
The tv show The Biggest Loser premiers TOMORROW, Monday, January 4. I am coordinating a challenge based on the tv show. Here's how it will work...

Each week I will be watching The Biggest Loser (hope YOU will watch too!) and I will be basing our weekly challenges on whatever happens on the tv show! If they form teams, we will form teams, if they are singles, we will be singles. Whatever challenges or temptations they have, I will modify and we will have them too! We will have weekly weigh ins and we will have the DREADED RED LINE, however, we will NOT vote anybody out! All the red line means to us is that we as a group need to reach out to those below the red line to motivate and encourage them to have a better week! Our winners and those below the red line will be based off the percentage of body weight lost, not pounds! This is the only fair way as we all are varying in weight.

Sorry I can't give more details but until the premier episode, I don't know how we will start! LOL Here's a link to some clips from the upcoming season....

I think it's going to be a BLAST and VERY MOTIVATING!!! And some light hearted competition as well..... ;)

I am coordinating this challenge through my group. Here's the link"

Sorry, you must join the group to join our challenge..... But it a GREAT, SUPPORTIVE, MOTIVATING group of people! We are focusing on losing at least 1 pound a week the HEALTHY WAY!!!!

