Eating 1x day to stay under calories



  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    What are your stats (ht wt age)? How many times a week do you workout and what do you do for those workouts?
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    ryry62685 wrote: »
    What are your stats (ht wt age)? How many times a week do you workout and what do you do for those workouts?

    5 foot 5, 180lbs, 33yo. I am not currently working out as I am looking for something I can do with my ACL only being attached on one end.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    You have a budget of $50 a week for just yourself?
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    You have a budget of $50 a week for just yourself?

    4 people
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ryry62685 wrote: »
    What are your stats (ht wt age)? How many times a week do you workout and what do you do for those workouts?

    5 foot 5, 180lbs, 33yo. I am not currently working out as I am looking for something I can do with my ACL only being attached on one end.

    115 is pretty low for 5'5" but it's not into the unhealthy BMI range. You probably can't have much muscle and weigh that.

    You should speak with the physician that treated your injury about what exercises would be safe.
  • trisha1298
    trisha1298 Posts: 51 Member
    I really like having instant oatmeal + a banana. It works for breakfast or a snack at work if you have a hot water tap. The banana is about 100 cal, and the oatmeal is either 100 cal for unflavored or 160 if you get a flavored packet.

    I can usually get 6 bananas for $1 and 10 packets of oatmeal for $2 at my grocery store. If you buy a large container of instant oatmeal that goes down (but I don't do that because I end up eating more per serving)

    Sometimes if I forget my lunch at work, I will have a double serving of oatmeal rather than going to the cafeteria. It's good "survival" food for me.
  • mustangpaula87
    mustangpaula87 Posts: 2 Member
    I've had to stretch an extremely tight budget for groceries for a family before. First of all, find which store in your area has the best sales every week. I shop at winn dixie, publix, and walmart. I go where I can get more for my money that week.
    Spaghetti: pasta ($1), pasta sauce ($1), 1/2 lb a meat (check sales, and it can be meatless)
    Whole chicken ($5 when on sale), veggies on sale (will challenge you and family to try new foods)
    Chicken and Rice Take left over whole chicken, pick off bones boil with rice (buy actual rice, its cheaper than the instant stuff), pair with veggies or salad
    Quesadillas: Tortillas ($3), Cheese ($3), can of black beans ($2 ish) and I let kids just have cheese if they want
    Baked penne: Pasta ($2), pasta sauce (1-2), shredded cheese on top boil pasta first put in dish with sauce and cheese on top, bake until cheese starts to bubble/brown

    Breakfast: buy healthier lower calorie cereals and measure. It took a while but the kids adapted to not having sugary cereals. I try to get these on buy 1 get 1 sales. So I usually only spend at most $2 a box.

    Eggs can be scrambled for a cheap easy high protein meal. Good over medium on top of a salad with yolk being the dressing.

    Get on pinterest and look up crockpot meals on budget. Avoid anything that calls for cream of somethings and all. My husbands always at work and I cook for just me and my girls who dont eat much. This is how we get buy a lot of nights. Tonight is 3 chicken breasts with a small jar of salsa, eating it on tortillas we already had.

    You can get a big thing of chicken at walmart for $10 at walmart, I stretch it for 4 meals each. $2.50 a meal for meat that's lean.

    Do left over nights.

    Measure everything and weigh it all. You don't need special foods and in the end the other family members will adapt and be healthier too.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    You have a budget of $50 a week for just yourself?

    4 people

    Maybe you or your mother-in-law qualifies for SNAP?
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    You have a budget of $50 a week for just yourself?

    4 people

    Get on food stamps and/or fix your budget problems. That isn't what you originally stated in the OP. The USDA thrifty plan is $130-150/week for a family of 4 (as you described it). You are trying to live on less than half of that, and it isn't going to be a realistic budget.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited January 2016
    Honestly, I think I'd spend my energy focusing on making good decisions for myself and my family. Time management, proper budgeting, quality foods, etc. Once I had that down, THEN I'd worry about losing weight or whatever other goals you may have.

    It sounds like you've got a lot you're trying to manage right now. Make sure your priorities are where they should be.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    ryry62685 wrote: »
    What are your stats (ht wt age)? How many times a week do you workout and what do you do for those workouts?

    5 foot 5, 180lbs, 33yo. I am not currently working out as I am looking for something I can do with my ACL only being attached on one end.

    115 is pretty low for 5'5" but it's not into the unhealthy BMI range. You probably can't have much muscle and weigh that.

    You should speak with the physician that treated your injury about what exercises would be safe.

    The ortho I saw was paid for by the insurance of the kid that hit me. I am waiting to hear from the state to see if we were approved for Medicaid. If so, I can look for a doc who has after-hours appointments. If not, I'm SOL and get to live w/unmedicated depression and an aching knee for longer still.

    I look back at me when I was 115 and see someone prettier then my current fat self. I still did not like me at 115 but at least I was healthier.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I have a torn acl and lcl. There are workouts on YouTube that can be done sitting down (jessica Smith, i think) and low-impact workouts that i did while mine was still healing (as much as they will ever heal, anyway)

    I need to have mine screwed back into place but can't afford it. :( So I am trying to find stuff that's as friendly as possible to my leg.

    I needed surgery but the docs decided it could wait. (?????) the workouts i suggested are great ones for that.

    But i think someone else might be right, depression might need to be dealt with first. Exercising did help with my depression, but I'm also on a ton of meds because i have a lot more than just depression....if you can't afford a dr and meds or counseling, try the exercises first and see if they help
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Well, you technically could make one large meal that fits right into your calories and macros with the option of eating it all in the same sitting, however, splitting the same meal up into a few meals may work better to satiate hunger.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ryry62685 wrote: »
    What are your stats (ht wt age)? How many times a week do you workout and what do you do for those workouts?

    5 foot 5, 180lbs, 33yo. I am not currently working out as I am looking for something I can do with my ACL only being attached on one end.

    115 is pretty low for 5'5" but it's not into the unhealthy BMI range. You probably can't have much muscle and weigh that.

    You should speak with the physician that treated your injury about what exercises would be safe.

    The ortho I saw was paid for by the insurance of the kid that hit me. I am waiting to hear from the state to see if we were approved for Medicaid. If so, I can look for a doc who has after-hours appointments. If not, I'm SOL and get to live w/unmedicated depression and an aching knee for longer still.

    I look back at me when I was 115 and see someone prettier then my current fat self. I still did not like me at 115 but at least I was healthier.

    Ah yes, that's rough. The end goal weight isn't really important at the beginning. You can adjust it as you get closer.

    Exercise is not necessary for weight loss so maybe just focus on diet right now. The good thing with being on a tight budget is that you probably don't have much money for junk food, which is typically pretty expensive. If it were me, I'd just buy cheap nutritious foods (eggs, grains, pasta, dried beans, frozen vegetables, meat that's on sale, etc.) and fix meals for the family. Then track your calories and be patient.

    Best of luck to you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Sorry - totally didn't address the ACL thing. My husband had his reconstructed a year or so ago (many thanks NHS) and I was amazed at how soon he was on his bike (missed a whole season of rugby though) - I thought it would be awful for his knee but he said it's perfect as it's the natural movement for the joint so good for strengthening. Not ideal in your situation I'm guessing though. Could your doctor give you any advice? Or you could post a new thread on the exercise board - I'm sure someone there could help or has been in the same situation. A physiotherapist or someone. (I know nothing!)

    I need to find a doctor with after hours appointments. Boss lady is not cool with me going to appointments during work hours. (I'm trying to find a more accommodating job but I haven't gotten any bites yet.) I'm waiting on the state to let me know what the status on my Medicaid is so I can even start to doctor hunt.

    I can't imagine an office-setting workplace in which employees are denied time off for doctor's appointments.
  • heart3313
    heart3313 Posts: 89 Member
    English muffins are a couple dollars for a pack of 6-8...that's a easy breakfast and cheap... lunch packs of tuna fish and banana... dinner chicken tenderloin packs are cheap, frozen fish... buy baby carrots those are $1-$2. . Buy fresh spinach or kale not prepackaged. ..those are around $1.... it can be done...try to go as fresh as you.can and not pre packaged... take 1 day 1 week at a time and see how! Good luck
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Sorry - totally didn't address the ACL thing. My husband had his reconstructed a year or so ago (many thanks NHS) and I was amazed at how soon he was on his bike (missed a whole season of rugby though) - I thought it would be awful for his knee but he said it's perfect as it's the natural movement for the joint so good for strengthening. Not ideal in your situation I'm guessing though. Could your doctor give you any advice? Or you could post a new thread on the exercise board - I'm sure someone there could help or has been in the same situation. A physiotherapist or someone. (I know nothing!)

    I need to find a doctor with after hours appointments. Boss lady is not cool with me going to appointments during work hours. (I'm trying to find a more accommodating job but I haven't gotten any bites yet.) I'm waiting on the state to let me know what the status on my Medicaid is so I can even start to doctor hunt.

    I can't imagine an office-setting workplace in which employees are denied time off for doctor's appointments.

    It's a small insurance office where I work. The boss set down the rule that all appointments must be outside office hours to make sure all hands are on deck to make sales.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Sorry - totally didn't address the ACL thing. My husband had his reconstructed a year or so ago (many thanks NHS) and I was amazed at how soon he was on his bike (missed a whole season of rugby though) - I thought it would be awful for his knee but he said it's perfect as it's the natural movement for the joint so good for strengthening. Not ideal in your situation I'm guessing though. Could your doctor give you any advice? Or you could post a new thread on the exercise board - I'm sure someone there could help or has been in the same situation. A physiotherapist or someone. (I know nothing!)

    I need to find a doctor with after hours appointments. Boss lady is not cool with me going to appointments during work hours. (I'm trying to find a more accommodating job but I haven't gotten any bites yet.) I'm waiting on the state to let me know what the status on my Medicaid is so I can even start to doctor hunt.

    I can't imagine an office-setting workplace in which employees are denied time off for doctor's appointments.

    It happens more often than you might think.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    edited January 2016
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Sorry - totally didn't address the ACL thing. My husband had his reconstructed a year or so ago (many thanks NHS) and I was amazed at how soon he was on his bike (missed a whole season of rugby though) - I thought it would be awful for his knee but he said it's perfect as it's the natural movement for the joint so good for strengthening. Not ideal in your situation I'm guessing though. Could your doctor give you any advice? Or you could post a new thread on the exercise board - I'm sure someone there could help or has been in the same situation. A physiotherapist or someone. (I know nothing!)

    I need to find a doctor with after hours appointments. Boss lady is not cool with me going to appointments during work hours. (I'm trying to find a more accommodating job but I haven't gotten any bites yet.) I'm waiting on the state to let me know what the status on my Medicaid is so I can even start to doctor hunt.

    I can't imagine an office-setting workplace in which employees are denied time off for doctor's appointments.

    My ex-husband works in a large call center, and he has to schedule time according to call volume. If there isn't room in the call volume his request is denied. Since it is difficult for him to take time off work I do 100% of the kids' appointments.