Any medical people here, doctors, nurses, other who want to form a group and support each other?



  • breeanna1221
    breeanna1221 Posts: 1 Member
    Respiratory Therapist/ ECMO Tech 9+ years. I switched to day shift one year ago and now I am up 30 lbs. My badge works in the cafeteria so whenever I want something to eat that I didn't bring, or worse, something in addition to what I brought to eat, then it is off to the cafeteria I go. I know what I need to do, I just have to get my will power in check. Seeing the daily totals has helped me realize how off track I really am, but the smoothies at the coffee bar are the devil!
  • PamOliva
    PamOliva Posts: 101 Member
    Respiratory Therapist/ ECMO Tech 9+ years. I switched to day shift one year ago and now I am up 30 lbs. My badge works in the cafeteria so whenever I want something to eat that I didn't bring, or worse, something in addition to what I brought to eat, then it is off to the cafeteria I go.

    I wonder if you can have that link on your badge "disabled." When I'm feeling weak I bring NO money to work so I can't eat anything but what I bring to eat. It works! And I save money too. Win-Win.

  • PinksMoves
    PinksMoves Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2016
    VN student here, done in April. I go to school 4x/wk (days) and work 37.5 hrs/wk as a NOC care-giver in a memory unit. I've had problems with eating before (not enough) and now I've swung in the other direction (too much). I'm starting up Kayla Itsine's BBG today (Jan 4th) but who knows how long I can last without dropping, a girl's gotta sleep at some point!
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I do WW and MFP. any thought on new smartpoints?

    Im a lifetime member, 16 pounds under my set goal weight. I started doing their new SP program for a few weeks until I started tracking calories here again. While I wasn't hungry with SP, I was eating at least 450 calories less than I should be with my activity level. As a ER nurse, I walk at least 5 miles before my shift ends, along with doing workouts after work. So I put the WW app on hold for now and am tracking calories here on MFP for a while. Being under my goal means I should be eating more and from past experience I've found MFP more helpful to me in doing so. I'm not saying SP isn't good. Just saying for those that follow it, make sure you really are eating enough to support your bodies needs.
  • cathy6594
    cathy6594 Posts: 4 Member
    ED nurse run, run, run, few breaks, lunch-haha, I know not healthy grab a twisler or pizza, last years resolution bring healthy finger food, eat a desk if needed (putting my health before rules) Always have water at hand. Would love support, this is harder than nursing school. thirty pounds to lose at this point seems like 300.
  • cathy6594
    cathy6594 Posts: 4 Member
    missh1967 wrote: »
    It's a shame that the profession that is supposed to keep people healthy has the worst working conditions making it so damn difficult to stay healthy ourselves. It's really f*cked up, if you ask me.

  • cathy6594
    cathy6594 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes it is, our hospital is active in Healthy 2020, they need to look inside first if you ask me. would love to walk at lunch, 12 hours no lunch no breaks available without risking pt safety. I cannot leave my 5 sick pt with another nurse for 30 minutes it is a pt care issue. I now write incident report at end of shift when no lunch (yes pretty much daily) Research (EBP) has shown with out break: increase in med errors, infections and falls, decrease in pt satisfaction, so basically it is a patient safety issue.. Enough ranting I need to get healthy
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited January 2016
    cathy6594 wrote: »
    Yes it is, our hospital is active in Healthy 2020, they need to look inside first if you ask me. would love to walk at lunch, 12 hours no lunch no breaks available without risking pt safety. I cannot leave my 5 sick pt with another nurse for 30 minutes it is a pt care issue. I now write incident report at end of shift when no lunch (yes pretty much daily) Research (EBP) has shown with out break: increase in med errors, infections and falls, decrease in pt satisfaction, so basically it is a patient safety issue.. Enough ranting I need to get healthy

    I keep a lot of healthy protein snacks on hand to help offset hunger till I can eat a full meal. Protein bars like Quest, shakes, eggs, Greek yogurt, fresh veggies and fruit in a bag. These are just a few of the snacks that I can eat on the go and are filling enough for a while.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Nurse for 35 years and was slender. When I retired and no longer on my feet 10 hours a day I gained because I had no clue how to eat right. Love MFP!
  • christamfp291
    christamfp291 Posts: 2 Member
    NP here. Trying to lose 20 pounds to feel better about myself. Feel free to add me!
  • robinalexis
    robinalexis Posts: 50 Member
    cathy6594 wrote: »
    ED nurse run, run, run, few breaks, lunch-haha, I know not healthy grab a twisler or pizza, last years resolution bring healthy finger food, eat a desk if needed (putting my health before rules) Always have water at hand. Would love support, this is harder than nursing school. thirty pounds to lose at this point seems like 300.

    AMEN sister!

  • RedLipsRedDress
    RedLipsRedDress Posts: 125 Member
    Hey! A young doctor here! I am starting my first job in radiotherapy. I became overweight and then even obese in the last two years including pregnancy and spending most of my time at home studying and taking care of the baby.
    I started with a goal of losing 30 kg, now they are down to 19. Please add me, feel free to send messages, I'll be happy to have you as pals.
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    Would love such a group! LPN for 11 years, and really need to lose weight and get healthy again...
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    RN for almost 33 years..... Never obese but overweight at times. The extra pounds were hard on my not so perfect knees, some foot issues popped up, more lower back pain. Lost weight with MFP, actually more than initially planned. I'm back to the weight in my avatar but have to start exercising a bit more. Knees and back are so much better. Hope to start running 5k a couple of times a week again but also need a little yoga again. I just have to get over myself and get back into better habits!! One thing I know though - I have to continue to step on a scale every week and not let myself go back to the way I ate before....
  • provon
    provon Posts: 86 Member
    Yes, so much easier to stay the course then to keep losing the same weight over and over
  • provon
    provon Posts: 86 Member
    Hey! A young doctor here! I am starting my first job in radiotherapy. I became overweight and then even obese in the last two years including pregnancy and spending most of my time at home studying and taking care of the baby.
    I started with a goal of losing 30 kg, now they are down to 19. Please add me, feel free to send messages, I'll be happy to have you as pals.

    Congrats on your baby and new job. Good job being half way to your goal!
  • plprincess88
    plprincess88 Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me any nurses! I am night shift and it is so hard to not give in to junk and feel awake enough during the day to exercise!! In trying to lose 15-20 lbs for my June wedding :)
  • LTee83
    LTee83 Posts: 21 Member
    Former nursing student, if that counts. I could definitely sympathize with the stress of the medical industry, especially the hospital; since I've left, I've lost 15 lbs!
  • PamOliva
    PamOliva Posts: 101 Member
    Hi friends & Peers. I've created a group on MFP before so decided to jump in & make one for all of us since the interest looks pretty strong.

    It's called Heal Thyself! Health Care Professionals Here's the link

    Please check it out, join, continue the conversation. It's a public group so anyone interested can join and start a topic, dialogue or reach out for support. (Note: If I can figure out how to invite people here I will to make it even easier.)
  • twirlermom3
    twirlermom3 Posts: 1 Member
    Respiratory therapist here. Just started a medically supervised program today.