A break from drinking after the holidays!

I know that alcohol has had a hugely negative effect on my health. It has caused weight gain, lethargy, and guilt, and leads to bad habits like smoking and eating late.

Even though I know drinking's bad for me, I still want to do it. I don't drink every single day, but I do binge on weekends and perhaps one weekday. So right now I could use some support as I take a break from alcohol. Anyone else go thru this??


  • racergirl1991
    racergirl1991 Posts: 422 Member
    I totally have the same issue!! Stress sets me off and lately it's been bad.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I set a very audacious goal of no alcohol until I go on summer vacation - July 15th! I quit alcohol for six weeks in November and found alcohol does seriously inhibit my weight loss. Alcohol (the kind I like, anyway) has tons of calories. Then, when I get a bit inebriated, I get the munchies and don't care what types of foods I eat - loaded chili cheese fries, anyone?
  • finkrachel
    finkrachel Posts: 1 Member
    Same issue. I weigh myself on Mondays to help me to not overindulge during the weekend, and I make a deal with myself that if I've gained any weight that Monday, I'm not allowed any alcohol that week at all. It helps. Quiksylver296, I sincerely wish you luck with your goal - I haven't let go of booze for that long since pregnancy!
  • Canaroo
    Canaroo Posts: 1 Member
    Yep - the holidays tend to bring that out a lot more. I like the idea of holding off until the Summer. Now to get rid of all these drinks in the fridge from the holidays...
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    I'm in! Lately I've been in a bad 2-3 glasses of red wine per night habit, not to mention all the sugary speciality cocktails I consumed over the holidays. The booze is definitely showing on my waistline. So I've decided to cut out (effective yesterday) any alcohol consumption unless I'm out for a social engagement, such as a mimosa or bloody Mary at weekend brunch with friends or a glass of wine while dining out. I feel that it's reasonable for me to have 1-3 drinks per week and still stay on track with my goals...I just can't have 1-3 per night.
  • dwulet130
    dwulet130 Posts: 108 Member
    Story of my life... I LOVE liquor. Usually when I'm good about what I eat I stick to wine and measure how much I'm drinking - I'll gladly pass up a couple cookies for 2 glasses after work.

    I also quit after the holidays (thanks to the New Years hangover from hell) so this is day 5 for me. Just waiting for the bright complexion, awesome sleep and amazing weight loss to kick in.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I know that alcohol has had a hugely negative effect on my health. It has caused weight gain, lethargy, and guilt, and leads to bad habits like smoking and eating late.

    Even though I know drinking's bad for me, I still want to do it. I don't drink every single day, but I do binge on weekends and perhaps one weekday. So right now I could use some support as I take a break from alcohol. Anyone else go thru this??

    I could have written this exact same thing. I gain weight, feel anxious/down after the nights where I drink too much, and get the craving to smoke. It's completely non-productive towards my goals and negatively affects my workouts, too. I'm currently doing dry January and already feel better just having 5 days off.

    All this to say, you can do it! For me, the hardest part is the habit of it. Sometimes I just want to pour a glass of wine out of habit but that seems to fade after a week or so. I've found that journaling helps so when I'm tempted to have a drink, I can look to the reasons why I'm abstaining for now. Good luck!
  • Lmaxwell
    Lmaxwell Posts: 42 Member
    I wish I could blame the holidays. I have been drinking a lot since the summertime and have decided to slow it down considerably, perhaps only choosing friday or saturday rather than the whole weekend. It lead to smoking again and some weight gain. I consider my new year my birthday, so that'll be my final indulgence, just 2 weeks away.
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    I think its a fantastic idea. I have been punting it around in my head that I need to lay off the beers till I hit my next goal. I don't go out often, but when I do, I over indulge and the next few days are shot for exercise and for logging. It also takes forever for that waterweight that I gained that day from over drinking and salty snacks to come off, so it constantly seems like I am backtracking.
  • julesrules611
    julesrules611 Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm so glad we are all in this together- @racergirl1991 I also am triggered by stress, and can't really blame the holidays. @chocolateandpb I wish I could drink reasonably on weekends, but once I have 1 or 2, I find it difficult to stop. I have to go 100% cold turkey at least until my tolerance goes wayyyy down. @Somebody_Loved I'm going to try journaling too.

    We can do this y'all! It's a huge, necessary step towards health
  • monalei8707
    monalei8707 Posts: 1 Member
    I can totally sympathize with what you have going on. I am in the same boat. I set the goal of no alcohol until Feb 13th. By then, I feel as though I should have hit a few milestones in my workout/diet plan. Maybe if I stop drinking for this amount of time, whenever I decide to have a drink again, I won't swim in it.

    I am also looking into more positive ways to cope with stress. Drinking is a simple yet very temporary solution. The struggle is definitely real.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    This thread is totally speaking to me. I have had issues with binge (wine) drinking on and off for years. I am pretty sure that is one of the main factors that contributed to a huge weight gain over a few years. I lost 42 pounds in the last six months of 2015 but my losses have stagnated because I started drinking again. I had given it up June-October. I have decided to give it up for another six months. I would love to be one of those people who can have one or two glasses and say no to the rest. But I'm not. I have to quit it altogether to make progress.

    I would love more friends who are also on this journey. Please feel free to add me. Good luck everyone!
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @julesrules611 @MrsVelapanur - I'm totally with you. It's taken a while but I finally accepted that I'm just not good at moderating alcohol. Once I have 1-2 glasses, I want to keep going. I really want to get to a place where I can learn to moderate, and I think completely abstaining for a while will help with that.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    @Somebody_Loved - I have stopped my wine club membership for six months. I have belonged to the same wine club for over 4 years and I love going for pick up times. It's usually a treat of mine. But when I am at home, I will pour myself a big glass or two and oftentimes, will keep going. My husband isn't a heavy drinker so its tapered off a bit since we've been married...but I still have a moderation problem sometimes. And of course, it stalls my weight loss. I read somewhere that alcohol has about 7 calories per 1 gram or something like that. Yikes!
  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    I'm on board! I too am cutting way back (once a week, if that, and only if we are having company or at a friend's for dinner). My goal is to make this my new way of enjoying wine, in moderation, once in a while. I have dear goal to reach that I've not reached in my 20 years of trying to slim down. I work too hard (training) to let my dream slip away into oblivion! Let's do this! Add me if you want a friend on the journey.
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    I have belonged to the same wine club for over 4 years and I love going for pick up times.

    I love our wine clubs too! We belong to 2 different ones and like going wine tasting once every couple months or so. We have a stash of about 30 bottles at any given time.

    I stopped drinking alcohol (mostly) on "school nights" back in August/September, unless we are out socializing. If you guys want to join a group, check out our group "No booze on school nights!" It's been helpful to me although it's pretty quiet in there. We could use some more active folks!
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    AJMB704 wrote: »
    I have belonged to the same wine club for over 4 years and I love going for pick up times.

    I love our wine clubs too! We belong to 2 different ones and like going wine tasting once every couple months or so. We have a stash of about 30 bottles at any given time.

    I stopped drinking alcohol (mostly) on "school nights" back in August/September, unless we are out socializing. If you guys want to join a group, check out our group "No booze on school nights!" It's been helpful to me although it's pretty quiet in there. We could use some more active folks!

    That's the same with us. I've been thinking a lot about how I'd like to incorporate alcohol back once dry January is over and I've definitely been considering the no drinking on school nights route. Glad to know there's a group for that!
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    I like the idea of no drinking on school nights but in theory, I think I end up spending the rest of the week working off the damage I did over the weekend. Of course, if it was just one or two glasses of wine, it wouldn't be so bad. But it rarely is.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    I first stopping drinking wine on week nights. That helped me with weight loss, but I was doing a countdown to Friday night every week, and my glass or three of white wine. So I stopped buying it completely so it wasn't in the house. That helped a ton and after a few weeks I was forgetting about it.

    I decided to only drink it on special occasions. But then the holidays came and parties and lots of special occasions, so I'm only drinking now on "very special occasions". I still find it very hard to just drink one glass, and I occasionally have a little scotch, but I don't look forward to that. Overall I probably have wine twice a month now and I don't plan for it and it doesn't drag on my thoughts anymore.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I am a drinker, I just work it off, easy. love my booze and love my exercise.