Im finally ready

Got A1c of 9.6. time to finally get out of my own way and get start. I work at a desk and take care of my family but have let myself go. time to change. old football guy, I know how to work out just need to do it and learn how to eat, which i never have. lost 80 lbs 10 yrs ago but now its back, at 385. any diet help is appreciated. bougth a nija blender to do some health smoothies. love cold stuff. anyway thats what im looking at now. Danny


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Good luck, Danny.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You can do this, Danny, and will get lots of encouragement from everyone.
  • KatyFlatlander
    KatyFlatlander Posts: 21 Member
    On the same journey. Old O Lineman - I remember when I was fighting to put and keep wait on!!!! Anyway, way past my playing weight - 298.2. One meal at a time! Started the day with a walk. Cutting out diet soda and sugarfree gum - found out it has soy which reacts like estrogen in guys. Get er done!
  • maureented
    maureented Posts: 59 Member
    Best wishes, Danny. You can do this.