I finally figured out and faced the "why" I was fat

Hi all! My name is Trina I had weight loss surgery in 2013. I went in at 213 and 6mo later I was 188! That was almost 3 yrs ago. Fast forward to 11/19/15 God revealed the why to me and I had to face it and deal with it. I got on the scale and it said 210 I cried for a hour straight on the bathroom floor and vowed to myself I will never see that number again and was committed to undoing the damage I had done to myself. I'm correctly 191.8 goal is 125-135 normal for a 5'2 women. I got a Fitbit for Christmas, so with that tool and this one and most importantly God I am confident I will be at goal soon. Stay tuned


  • amoracherise2
    amoracherise2 Posts: 18 Member
    You can do it lady!!!!
  • Phcutiepie
    Phcutiepie Posts: 25 Member
    You got this!! Fitbit is a great tool every little step helps. I have been using my breaks and lunch to add in some steps just by walking around the block etc .