Counting calorie question

kerivkennedy Posts: 16 Member
edited January 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I have used sites like to help figure out calories in prepared meals like casseroles or a homemade pizza. (the MFP database is great for indiviual items, but not so much for how much 1 serving of a combined dish might be) However today I have soup going in the crockpot and I have no clue how to figure out calories
The broth is homemade bone broth (ham hocks, pork chop bone and a ham bone). I'm going to add some stew beef, a bit of bacon and a hodpodge of veggies (not all traditional beef stew veggies).

There is no way to figure out how much of any given item I'll have in a bowl.

I don't need my calories to be 100% exact for the day. So even if its off by 100 calories it won't kill my plan.
I just don't even know a starting #.

I mainly want to plan what I'd eat for lunch (and any snacks) based on a dinner estimate.

Help please!


  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    What most people do is use the recipe function. Make a recipe, weighing your ingredients the best you can as you go. Weigh the finished product (tare a container on the scale & dump into it) so you can figure out how many grams/serving you have. Or some people will put the total weight of the finished product (in grams) as the number of servings. This way if you scoop out 123 grams into a bowl, you log 123 servings and it's easier than trying to remember that one serving is 112 grams or whatever.

    The other option is to find something similar in the database and log that instead. The first option is more accurate, but the second will do in a pinch if needed.
  • mrssabre113
    mrssabre113 Posts: 24 Member
    You can manually or from a website enter a recipe. You can weigh or measure each item going into the dish, towards the end of inputting the recipe right before you save it, you can enter or change how many servings are in that dish. I use this feature all the time and it's wonderful!