Depression = sabatoge



  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm so sorry you're having to deal with depression. It is so difficult. :'( I've been through a few mild bouts and one severe episode.

    I agree with everyone else about exercise -- as vigorous as you can manage. I feel best if I do something every day that really gets me sweating.

    I'd also suggest creating a really structured schedule for your days and forcing yourself to stick to it. Don't stay in bed. Don't sit and sit and sit on the couch. Hopefully you have someone who can help you be accountable to a schedule, because, as you know, depression will likely cause you to want to do as little as possible.

    My doctor suggested walking outside in the daylight for at least fifteen minutes a day -- especially in the winter. This was for the light, not for exercise, but of course it's a dose of both.

    Try to schedule something you really enjoy each day, even if it's just watching a show you like. I had to make myself get together with friends, but that was so encouraging.

    And, finally, if you're really feeling desperate, get yourself in to the doctor. No shame in using medication if it gets you back on your feet. It worked wonders for me and I only wished I had gotten over my stupid pride and started it sooner.

    All the best to you. Don't give up! You'll get through it and feel good again. You will.
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    The struggle is that depression is often anger turned inwards. We know that working out and eating well will make us feel etter, so the depression fights for us to do the opposite. Getting otside and going for a walk can feel impossible some days. Try to be kind to yourself. There are better days ahead.
  • CKossum
    CKossum Posts: 1 Member
    My depression definitely sabotages me. It's more of the "it'll never change. You know you'll fail, so why even try?" thoughts that do it. I'll hit a round of motivation, go out, exercise and lose weight, but then the self-doubt and hatred creep back in and it all gets blown. :/
    N0EXCUSE Posts: 23 Member
    I am recovered from bi-polar. And yes it is one of the main reasons I got so big. Exercise really does help because there are no snacks at the gym (seriously, it gets me out of the danger zone -my home!)
  • steph_vt
    steph_vt Posts: 38 Member
    My depression is one of the reasons i actually wanted to start exercising again, i started gaining weight and stress eating because i just couldnt motivate myself. But i know that exercise and good eating habits have proven to be quite helpful in battling depression. Im working on myself as a person physically and mentally.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I've bipolar2 and undx borderline. I think walking is the best thing I ever found for mood stabilizer! Sunshine for depression! And meditation/ yoga for balance (emotional) also making myself to exercise as I feel depressed or to organize/clean best way for me to break a depression!
  • owen1826
    owen1826 Posts: 53 Member
    owen1826 wrote: »
    when I can't exercise

    What do you mean by this?

    Sick. Or injured. Or just a general necessary rest day.