edited January 2016
    Welcome back ...I too am a 2nd timer where I lost 78lbs back in 09/2010 gave up... deleted my old account and gained it all back and them some .....Feel free to add me ...WE CAN DO THIS ....wishing you much success ...Happy New Year :)
  • Omoe11
    Omoe11 Posts: 235 Member
    I had a similar experience losing about 55 pounds, but in the past 2 years regaining about 20 pounds. I am back and looking to lose about 40 pounds, please feel free to add me as a friend for support! :)
  • misitaly1025
    misitaly1025 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm just starting again, but this time I will reach my goal and won't stop until I do!! Let's help each other stay motivated. Add me! :) Oh, and I'm a teacher too! ( to the person who posted that earlier)
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    I am starting MFP again, I gained 22 pounds last year after months on steroids, due to illness. I need to loose this weight again. My health is back on track and I just need my body and my head to follow. Would love to inspire you on your journey back to good health, Happy New Year.
  • MissPiixxii
    MissPiixxii Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Dawn! I'm new and looking for friends, I added you :)
  • Bongani65
    Bongani65 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Bongi65 I would love to be your friend,I'm also on the weight loosening program lets jion hands and make 2016 a happy weight lost year
  • suzie52
    suzie52 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ... Dawn ... I am back of here trying to loss weight and be heathy .... I know in 2016 we can do this ... Feel free to add me... ,☺
  • suecam2rn
    suecam2rn Posts: 5 Member
    this year is going to be impressive. lets do this. in a couple weeks, we will amaze ourselves. add me if you'd like
  • mbarmuta
    mbarmuta Posts: 165 Member
    Hi guys please all feel free to add me. I can always use more friends!