Losing weight and moving more

Hi, I'm Stefanie- I am interested in an accountability buddy/s for weight loss, looking to lose 25lbs (2 sizes) by summer. I lost 28lbs in 2015. I have a Fitbit, I walk about 10-14K a day (fighting a desk job). I will also be taking spin classes (2-4x) a week, if I'm lucky. I will be making food shifts slowly - more veggies, less sugar, smaller portions, juicing. This is my first time at this, looking for serious/motivated folks. New Year is a lot of pressure, however this is for general health improvement and a **NEW** lifestyle shift. Looking forward to connecting. Thanks for reading this.


  • sahanya168
    sahanya168 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking for a lifestyle shift aswell how bout we be friends
  • sdash07
    sdash07 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi- Thanks for the reply. What are your goals?