Just started again for the last time

I've tried and left due to lack of motivation and depression. I'm ready this time. I've started DietBet since a friend invited me to. I need MyFitnessPal and friends to help with a 90 pound weight loss journey. Anyone want a friend to be accountability buddies with? 2016 is my year! B)


  • hoopcrazy
    hoopcrazy Posts: 6 Member
    Yep, I do. I lost some vision, thus my active job at end of April. That caused me major depression and have gained 12 lbs since then. NOW my weight loss is 55 lbs, instead of about 40.
    I like what you said. ..started again for the last time. Now not working, I should be able to eat better. Due to vision issue, my exercise can only be light for awhile...but I have to do something. I am fat, lazy and bored.
    I would love an accountability partner.
  • Achiever22
    Achiever22 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me hoopcrazy. We can keep each other accountable. :):)
  • rahrah6459
    rahrah6459 Posts: 23 Member
    I have joined a dietbet challenge also. Are you doing the Heidi & Chris Powell one?