5'10" - 5'11" Ladies - What's Your Goal Weight?



  • ivzies
    ivzies Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'11" and I've reached my approximate goal weight of 145. I prefer the way my frame looks at this weight.
  • AudreyBanks
    AudreyBanks Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'10 , my goal ( my first goal) is 200 , I will decide where to go after reaching that point starting weight 329
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    5'9 currently 172 (+\- 2 lbs) aiming for 155-160. Will reevaluate when I get there. Currently eating about 1100-1300 net calories.

    Good luck all!
  • avantikaashankar
    avantikaashankar Posts: 6 Member
    I visited a doctor a while ago, who told me that to calculate your ideal/goal weight, you need to take into account your build as well as your height. Just based on whether you're big boned or not, your ideal weight can differ by 20 pounds. I am 6 feet tall, maybe 6'1", and I have a medium frame, so my goal weight is around 75 kilos. I weigh 80/81 right now. You can judge your frame size by winding your thumb and middle finger around your wrist. If your thumb only reaches the tip of your finger, you're big boned, and if your thumb fully covers the nail of your middle finger, you have a smaller frame. It's quite helpful! Of course, it is not an absolute and does not take into account muscle mass or general body type, but it's a little more specific :)
  • toe1226
    toe1226 Posts: 249 Member
    5'10 gw 137-142
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 5'10 and 68kg, about 24% bodyfat. Aiming to add 5kg muscle and drop 5% bf. Don't really want to lose any more weight as end up looking 'skinny fat'.
  • 165 right now, looking to get down to 150, lowest 145. 165 is the highest weight I can tolerate. Have been 140 in the past and it was way too low for my body type, which is on the larger side
  • SBHWeav
    SBHWeav Posts: 89 Member
    5'11" and right now my goal is 160. But I'll continue to reassess my goal as I lose and start gaining muscle.
  • jasmineruth
    jasmineruth Posts: 88 Member
    I am in maintanence at 155-160 and very happy!
  • firead
    firead Posts: 56 Member
    My ultimate goal is 160-165, but that's still a long way off
  • Lestrange__
    Lestrange__ Posts: 19 Member
    edited January 2016
    My goal is 70kg (154 lbs), and my height is 5'10. That was a number that my doctor and I came up with as we believe it to be most healthy for me, however it isn't a strict number so if I don't get that low but still am in a healthy weight range then that is okay.

    However before I was working with my doctor, my goal weight was 55-60kg. I now see how silly that is for someone at my weight.
  • emilkay
    emilkay Posts: 1 Member
    Im 5'9 and im currently 143 aiming for 130, but i still look noral and not really skinny, im actually just trying to get some more muscle, that my body doesn't jiggle so much:-)

    This is similar to me, I'm 6'0 and am currently 135. I am aiming towards 125 ish to get rid of my stomach and thigh fat, and hopefully develop abs.
  • Rocky2191
    Rocky2191 Posts: 3 Member
    My current weight is 284 by goal weight is to be 160. My height is 5"11
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    I am 5'9", small frame - and I can be anywhere from 135 - 150, depending on how much muscle I have. Someone taller would probably want to weight more to avoid looking like a skeleton.
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    I'm just about 5'11 and currently 233lbs. The last time I was below 200lbs was in my early 20s and I did like my body at that weight. My initial goal is to get under 200lbs as it's something I've come close to several times but haven't reached in over 10 years. Once I get there, I'll reassess if I should keep trying to get lower. I'm big boned (broad shoulders, large hands and feet, etc.) and my bones are very dense so I doubt I'll ever be as light as the BMI says I should be.
  • angg129
    angg129 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'9 and currently 162, my goal is to reach 135 or even 140 depending on how my body looks at 140
  • snowbaby36
    snowbaby36 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'10" and my goal is 145. I am currently 165. So much depends on your body type and how you carry your weight.