Desk Workers



  • LindaBeez
    LindaBeez Posts: 10 Member
    It is illegal for your employer not to give you breaks and lunch away from your desk. (I worked Human Resources for years) Take the time to get some walking in. You need to get away if for nothing else to ease the stress levels. I used to go to the gym and water walk every morning before work. Working out early keeps your energy level up throughout the morning. (p.s. if you employer is making you stay at your desk and work thru lunch........look up the laws on overtime requirements...usually that puts a stop to it)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited January 2016
    LindaBrush wrote: »
    It is illegal for your employer not to give you breaks and lunch away from your desk. (I worked Human Resources for years) Take the time to get some walking in. You need to get away if for nothing else to ease the stress levels. I used to go to the gym and water walk every morning before work. Working out early keeps your energy level up throughout the morning. (p.s. if you employer is making you stay at your desk and work thru lunch........look up the laws on overtime requirements...usually that puts a stop to it)

    Unfortunately, this is not a federal law, so is true in some states, but not all states, and some industries are exempt :(

    Sounds like she gets a break but feels like she is too busy to take it.
  • MissFit_Megan
    MissFit_Megan Posts: 11 Member
    I also work at a desk for 9-10 hours per day for 4-5 days/week - I try to workout either before work if possible or right after work. Even if I don't have the energy I still go because the energy of others working out helps keep me motivated and I actually gain energy while working out. However, if I go straight home after work I do not make time to get moving. I either sit on the couch until bed or find other things to occupy my time. Must make exercise a priority, even if you're tired!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    ltworide wrote: »
    I used to sit at my desk all day at work, behind a computer 8-9 hours/day. Imo I find I am far more productive now that I take a break away from my desk & do something either a short workout or go for a walk even if it's only 15 - 30 mins. It helps clear my mind, lowers stress & I come back feeling more refreshed & ready to tackle the work.

    My advice, your health should be a top priority to keep yourself healthy so you can be your best to accomplish other personal, family & work commitments. Schedule time in your day for you whether it's stretching, walking, doing an enjoyable activity by yourself or with others, exercising, etc.

    Yes, I am definitely more productive in the afternoon if I get some exercise in at lunch time. Studies show lots of benefits to a midday workout:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    justynegil wrote: »
    I work 10 hour shifts 4 days a week, during my shifts I sit at a desk, I usually don't take a lunch as we are busy, I will eat at my desk. I am trying to think of ways to add exercise into my work life, after work I am usually too tired to go out and go to the gym or work out. I am on the 3rd floor, so I take the stairs every morning, and I have started using the bathroom on the 4th floor so that I have to walk a bit and use stairs.
    Any suggestions? Things that have worked for you? Any of you going through the same struggle?


    Great idea for using the bathroom on another floor! Little things like this add up.

    I frequently don't feel like working out, but force myself, and am always glad I did. Often, the hardest part is committing to go.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I go to the bathroom every hour, at least. I drink enough water that I know even if I don't feel like I have to pee, I will be able to. And I take the longest route.

    I also started walking on my 15-minute breaks, but it sounds like you aren't getting any breaks (which is illegal, BTW!).
  • Kettle_Belle14
    Kettle_Belle14 Posts: 246 Member
    March/jog in place at your desk every 30 mins or so. I also have a desk job and do this as well as walk the long way to bathroom, brisk walk outside when i can get away, etc.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I am sitting on my butt from 7:30am - 6:15pm, either commuting or working, Monday-Friday. I eat at my desk by choice. I have no desire to work out when I get home from work - all I want to do is eat, relax, and go to bed early. But I don't FIND time to work out, I MAKE the time. I go to bed at 9:00 every night so I can get up at 4:00 for my 2-hour lifting sessions every day without fail. It was hard at first, but now it's just part of my day and I refuse to skip it. Gotta do what you gotta do.

    Outside of my daily workouts, I try (and sometimes fail) to stay relatively active just for my mental health throughout the day. I'll get up and walk around the office for a couple of minutes, I always take the stairs in the parking garage and I park on the top floor and jog up the stairs in the evenings, and I sometimes close my office door at lunch and do some mild cardio or stretching or bodyweight exercises just to make me feel better and give me some energy. None of that is for calorie burn or fitness, though.
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    I have a desk job too. When the weather permits, I go for a short walk (15 mins) around my office's campus once or twice per day just to get me moving a little bit. It really helps me feel re-energized and refocused.

    And although I am NOT a morning person at all, I found that trying to get my workouts in after work was just not working for me. I'd get home exhausted and hungry, and by the time I'd made dinner and tidied up my house, I had come up with too many excuses not to exercise. Getting that workout in BEFORE work is the best way for me to guarantee it happens. I don't go to a gym, I just workout in my living room to DVDs or videos on YouTube (such as anything by FitnessBlender - they're awesome!!!). I set out my workout clothes the night before, get up and have a big glass of water, a cup of coffee and some toast or something light, then get to it. I always have so much more energy during the day when I work out before work. Even a couple of my coworkers commented that I was being extra efficient! It's tough getting into the habit of waking up earlier but it does get easier!!
  • justynegil
    justynegil Posts: 13 Member
    I do get breaks, I just feel like I am too busy to take them, I don't have time before work, I am not a morning person and I already have to get up at 550 to get ready, if I had to get up at 4 I don't think I would continue, I am going to try to take some of these suggestions with taking a walk after work even when I am really tired. I started doing calf raises at work just to add a little something extra
  • rumor64
    rumor64 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a desk job too but I work from home and for the past year I have been using a standing desk and a month ago I added a "no frills" treadmill under it (got it in Craiglist for $75.00). I found that walking at 2.0 MPH I can type and use the mouse, telephone without extra effort. Above that speed I get typos. I use the "walking desk" 2 to 5 hours, 5 days a week. I am loosing about 1/2 pound per week and have much more stamina.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    edited January 2016
    rumor64 wrote: »
    I have a desk job too but I work from home and for the past year I have been using a standing desk and a month ago I added a "no frills" treadmill under it (got it in Craiglist for $75.00). I found that walking at 2.0 MPH I can type and use the mouse, telephone without extra effort. Above that speed I get typos. I use the "walking desk" 2 to 5 hours, 5 days a week. I am loosing about 1/2 pound per week and have much more stamina.

    Do people give you odd looks? Where is the screen on the treadmill? Can you send a pic of it or a link to something similar? I have a standing desk myself, but I would prefer to amble than to just stand.

    ETA: Just saw the WFH part. Hmm...
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    justynegil wrote: »
    I do get breaks, I just feel like I am too busy to take them, I don't have time before work, I am not a morning person and I already have to get up at 550 to get ready, if I had to get up at 4 I don't think I would continue, I am going to try to take some of these suggestions with taking a walk after work even when I am really tired. I started doing calf raises at work just to add a little something extra

    I'm sorry, but you're not ready. If you were, you wouldn't be making the excuses you're making; you'd just do it.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    justynegil wrote: »
    I do get breaks, I just feel like I am too busy to take them, I don't have time before work, I am not a morning person and I already have to get up at 550 to get ready, if I had to get up at 4 I don't think I would continue, I am going to try to take some of these suggestions with taking a walk after work even when I am really tired. I started doing calf raises at work just to add a little something extra

    Unless you are an air traffic controller or something of that ilk, you are not too busy to take your breaks. You may be more productive and creative if you take breaks.

    I have a hard time pushing away from my desk at lunch time, but I do it anyway, because I'm a better worker for it, among other reasons.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    edited January 2016
    justynegil wrote: »
    I do get breaks, I just feel like I am too busy to take them, I don't have time before work, I am not a morning person and I already have to get up at 550 to get ready, if I had to get up at 4 I don't think I would continue, I am going to try to take some of these suggestions with taking a walk after work even when I am really tired. I started doing calf raises at work just to add a little something extra

    Just putting this out here, if you're trying to use exercise to lose weight you don't HAVE to. You can lose weight without exercise. Exercise is for health (tho it does provide some padding for your deficit), weight loss happens in the kitchen.

    I guess what I'm asking is what are your goals? Is it weight loss? Body aesthetics?

    Also, I used to think I wasn't a morning person but now after almost a year of getting up at 5 am to workout I look forward to it. My goals are mostly aesthetic, I want to look better naked. The only way to do that is working out to not lose my lean muscle mass and try to build up some more muscle. Tho the building more muscle comes a little later since I'm still in a caloric deficit.
  • justynegil
    justynegil Posts: 13 Member
    My goal is to lose weight, I am making sure to eat healthy while at work, I basically am looking for suggestions of how to add a bit more exercise into my working day
  • bigizzy
    bigizzy Posts: 73 Member
    Make time for lunch !
    You work to live. You don't live to work.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    I totally get where you're coming from. I work 40 hours a week, and go to school part-time. Most nights, it's 8 or 9 PM by the time I get home.

    I've found that the only thing that works for me is going to the gym in the morning. I'm fortunate in that there's a gym at work AND the apartment I live at. If you don't have a gym near you, I would still encourage you to find something you can do at home in the morning.

    However... you've mentioned that your morning time is a bit tight. If your evenings are more flexible, perhaps you could make time when you get home to do so? I find that most fatigue at a desk job is mental/emotional - I bet you'll feel rejuvenated when you're finished! If it's something you truly want to do, I'm sure you'll be able to set aside you need. Think of it as YOU time :)
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    justynegil wrote: »
    My goal is to lose weight, I am making sure to eat healthy while at work, I basically am looking for suggestions of how to add a bit more exercise into my working day

    Ah... well, that changes things a bit. There is that old saying: Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Yes, you can eat more if you burn more (i.e. exercise); but to lose weight, you need to eat less. Exercise is not required.

    Having said that, if you need to increase your weight loss through exercise, then you should have plenty of time before/after work (since you are only working 10 hrs./day) and on weekends (since you only work 4 days/week) to get plenty of exercise. Put on a pair of shoes (and a hat and coat, depending on where you live) and go for a walk. If it is dark at that time, carry a flashlight.
  • TJWrites00
    TJWrites00 Posts: 27 Member
    I have been known to use the disability stall in the bathroom and get a few squats in before I head back to my desk and nobody has to see me do them. :wink: