Hi old user, new commitment

I have used mfp on and off for several years but mostly off. I am 45 years old, a mother of two adult children, I'm 5'0 and weigh 176.4lbs today. My goal is to loose 60lbs and feel that I'm finally ready to seriously commit this year. No more excuses‼️ No more I'll start next week‼️ More moving‼️ Better eating choices‼️ I would like to join a group so we can support each other in our fitness journey. This will be new for me too. Here's to 2016 a year of transformation. Please add me as a friend or tell me how to join a group.


  • susanhtaylor94
    susanhtaylor94 Posts: 7 Member
    That's my story too! Mostly off :(
    I'm 46, married to an obsessive cyclist and mother of a super slim 13 year old daughter. We've booked a holiday for 15 August and I'd love to lose 50 or 60lbs by then. Just need to find some motivation
  • roadrunner01
    roadrunner01 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm right there with you two. I'm 56 & have developed back problems that have made me stop running, which I loved. Being the all or nothing kind of person that I am, when the back stuff started, I started eating any & everything I wanted. Now here I am...
    I too feel like I'm ready to make the commitment this year for the rest of my life. Plus packing around this extra 30 lbs I know is not helping the back.
    Let support each other to get back on track, shall we?? Kim
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in too please! I'm 34, got married in May and we have been enjoying way too much pizza and junk food. I went to the dr yesterday, was diagnosed with bronchitis and of course they weighed me. I'm 5'4" and now up to 187. The heaviest I've ever been. That is the wake up call I need. I need to start working out slowly while my body heals but my food choices can change right away! And they have, today I've done very well. No junk food, candy bars, pizza, etc. For now I'm going to focus on eating more vegetables and fruit on a daily basis, I think I want to.focus on this for a month. Then move on to what feels right, diet wise. Exercise wise, I want to start walking and doing yoga.

    We can do this, one day, minute at a time.
    I'll commit to posting here daily, as accountability for what I eat, good or bad, and working out. Is that a good plan?
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    Whats going on today ladies? How did you do? I didn't work out today, but did do pretty well with my eating. Share how your day went!
  • susanhtaylor94
    susanhtaylor94 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been too busy helping friends deal with the flooding in our village this week, BUT, slow cooker full of soup for this week's lunches and meal plans made ready for serious kick off tomorrow. In preparation mode today...healthy living mode from 6am tomorrow, lol o:)
  • subs54
    subs54 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I am also an old user. I am 57 years old and need to lose 25 pounds by July. My problem in the past has been that I start with an exercise routine and my back starts hurting and I go back to the starting line. I don't eat that much but I drink wine everynight with dinner and love chocolate. To start the year I registered and went to a yoga class and today I am going to zumba.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Wow, I am reading your posts and this is also my story. I am 45, 5'5 and around 185. Heaviest I have ever been. Biggest struggle right now is making time to work out in my day. I have also lost the willpower to eat healthy. I really want to recommit this year. I would like to lose 25 lbs. I am going to schedule 3 days a week on my calendar for weight lifting & strive for 5 days of cardio. I figure if I write it on my calendar I will be more successful.... Schedule appointment with myself.
  • ColoradoDogMom
    ColoradoDogMom Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm 44, 5'5" and 212 pounds--also the heaviest I have ever been. I would like to lose about 60 pounds, but my focus for the moment is to get under 200. Time to make positive changes! Still struggling with leftover holiday bad foods, but have been tracking everything I eat. Plan to start taking advantage of the free fitness center membership at work this week!
  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    Hey everyone!! We are all in the same boat here, so glad to have all of you! I did lots of meal planning and meal prep today so yippee!!! I prepped all the things I wanted to, made all the meals I had planned, and even worked in making some healthy treats for the week....if I can keep them hidden from my husband, otherwise they'll be gone by tomorrow. I'm thinking I might take them to work for an afternoon snack and leave them there!!! LOL!

    I'm still trying to figure out how to eat enough at lunch time to keep me full the rest of the day. What I have planned is only about 350 calories and I know I need more than that. I have some avocados so I can take like half of one and that will add calories, protein, fiber and healthy fats....all of which will help keep me full.

    What are you guys doing this week to get on the healthy track?
  • Sarah7518
    Sarah7518 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone.... I'm 43 and really unhappy about my weight and how I look. My daughter is 9 and want to be a good role model. I think I am with everything except my weight. I'm too embarrassed to post how much I weigh but it's a lot!! I've got lots to loose. I really don't like exercising , I usually start off strong but fade off about 3 months into it
  • ThinVee
    ThinVee Posts: 77 Member
    Well over 40 and the pounds have steadily creeped on to the point its just not 'cute' anymore. I've got about 50 lbs to lose, but I'm focusing on my first 10% so I can break it down into smaller goals.
    If you are positive, supportive and have a sense of humor about life - feel free to add me a as friend!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    I am 43 and have successfully used MFP about 4 years ago when I lost about 30lbs. Since then my kids have started to move out, depression has kicked in and well....now it's time to start doing something for myself. I am about 180 now and 5'8. I want to try to take off about 40 but if I can get yo a place I am feeling comfortable in my own skin I would be happy there I think. :) Best of luck to each of you!
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    Hello all. Back here and more determined than I have been in a long time. I am 5'9" and I'm guessing about 250 lbs. First weigh in tomorrow morning, it's been a while since i faced that scale. New year, new attitude. Let's keep in touch!
  • TravisVail
    TravisVail Posts: 3 Member
    I'm back! I've had some success in the past, but this year, I'm actually serious about losing 90+ lbs. As of 1/1/16 I was 292 lbs, which is WAY TOO MUCH! When I hit 200 lbs I will reassess my goal, and most likely, strive for a more healthy BMI. According to cdc.gov "For your height, a normal weight range would be from 127 to 171 pounds," which is a weight I haven't seen since high school.
  • tyandgil01
    tyandgil01 Posts: 21 Member
    On & off member as well. I'm 38 years old & have gained 20lbs in less than a years time. Been to doctor & blood work all came back fine. I'm a huge stress eater & have been stressed to the max this year. My 14 year old son is starting his football training for high school next year & he helps keep me motivated. My goal is to lose 40 lbs. Add me as a friend & we can keep each other motivated.
  • nvlo
    nvlo Posts: 1 Member
    Hope this boat is able to fit one more. I'm reading the comments and can relate to each one. I'm 54 and am 205 lbs, ugh. Can't believe I hit (and exceeded that dreaded 200 lbs). Today was a good day and I was able to stick with the 1200 cal, that I set for myself. In the past I've had luck with Atkins and limited carbs, but alas, I love bread.
  • rkit03
    rkit03 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi all. I'm 49 and I started MFP last March with some success, but alas, could not keep it going. I'm unfortunately a few pounds heavier, too. However, I've recommitted and am trying again. My current weight (as of 1/2/16) is 211. I would like to get below 200 again for a short term goal. However, I have a lot more to lose since I'm only 5'1". Long term goal is to lose 90-100 lbs.
  • daizirose
    daizirose Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, Just turned 45 in December. Back to tracking and looking for friendly support. I'd like to lose 30-40 lbs. If you all need another buddy please add me :)
  • maryeis
    maryeis Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everybody! Another returning user and hopeful loser. Have been a bit depressed the past year and was comforting myself with food. Depression is better now. I'm 5' 1.5" and weigh 143 at last Doctor visit < 1 mo ago. I am 63. I also have back issues (2 operations) and I know my back would feel better if I lost 15-20 lbs. I combine strength training, my P.T. exercises and walking; I can usually do one of those things 5-6 days a week. My sweet tooth is my downfall. Please add me to the group.
  • Saradanielle
    Saradanielle Posts: 1 Member
    Wake up call was being unable to fit in any of my trousers and having to wear skirts for the last few months (sometimes at inappropriate times).... I have tried and failed at this before BUT NOT THIS TIME...I hope!! I'm 31, looking at getting married in 2017 and don't want to be blobby. I'm almost 11st and 5ft2. Also I am terribly unfit. Let's turn it around!