Gotta lose some pounds!

ejoivell Posts: 4 Member
edited January 2016 in Getting Started
Happy New Year to All! My name is Liz and I am at in again, trying to lose weight is my new years resolution. It has not worked for the past fifty-some years, but maybe with some help I'll make it this time. I grew up in a family where food was love and even now with an empty nest, when I cook, I cook for an army. I am new to this and hopefully I will make some friends.


  • sjoslen
    sjoslen Posts: 12 Member
    HI Liz, I am Sarah and food my go to comfort for over 45+ years. Trying once again to get healthy and find balance. Would love to work with you for motivation and encouragement through our journey.
  • ejoivell
    ejoivell Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks Sarah. Today was a total washout having eaten lasagna though-out the day. So day 1, into the new year is a failure. Tomorrow is another day and instead of focusing my energy on my eating, I’ll focus into drinking 8 glasses of water and see how that goes.
  • sjoslen
    sjoslen Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Liz, I ate ok, but no activity. You are right, each day is a new start. I am trying to do one thing better each day. Changing everything at once is so overwhelming that I end up giving up too soon. Today I am going to try to get some lean protein in at each meal. Good luck on your day. You can do it!!!!!
  • ejoivell
    ejoivell Posts: 4 Member
    Good afternoon Sarah, today I’m gonna cook light and I thought, what better than chicken soup on a cold day. Of course, as usual, I’m cooking enough to feed an army, but that’s OK. I figure that freezing potions is in my future, that way, on the days that I don’t feel like cooking, Walla! The lasagna has been portioned, and frozen for those lazy days too. We can do this! I hope your day is going well, talk to you latter.
  • tjmuehe
    tjmuehe Posts: 28 Member
    Hi From Texas. You guys can do this! I am doing a low carb Atkins plan. Works well to keep my sugar under control. Focus on meal planning. Finding recipes, prepping snacks and meals. That always helps me. Write down your WHY you are doing this. Every morning I drink my greens and set out my supplements. That's my start the day the right way! Hope this helps!
  • ejoivell
    ejoivell Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks tjmuehe, for the words of encouragement, it sounds like you’re on the right track to success. Keep up the good work, I hope it rubs off on me.