Gastric sleeve

My very worst fear has come to life....2012 I was nearing 300lbs....I had the gastric sleeve and went down to 140lbs! I didn't want to birth children bc I had a fear of gaining weight... Jump to 2015 ....I'm almost 200lbs again!!!!!! My son was born in June of this year a year ago I started to creep up the weight scale. I don't have money not the energy ..or MOTIVATION to go to a gym....yes I could work out at home but my husband doesn't give me the support I need.... I have two step daughters who think there heavy and they aren't! But they see me complaining of my weight problem and I just try to keep it in!!!!... I want ....NEED someone to help me get back on track... When I was at my lowest weight I went to a gym every morning @430 ...I remember feeling sexy and I feel like I'm a hopeless waste again.... Please please please keep me on track and motivate me...I need the push

Anyone else go under the knife? Does anyone understand me?


  • karlis87
    karlis87 Posts: 111 Member
    It can be hard with babies. Maybe find an exercise video you enjoy doing. Eventually you'll get good enough at doing it that you can do it on mute while you watch a show. In the meantime just commit to logging EVERYTHING. Even if you don't have a calorie goal it will help. Good luck.
  • GTRguy
    GTRguy Posts: 45 Member
    Use MFP and stick with it. You can do it. Add me if you'd like.
  • Dette1
    Dette1 Posts: 23 Member
    Babies are a game changer. I don't know if you have this struggle, but for me I felt like making time to go on a walk alone or workout in a gym took time away from my babies and the guilt was strong. Of course with little ones energy is an issue because you are functioning in the mindset of "they are sleeping do I eat or shower or sleep?". It is easier said than done, but I had try and condition myself to take 30 minutes wherever I could and do a mini workout (in my living room) or prep some healthier fare for my moments of needing to eat something. I'm on here so it is safe to say it doesn't always work perfectly :smiley: but these days I am working to remember that it is not selfish or that I am not a bad mommy taking a moment for my own health. I am all in if you want to connect and motivate each other! You can do this! The folks above are right, MFP is huge in keeping on track - it is for me anyway~
  • kolerz219
    kolerz219 Posts: 1 Member
    Are we supposed to take in the calories recommended or should we aim lower?
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I had a VSG in 2012. I also regained last year. It was a bad one for me (at least you have a wonderful reason!) & I went back to stress & emotional eating. I have lost about half of what I gained by going back to the basics. I still have my sleeved stomach & it is still a usable tool. I started eating like I did after I had the surgery, when I was being very careful. I worry about my protein first, then I eat small portions for whatever else I'm going to eat. Make sure you weigh & log everything. Make sure you are getting in your fluids. I am back to waiting 30 minutes before & after each meal before taking anything to drink. You can absolutely lose the weight again. I'm finding it much easier to lose again after the sleeve than I ever did before it. You don't have to exercise to lose the weight, you just have to get your eating back under control. I feel so much better now that I am losing rather than gaining. I knew I was regaining when it was happening & just felt out of control. Now I'm seeing that the sleeve will still work for me if I use it. I know that I can do it & you can too.
  • petra02_06
    petra02_06 Posts: 3 Member
    amyk0202 wrote: »
    I had a VSG in 2012. I also regained last year. It was a bad one for me (at least you have a wonderful reason!) & I went back to stress & emotional eating. I have lost about half of what I gained by going back to the basics. I still have my sleeved stomach & it is still a usable tool. I started eating like I did after I had the surgery, when I was being very careful. I worry about my protein first, then I eat small portions for whatever else I'm going to eat. Make sure you weigh & log everything. Make sure you are getting in your fluids. I am back to waiting 30 minutes before & after each meal before taking anything to drink. You can absolutely lose the weight again. I'm finding it much easier to lose again after the sleeve than I ever did before it. You don't have to exercise to lose the weight, you just have to get your eating back under control. I feel so much better now that I am losing rather than gaining. I knew I was regaining when it was happening & just felt out of control. Now I'm seeing that the sleeve will still work for me if I use it. I know that I can do it & you can too.

    I am so glad I'm not the only sleeve person here.ty all
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    I might be getting the sleeve this year. But I totally understand how you feel.:( Please feel free to add me!
  • ancra_ac
    ancra_ac Posts: 4 Member
    I got the sleeve in March of 2015 - less than a year ago and am struggling now. We are going through many transitions (2 deaths, moving to a new home and kids off to college) and I have been struggling with them since August. We all think we are prepared, but sometimes life really is just a struggle and sometimes we do the best we can. Feel free to add me as well. I can use the support and am happy to provide it!!!
  • aimeezingone
    aimeezingone Posts: 28 Member
    I had VSG in 2011. I did great until this past year. I am peri menopausal. Gained more than I am comfortable with. Working on using protein shakes and clean eating again. I don't eat that much,.....something has to change...QUICK! LOL
  • tofarrell39
    tofarrell39 Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone else go under the knife? Does anyone understand me?[/quote]

    I had the sleeve done in march and alot of complications but now on track... I hit a plateau 2mo ago and no weightloss but can tell is clothes... building muscles adds to the scale.
    I know how you feel.. about feeling invincible, excited and just effortless because it was intoxicating. I also know the discouragement from not moving in the right direction.

    I was told recently to do a 3 day clear liquid fast and it would restart my sleeve losing and help shrink it again if it got stretched. I hope this will help give you that hmmmph... over the hill and seeing the scale move will recharge you. :)

  • spsorter
    spsorter Posts: 3 Member
    I had a lap band revision to a sleeve in August 2015. I lost 140lbs with the band, but during 2014 I successfully gained half of that back. My band was completely encased in scar tissue and could not be adjusted at all, so I chose to convert to the sleeve. So far it would appear that re-losing is MUCH harder than the initial weight loss was, but it's happening with effort and patience!
    You can totally get back to where you want to be!
    Speak honestly to your husband and tell him that you need his support!
    Track your intake, and see where you are getting too many calories.
    Up that protein and water!
    Add me if you like!
    Good luck!!
  • witchingmoon
    witchingmoon Posts: 13 Member
    I had a gastric bypass December 2011. I was 28st 7lbs got down to 15st 3lbs in 14months then feel pregnant in 2013 I was only 4lbs heavier the day after I have birth, it wasn't pregnancy it was the breastfeeding that I put on weight with. Then another baby born this year and I am 20st 10lbs again and feel horrid. So back to my fitness pal, fitbit and bike. I know going under the knife was to have children but I also want to be fit and healthy for my children. Add me if you want to help support each other.
  • ZombieDiva76
    ZombieDiva76 Posts: 15 Member
    VSG in March of 2012, and the scale has crept back up 40 lbs due to stress and falling into old habits. I am back on track and going back to the basics. It is clear that when I stick to dense protein I eat less. I still have the restriction if I work it right. Struggling to get back I to an exercise routine...feel free to add me also...definitely could use some motivation also :)
  • NewLifeNewAttitude
    NewLifeNewAttitude Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    I had the sleeve done in march and alot of complications but now on track... I hit a plateau 2mo ago and no weightloss but can tell is clothes... building muscles adds to the scale.
    I know how you feel.. about feeling invincible, excited and just effortless because it was intoxicating. I also know the discouragement from not moving in the right direction.

    I was told recently to do a 3 day clear liquid fast and it would restart my sleeve losing and help shrink it again if it got stretched. I hope this will help give you that hmmmph... over the hill and seeing the scale move will recharge you. :)


    I had gastric sleeve surgery on 7/28/15. I connected with your comment about having complications after surgery (pneumonia for 2 weeks in my case) then feeling invincible when the weight started coming off. Losing that much weight so fast WAS intoxicating.

    I got back on track after the pneumonia and started working out. The weight was dropping and I was not ever hungry. I plateaued and struggled through November. Nothing lost - but nothing gained. Before Christmas, my husband and I got bronchitis. I spent 3 weeks in bed with him :smile: - and his snacks :neutral:. I was so sick that I didn't feel like eating or cooking, so I relied on protein shakes. It was too easy to justify a 1/2 cup of sherbet for my sore throat. I drank a lot of zero calorie fluids but too fast. The 1/2 cup sherbet became a full cup. Hubby would leave his snacks in bed with us. There were bags of cookies and bags of honey roasted cashews and chocolate covered raisins. After two weeks of not touching them, I lost it.

    I initially lost almost 85 lbs but have gained back 18. I am going back to basics and recording my food and exercise. I got a groupon for a personal trainer for 6 sessions. I also set up my gym equipment in the spare bedroom. I am determined to take back control. I have had so many stresses lately like being unemployed, an 87 year old mom in the hospital, a sister who needs emotional and financial support, a grumpy sick hubby. NO MORE USING THAT AS AN EXCUSE!!!
  • petra02_06
    petra02_06 Posts: 3 Member
    Still eat like crap after eating sooo well for about a week..I just get tired...husband has a pt job at a pizza place so he's always bringing home pizza or something to eat.....ugh :( really glad I'm not alone guys!!!!!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    VSG eighteen months ago. When I was discharged a year out after surgery, they sent me off with this blessing, "Don't forget your training."

    That's what you have to go back to. Maybe you won't make it all the way back to 140, but you can start with a 10% weight loss goal. Start tracking your portions again, keeping your protein up.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Get out your surgery info. Go back to basics. If you google "5 day pouch reset" there are mini-diet plans to help bring you back to basics. I've not tried them myself but people in other forums swear by them. Get your scale and measuring cups out. Get the processed foods out. Go back to meals of about 2 oz of protein, 1/4 cup of veggies, then starch/fruit if you have room.

    Talk to your husband. He's your life partner. It's not ok for him to be insensitive and unsupportive. You have to have open and clear communication.

    For exercise, try Daily Burn. They have 30 days free. For the basic package it's like $9/month. You can do it on demand any time of day. It's available on the web, Roku, Apple TV, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Android based products, basically any web enabled device you have. After 30 days, if you still can't afford $9/month, YouTube. There are tons of mini-videos on YouTube.

    I'm 4 months post-VSG. Just had my 4 month check yesterday. My surgeon even warned me that this is the time a lot of people get comfortable in their success and start slacking. I'm really focused right now and am working on plans to maintain my focus, but welcome all support/post-WLS friends!
  • Larva2Butterfly
    Larva2Butterfly Posts: 2 Member
    I am 3week post out RNY and it really hard .