Give up your dirty little secrets, what gets you through it?

Thought this would be fun/interesting. A NO JUDGEMENT thread, where we can just spill the beans (low calorie beans, of course haha) and not have ANY words of judgement. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all type of thing.

So, tell us what you do when stuff gets rough. Do you eat a big spoonful of peanut butter? Do you eat the entire jar? What's your secret?

Here's mine...
When I'm feeling hangry, I watch My 600lb Life, and I'll look through before and after extra skin removal stories/pictures, I force myself to see how I'm closer to normal than 800lbs.. lol. It's weird, yeah, but it makes me feel better, maybe it seems like I'm judgmental to others, but it's not that, it's just needing to see that what I see in the mirror isn't real sometimes, I see someone way bigger than what I am, and seeing people who are actually very dangerously overweight, well, it helps. Plus the success stories for them is so heartwarming, if they can do it anyone can type of thing (like my 600lb life), I truly mean it in a good way, haha.

So, what about you? Let's start a totally judgement free thread guys, c'mon, we are all in it together here. :)


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    if im having a bad day i let myself eat what i want. even if its a ton of peanut butter or cookies or whatever. the next day is a new day. ive lost 70+ pounds and that in itself, is generally motivation enough for me to keep going.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I don't think there's anything wrong with being motivated by cautionary tales, which apart from being an advertisement for gastric bypass, is really the point of My 600 lb Life for the majority of the viewing audience, imo.

    The profiles are like seeing where the path many of us were on leads to if we don't change course, if we allow this kind of behavior to continue unchecked.

    And yes, seeing someone suffering from yeast infections between the folds of fat in their calves and nevertheless chooses to overeat, burden their loved ones and/or the state, and make excuses, for example, certainly inspires me to not want to do that or be like that. I have certainly used this show and others like it to motivate me to move when I wasn't really feeling like moving, and to lose my appetite when tempted to overeat.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    When I'm feeling super put-upon, I jump on the MFP "community" boards and read. Sometimes just knowing that I'm not the only one out there and that there are people just like me who struggle with the same things I do puts me in a better state of mind. Other times, all it takes is reading one seriously effed-up chick or dude's post and then the subsequent comments that snaps me out of it with a "hey, at least I'm not HIM /HER!"
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    I come to the MFP boards. As you can see on my number of postings, I use the boards a lot. Or I watch man vs food, those portion sizes and the crappy food he eats makes me want to heave ewww
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    As the first poster said, if it's a terrible day (like lost my job, cat died, homework past deadline kinda day) I'll eat whatever I want and start new the next day. But if I've just lost some motivation and I'm not actually having a bad day, I'll think about how I feel after I workout, I'll look at cute clothes online that I don't yet feel comfortable wearing, and I'll check out fitspo on Instagram. I know fitspo is usually airbrushed just like thinspo, but I try to follow real people or trainers like Jillian Michaels so it's not *too* bad. I also make plans to go to the gym with a friend or I make plans to go to a fitness class so I feel more motivation to go and do things.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    For those of you who like looking at before/after pictures, you should check out this site:

    I don't own the site nor have I posted on it but I look through it like a little creeper whenever I'm feeling particularly low.
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    I get really inspired by checking out before and after pics on here or pinterest.

    and honestly... "intuitive eating" is changing my life. If I want something I eat it and pay attention to how it makes me feel. Now when I look at something unhealthy I don't think "that's gonna make me fat" (which sometimes isnt enough motivation to not eat it lol)... instead, I think "that's going to make me so bloated and nauseous". Nobody wants to feel bloated, tired and nauseous lol.
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    edited January 2016
    I have a weakness for sweets. Dove dark chocolate minis get me through my cravings to binge on ice cream and cookies and all things sweet :)
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    When stuff gets rough, I pet the cat - unless the cat is the reason things got rough in the first place :smiley:

    I also like to walk to relieve stress. I actually have never been much about solving emotional problems with food, I just massively overate for other reasons.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,932 Member
    If I'm feeling really hungry, and for some reason I have no calories left (unusual), I either ...

    ... just tell myself to hang in there for a day, tomorrow I can start eating again. And really, nothing bad is going to happen to me if I'm a little hungry for a few hours.

    ... do something physically active to burn some extra calories. That's my usual way of dealing with stress ... exercise.

    I've never had an emotional thing with food either ... not a binger, not one to go to food to relieve stress. My weight gain came from eating a small amount extra every day for several years. I did the calculations, and I was consuming about 80 cal over maintenance. Not much ... but slowly, gradually over the years, I gained weight.