Olympic bar or not?

Hi, I'm just looking at getting a bar and some weights for it (already have dumbells with some low weight discs) to start a programme at home. I'm probably going to try stronglifts5x5 and i don't know whether to get a normal bar that I can use with the discs I already have, or get an Olympic bar. I don't think I'll be able to do some of the lifts with an Olympic bar straight away, and i don't see myself getting strong enough to need the better bar any time soon, added to which I don't have a particularly large budget!
Is it OK to stick with a normal 1" bar so I have to buy fewer (and cheaper) discs and can manage all the lifts with a bar straight away or would a short female actually be better off with an Olympic bar?


  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I'd start with the smaller bar. I've just started back in stronglifts and thankfully my gym has a shorter bar (15kg) which I use for bench and overhead press. I really struggled with the Olympic on those lifts, and I'm short too.

    That will give you a good start with the programme, and then you can get as far as you can on the equipment you have, before investing in the bigger bar. Do you have a squat rack?
  • kpkitten
    kpkitten Posts: 164 Member
    kpkitten wrote: »
    Hi, I'm just looking at getting a bar and some weights for it (already have dumbells with some low weight discs) to start a programme at home. I'm probably going to try stronglifts5x5 and i don't know whether to get a normal bar that I can use with the discs I already have, or get an Olympic bar. I don't think I'll be able to do some of the lifts with an Olympic bar straight away, and i don't see myself getting strong enough to need the better bar any time soon, added to which I don't have a particularly large budget!
    Is it OK to stick with a normal 1" bar so I have to buy fewer (and cheaper) discs and can manage all the lifts with a bar straight away or would a short female actually be better off with an Olympic bar?
    girlinahat wrote: »
    I'd start with the smaller bar. I've just started back in stronglifts and thankfully my gym has a shorter bar (15kg) which I use for bench and overhead press. I really struggled with the Olympic on those lifts, and I'm short too.

    That will give you a good start with the programme, and then you can get as far as you can on the equipment you have, before investing in the bigger bar. Do you have a squat rack?

    Thanks for replying
    I don't have a squat rack yet but my partner can spot for me and I am planning on getting one as soon as i am lifting enough to need it to continue safely.
    I think my squats will need a lot of work on form too, so I'm not planning on starting them too heavy until I know my form is right. Whereas I think the other lifts will come more naturally to me. I suck at squatting without a weight!!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Best to start with where you are right now. It took 6 months to be able to OHP the Olympic bar.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'd say start with the smaller bar. I have a 1" 15 lb bar. It can hold up to 250 lbs. My heaviest lift is deadlift @ 200 (1rm so I don't usually actually lift that.) I don't foresee myself absolutely needing a new bar for quite some time, possibly never.
  • kpkitten
    kpkitten Posts: 164 Member
    Thank you!
    I'm sort of disappointed I wasn't underestimating myself but definitely glad I probably won't regret not forking out for a whole new set of discs and a bar I won't be able to lift!
  • jakehope87
    jakehope87 Posts: 22 Member
    My opinion would be Olympic bar all day long.. Weighs 20kg and if you are going to the strong lifts low rep range... Wouldnt waste you time with a smaller bar. Strength moves quickly so save your time and money
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Based on strength standards most women would be set with a standard bar for years, possibly forever depending on goals and size. A standard bar should be able to hold 200lb minimum, and you may be able to take it to 250 before you ruin it.

    So, my opinion is to save your money and go with the standard bar for now so you don't have to purchase plates.

    You'll want an Olympic bar if you want a half/full rack as I don't think a standard bar will fit. The other reason to get an olympic bar is for olympic lifts, as the ends rotate.
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    I personally prefer the bella bar from Rogue, which is a 15kg. So it's a bit lighter than your standard bar and I personally find it easier to grip onto. Plus, I'd definitely use that for beginning OHP rather than the 20kg.