Help please

Hi, my name is Felicity and I'm a 54 year old grandmother from Australia. I have suffered from 'mild' fibro for a lot of years but over the last 12 months it has really amped up. I've gained 20kgs and now find that I'm suffering from IBS as well so I need help to plan out a diet and mild exercise routine. I'm from a small country town in northern New South Wales and there isn't a local gym/dietician that is equipped to help me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would like 2016 to be the year I claim back some of my life.


  • mbryon
    mbryon Posts: 130 Member
    God Bless You, may some more knowledgeable come with answers… may 2016 be the year you claim some life back! <3
  • flick61
    flick61 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you mbryon
  • VeryEirry
    VeryEirry Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, felicity! My name is Ericka, & I am 42 from Texas. I too have fibromyalgia, but I have not gotten serious about tackling it with diet yet. I experimented about a month ago just to see if I would notice results from a modified diet, & I was astonished at what I found. My pain was cut in half if not more just by cutting out gluten, sugar, and most processed foods. What helped me most was to remember to avoid anything white in color such as sugar, potatoes, flour, cow's milk, etcetera. I used almond milk instead of cow's milk. I replaced sugar with agave nectar or honey. I amped up my vegetable and fruit intake and tried to avoid red meat. Something else I have read aggravates fibromyalgia are nightshades. The nightshade family includes all Peppers, tomatoes, and tobacco. I hope some of this information is helpful to you. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can use the motivation right now too.
  • jparker1489
    jparker1489 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey. Awesome work deciding to make some changes.
  • mbryon
    mbryon Posts: 130 Member
    You are Welcome Flick(er) 61! (never mind the pun… my daughter loves horse movies) Thank you VeryE much! <3 Happy New Year! :smile:
  • flick61
    flick61 Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thanks Ericka, I already stick fairly closely to a green diet, not many processed foods (gluten free muesli, gluten free bread, the occasional pre made pasta and some yoghurt), I use almond and coconut milk, eat fresh veggies and pan fried meats. I rarely eat potato unless it's sweet potato but I do eat a lot of cauliflower and cabbage. Do you know if they fall under the white good category? And tomatoes and capsicum are a big part of my diet so I might have to experiment with them. Haha and I don't smoke do I won't have to worry about the tobacco. I think I will have to do some more research.

    Thanks for the warm welcome JP. It's always refreshing to know that there's a friendly 'face' out there somewhere.

    And MB my girls loved My Friend Flicker as well.

    Happy New Year
  • VeryEirry
    VeryEirry Posts: 21 Member
    I don't believe the cauliflower and cabbage fall under the "white no-no's" category. That is just my way of keeping myself in check. Neither are starchy, although the cruciferous family can aggravate the thyroid. I have hypothyroidism, so I eat them only on occasion, as much as I love them!
  • Tknirsch
    Tknirsch Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! My name is Terra and I'm here in Texas as well. I'm 32 and have had mild Fibromyalgia for 4 years or so. Ive gained about 40lbs in the past 2 years and really need a support group to help with getting back on the diet and exercise track. Im trying to start with 5 min on the elliptical every 2 days. Feel free to add me!
  • VeryEirry
    VeryEirry Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Tara! Congratulations on your healthy goals and efforts too! I just got back from Planet Fitness, with my first time membership sign up. A personal trainer will be helping me come up with a specific workout plan just for me on Thursday! I am excited about starting this year right. Welcome!
  • flick61
    flick61 Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Terra, welcome and I definitely will add you as soon as I can work out how. I've been doing some work on the elliptical and stationary bike and yesterday I went for a 2.5km walk. What I seem to do is try to add to much to quick so I'm alright for a few days and then I fall in a heap.
  • mbryon
    mbryon Posts: 130 Member
    All Hare, and no Tortoise… ;) careful there Rabbit. ;) To add friends click on the profile pic, on the pop on the profile pick again, on the profile page click the button "Add As Friend". Hope this helps.
  • flick61
    flick61 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, hopefully that worked. Early night for me, I only managed a few steps today and bypassed the machines completely, I'll get back to them tomorrow.
  • Tknirsch
    Tknirsch Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome! I'm trying to go slow this time ramping up my activity. I know what you mean about "falling in a heap"! I used to be fairly active before and find it hard to start slow. Although I had a slow day as well today. It was one of those days where I was tired, sore and had no energy. I think I'll try the elliptical a bit more slowly tomorrow.