Binge eater trying to recover



  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    Bingers add me.

  • LemonadeCandy_
    LemonadeCandy_ Posts: 195 Member
    I struggle with the same thing. I find that my binges occur most frequently late at night and I try to counteract it by going to sleep earlier. I also have the help of my partner, who I asked to ask me "Are you hungry?" every time he notices that I'm digging around in the cupboards/fridge after dinner. It's a harmless question, so I don't feel attacked but it also makes me think about why exactly I am eating. My biggest issue with bingeing is eating too much and too quickly before I can even stop to think about if I'm hungry or not. It really is an addiction and an emotional thing. If you don't have someone around or don't trust the people around, maybe hang a sign on the fridge/snack cabinet to jar you into re-evaluating why you are eating in that moment. I also try to keep foods I know I'll binge on out of the house. If my partner buys them, he puts them out of my sight.

    As for actually being super hungry, I agree with the others- up your protein. I eat a handful of nuts in the morning to get healthy fats and protein, and it staves off my hunger for a long time. But maybe a protein shake midday could help you as well.

    Also, if you really must binge (everyone slips, it's fine!) or are super hungry but don't want to load up on calories (say you've eaten your calorie limit for the day and still find yourself starving), I recommend finding a vegetable or two that you like. Cucumbers and celery are both high volume foods that fill you up fast and have awesome benefits nutrient wise! And sweet potatoes are healthy and delicious steamed- and a large sweet potato hovers between 160-180 cal and they fill you up pretty fast! I usually can't even finish one (especially if I add nuts into the mash for a meal!), and believe me when I say I can pack it away, especially in binge mode.

    Take care of yourself and feel free to add me if you need to talk. It's a rough road to recovery and it takes extraordinary will-power, but I know you can do it!

  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Join the club!! Try eating clean and drinking warm water. Keep chopped fruit and veggies if you fancy a snack have these first. Set a five min timer and tell yourself that if you still want the snack you'll have it when timer goes off. Good luck
  • fat2fitaddict
    fat2fitaddict Posts: 90 Member
    I battled binge eating too! Just got to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying! Ps. Why do you look like me?? Anyone else see the comparison or is it just me? lol
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I wasn't an emotional eater, but I would consume large amounts at once. For example if we had pizza I wouldn't limit myself to a slice or two, I would eat six or seven. Or I would get the french fry refill on top of my normal dinner. What I learned is I became used to the full feeling a binge would give my stomach. Even if I wasn't hungry, I didn't "feel full". So sometimes I eat just to get that feeling.

    One of the few things that helps me with the overwhelming feeling of hunger, or needing to feel full is carbs. Plain white rice is pretty filling, so I would often eat a serving of rice with a lot of my proteins so that I felt full. Now that I have been at this for a while, the full feeling is noticeably uncomfortable, and I don't want it anymore.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I battled binge eating too! Just got to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying! Ps. Why do you look like me?? Anyone else see the comparison or is it just me? lol

    I noticed this too, and did a double take since I had replied to you in another thread recently LOL