50lbs or more to loose

So I have 9 months to lose more than 50lbs. That's less than 2lb per week for the next 36 weeks. Seems simple enough. I'm just looking for like minded people or people who have a lot to lose to keep each other motivated


  • VeryEirry
    VeryEirry Posts: 21 Member
    I have 65 pounds to lose, myself. My goal, for now, is 120 pounds. An extra 10 wouldn't hurt me though. I am 42 years old, and only 5 feet tall. At 185 pounds, I am the biggest I have been in my entire life. This is a huge blow to my ego after losing 75 pounds back in 2011. I know I can do it again, but I have to want it badly enough. I'm having a hard time getting myself serious this time.
  • tricx21
    tricx21 Posts: 8 Member
    I lost 24lbs last year mostly through walking and using MFP (my fitness pal) everyday. I was surprised at how easily it came off. I've always struggled to lose weight I'm 5ft 4 and around 250lbs. I've at least 60lbs to lose. Baby steps lol
  • hairbylysa
    hairbylysa Posts: 1 Member
    I just turned 40, I'm 5.7 and weigh 260lbs. I'm giving myself 10 months to lose 60lbs. My ultra long term goal is to loose 100lbs. I've done all of this before. Two years ago, I went from 280, down to 230...and have let some creep back on. I'm tired of being fat.
  • Mizzaf
    Mizzaf Posts: 104 Member
    I have 49lbs to lose. I plan on walking a lot more, alongside a running club and maybe some group exercise classes. I really struggle with cutting out sugar, but I'm determined to stay off the stuff.
  • kadelavergne
    kadelavergne Posts: 6 Member
    I am 64. Weight loss comes really hard for me. In the last 20 weeks, with a very serious effort, I lost only 18 lbs. I need to lose another 45 lbs. I have set 2 lbs./week as my goal, but I'm scared. Not hitting that goal during the last 20 weeks was one thing that "permitted" me to eat like a maniac over the holidays and regain 5 lbs. in one week. To hairbylysa: I'm tired of being fat, too! My goal is to exercise 30 minutes a day, at least 4 times/week. I am going to post my meals and try to stay within the calorie parameters. I WILL get off the sugar again!
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi, I'm 67 and only 5ft. I've lost 26lbs since September 2015 and have another 20lbs to go. I concentrate on cooking really varied, tasty and satisfying dinners every night. This keeps me from feeling deprived and makes the going easier.

  • lbooks95
    lbooks95 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 20 and have 75lbs to lose. Starting at 320, wanting to get down to 245 again. Feel free to add me. :)
  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    all the best to everyone in your weight loss journeys. Just remember one day at a time, one meal at a time. Forgive yourself if you go off track.
    make sure you set realistic weight loss expectations.
    Some times we want to lose the weight ASAP. Realistically not going to happen. The first week or 2 the pounds can just melt off, then you settle into maybe .5 to 2 pounds depending on how much you have to lose.
  • Princess111201
    Princess111201 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 25, and needing to lose about 60 pounds. I'm feeling positive right now since I started yesterday, however, if anyone has any good tips on foods I can add to my diet since I made a huge transition in diet, that would be great. Feel free to add me. Having people in the same boat will definitely make this as enjoyable as it can be. Haha. Best of luck to all of you.
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    Hi! I'm Stephanie, happy wife and mama, 47 years old. I'd like to lose about 70 pounds.
    I'm new to weight loss and MFP. I've logged in for.... 48 days, I think.
    I'm down 13 pounds.
    My road to weight loss is walking and walking and walking... and low impact aerobics. I walk around 10 miles per day, averaging around 24k steps.

    I am convinced that it's not only possible, but since the change is absolute in my head, it's fait accompli... only a matter of time for it to show up on the outside. :)

    I'm thinking a year will do it (ending around the end of October), though I'm hoping to see some real (and undeniable) changes by Spring!

    My tools are MFP for logging calories, my Pacer app for my steps, and a FitBit Charge HR for keeping track of my heart rate during exercise. (FitBit doesn't keep track of my 'walking at home' steps very well. Hmmph.)

    Looking forward to cheering on a few new friends! :)

  • anniemac08
    anniemac08 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm 37 and have nearly 70 lbs I'd like to lose. I lost about 35 lbs a couple of years ago, but then I quit running and watching my food and regained it times 2. It's been hard getting back into gear this time around, knowing how hard I worked to lose weight the first time and now I have to basically double down for 2x the time/effort.

    I have 2 kids who need me to be a better lifestyle model. That's my inspiration and what's getting me going again.
  • 1jeaniebeanie
    1jeaniebeanie Posts: 86 Member
    anniemac08 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm 37 and have nearly 70 lbs I'd like to lose. I lost about 35 lbs a couple of years ago, but then I quit running and watching my food and regained it times 2. It's been hard getting back into gear this time around, knowing how hard I worked to lose weight the first time and now I have to basically double down for 2x the time/effort.

    I have 2 kids who need me to be a better lifestyle model. That's my inspiration and what's getting me going again.

    Same here! I lost 80lbs in 2012... Long story short... I lost my focus and here I am with only 34lbs lost and 50 more to go! I'm in need of friends for support!!!
    Who's with me??? Lol
  • tricx21
    tricx21 Posts: 8 Member
    I find having a banana and bottle of water with me help if I get cravings.
  • tricx21
    tricx21 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2016
    Walking works wonders I miss my morning and evening walks but until it gets lighter again I'm re-hitting the gym and starting swimming again
  • pichu318
    pichu318 Posts: 172 Member
    I want to lose 27kg by the time my next fall semester starts (September 4th).
    I am a little higher than your goal, but I am more than willing to provide support if you wanna add me :)
  • healthymein2016
    healthymein2016 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a wife and a mom of a busy 4 yr old, needing to lose 100+ pounds. I work full-time on overnight shifts. I find it hard to include exercise into my day. I was successful losing 50 pounds on weight watchers several years ago, but after having my son I let myself go. Now I'm tipping the scales at almost 300 pounds. I eat emotionally and especially out of boredom or to stay awake. I need all the motivation and support I can get. Feel free to add me!!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    why the time frames, people? you didnt gain it in 6,8,12 months, you are highly unlikely to lose it in that time frame.

    its not a race.

    i eat out all the time and eat chocolate and drink like a sailor and still lost 70+ pounds in the past year. but that wasnt my goal. my goal was to make changes for the better, and the weight that came off would be a bonus.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I started at age 59, 19 months ago. I've lost every month since, including vacations, holidays, illnesses, etc. It can be done at any age if you want it bad enough. For me, the key is to set a plan, establish good habits, then do it. Don't wait to "feel motivated" because feelings come & go. 125 lbs list, about 30 left to goal. It is hard, but being fat and feeling awful is harder. Ok to friend me if you want to post comments and not just auto-posts.
  • JLKOx96
    JLKOx96 Posts: 3 Member
    I have never thought about it in these terms but realistically I do need to lose more than 50 pounds. I'm currently around 15 and a half stone (it fluctuates) and would like to move down to 11 stone. I'm a student at Oxford and have a really busy schedule, which consists of a lot of studying right now and will do for the next two years at least. I really struggle with motivation in mornings but find that once it's done, it feels great! Would be awesome to find some people to help with accountability but also tips for eating better with a busy schedule that doesn't take *too* much preparation...

    I've completed the C25K programme two times before, most recently last October. But term started and everything seemed to just 'get in the way'. I've just began a C210K programme and I think really it's time for the excuses to stop!!
  • vickibynum
    vickibynum Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me. I need support in this journey! Thank you!