Daytime work people... What do you eat?

As I begin once again on my weight loss journey I am perplexed at the things that I could be or should be eating for breakfast and lunch while at work. I understand that I need to eat something that will keep me satisfied, but everyone's immediate go to seems to be eggs and while I enjoy an egg here and there it is not a feasible option for everyday. I would love to hear your suggestions on options for breakfast as well as some suggestions of what people eat for lunch at work, things that are healthy other than just bringing salad to work everyday.


  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Weight loss is about calorie restriction, not what exact foods you eat.

    My diary is open.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I don't eat breakfast. But there are lots of options other than eggs. High fiber cereals, greek yogurt w fruit, smoothies (all the rage right now), leftovers from dinner, peanut butter on toast, tuna salad, whatever you enjoy.

    For lunch I usually bring leftovers because I cook yummy healthy dinners. When there are no leftovers I usually bring a salad (often topped with leftover meat/fish, beans, hummus or some type of protein), a sandwich wrap (basically the same thing that put in salads only wrapped up, pb or hummus with crackers or vegetables.
  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    I had bacon and eggs yesterday for breakfast, today I had 4 slices of toast with peanut butter, tomorrow I may have chili. Lunch yesterday was a brisket sub, today it's oatmeal.

    Whatever fits in your calorie goal is what works.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I agree; eat what fits your calorie goal.

    Today's breakfast was overnight oats with raspberries and blueberries, boiled eggs, and coffee with milk.

    Lunch will be a bunch of spinach with roasted chicken thigh and avocado mixed in plus some salad dressing.

    I ate the same thing yesterday and will probably do it again tomorrow.
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    I cannot get out of my own way in the morning. I go basic and eat a small bowl of cereal in the morning with skim milk in the morning. I usually eat generic store brand version of Special K. It works for me. I also pack a banana to take with me to work as a mid-morning snack.

    For lunch, I generally take a tupperware of last night's left overs from dinner. And generally another piece of fruit. If I have no left overs, I may make a quick batch of rice and beans, or a leafy green salad topped with cooked chicken.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I work 6am-3pm everyday. I live an hour from my job, so I'm up at four, and understand your plite with this. What's been working for me is a smoothie for breakfast that I make up the night before (I have a magic bullet so I blend it right in the cup and put a lid on it to grab out of the fridge) and for lunch I either take leftovers (I've been cooking vegetarian for a January clean eating challenge so that's helpful, but just use whatever you've got in a lunch portion) or I grab a progresso ready to serve light soup (black lentil is a really great choice-GF and vegetarian). Snacks I usually grab either a greek yogurt with granola or a string cheese. Good luck, and just remember to keep it all within your calories and you will be fine!!
  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    The three things I have for breakfast, alternating, are:
    - Greek yogurt with granola
    - pre-made oatmeal w/ raisins, nuts, etc.
    - pre-made breakfast burritos (with no potatoes). I spend a couple of hours on a weekend every few months and make like 24 breakfast burritos, wrap in foil individually, and store in the freezer. Everything is measured and weighed while I'm cooking so it's a total no-brainer. (contents are whole wheat tortilla, egg, cheese, breakfast sausage and/or bacon and red enchilada sauce and/or roasted green chile. I'm having one of these for lunch today!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I brown bag my breakfast, lunch, and snacks pretty much daily. I love eggs, so I eat eggs for breakfast along with either beans or oats or toast pretty much daily.

    It's winter and I make a lot of soups and stews throughout the week so lunch is usually leftovers and I usually have 1/2 an avocado pretty much every day. I also like to make various roasts which make good leftovers as well. If it's not leftovers, it's usually a sandwich or a big salad or something.
  • MizMliss
    MizMliss Posts: 20 Member
    I work in an office, I am a creature of habit so I generally can eat the same thing every day FOREVER.
    Breakfast is: Oatmeal with nuts & berries, yogurt with granola or a smoothie
    AM Snack: piece of fruit (apple w/pb or banana)
    Lunch is: Salad w/chicken, veggies, nuts, fruit or chicken/brown rice/ veggie
    PM snack: Carrots & hummus or apple w/pb.
    Dinner: protein/veggie/starch (brown rice or quinoa)

    I switch this basic recipe around depending on season/weather. The AM & PM snack make ALL the difference in the world.

    Good luck!

  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    For breakfast I make a big egg white and roasted vegetable (heavy on the vegetables) casserole topped with barbacoa chicken and salsa. For lunch I usually have either soup or leftovers (rarely).
  • 2kidsandatrip
    2kidsandatrip Posts: 98 Member
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions and for taking the time to respond.... A few people have mentioned smoothies... if you drink smoothies, do you make them and home and if so what do you put in them? Do you put in any protein to make it to the next meal?
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    My usual breakfast is either oatmeal, raisins & milk or shredded wheat, blueberries and milk. But sometimes I have leftover soup. very filling and especially nice in the winter.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I brown bag my breakfast, lunch, and snacks pretty much daily. I love eggs, so I eat eggs for breakfast along with either beans or oats or toast pretty much daily.

    It's winter and I make a lot of soups and stews throughout the week so lunch is usually leftovers and I usually have 1/2 an avocado pretty much every day. I also like to make various roasts which make good leftovers as well. If it's not leftovers, it's usually a sandwich or a big salad or something.

    Pretty much this. I don't always have eggs, but something protein/fat. Then brown bag my lunch and snacks.

    Today I brought string cheese, and raw green beans for a snack. Lunch is chicken breast, blue cheese, black beans, spinach and green salsa in a low carb wrap.
    Mid afternoon I might get a decaf tea latte.
  • Here4Ponies
    Here4Ponies Posts: 116 Member
    edited January 2016
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions and for taking the time to respond.... A few people have mentioned smoothies... if you drink smoothies, do you make them and home and if so what do you put in them? Do you put in any protein to make it to the next meal?

    This morning I made a smoothie with non-fat plain Greek yogurt (store brand, 5.3 ounces), 4 oz 1% milk, 8 grams vanilla protein powder, and 150 grams frozen strawberries. Had 1 ounce of almonds on the side. I put the smoothie in a Blender Bottle but any kind of wide mouth beverage bottle works. Enjoyed on the drive to work.

    Lunch was 3 ounces ham steak and 85 grams spinach dry sauteed and seasoned with ground mustard and garlic powder. Put that in a plastic container and reheated it at work. Topped with 14 grams Parmesan cheese. Had an apple and 8 ounces of 1% milk (carried to work in a Ball freezer jar) on the side.

    I'm not fond of eggs or green salads either. My diary is open although I only started logging again this week.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Agree that eggs really aren't feasible every day. Greek yogurt is a good quick alternative. I usually eat a fage 2% plain greek yogurt (20 grams of protein) and some veggies or nuts, and coffee. That generally keeps me full until lunch, and even then I'm still not so hungry that I have an urge to over eat during lunch.

    I find it's easier to meat my calorie/macro goals when I eat very healthy during breakfast and lunch, and leave myself extra calories for dinner and late night.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    I tend to sleep as late as possible in the mornings, so I eat breakfast at work - no eggs for me! I'll either mix up a protein shake in my office (I like GNC Lean Shake in Rich Chocolate), or I'll bring a low calorie greek yogurt. For lunch, 90% of the time I bring a Lean Cuisine or other low calorie frozen meal. Occasionally I'll bring leftovers. For snacks, I have carrots with light ranch and mixed berries that I package myself on the weekends and weigh so I know the calories. This keeps me completely satisfied at work and I start getting hungry just when I get home and get ready for dinner. Like some others I like to leave myself extra calories for dinner because that is when I am the hungriest and have the least control over the calories (husband does most of the cooking since I work later).
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    Personally I think eggs are super easy and practical - boiled eggs can be carried easily and don't even need to be refrigerated. If they're not an option though I'd still stick with something high protein to keep you full. For lunches I usually just bring leftovers from dinner the night before - chicken and veggies, chili, turkey meatloaf, etc.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I batch cook at the weekend and take lunch to reheat ..generally around 350-400 calories (so chicken stew and rice, veg stew, rice and cheese, squash risotto, salmon fishcakes and salad etc) plus a Greek yogurt and berries for an additional 170 cals

    Sometimes I buy pots from supermarket like thai coconut curry or lentil samba or pulled pork and chorizo and eat over salad leaves ..around 350-400 cals

    For breakfast quick cook porridge and honey and banana (200), or egg white scrambled with cheese, mushroom, ham, spinach on toast for 230

  • amandamandahubbard83
    I typically eat cereal for breakfast. The serving size is enough for me. Then lunch I take a minute to research options. If I crave sushi I look up the calories before I go get it. I look up what options I can have if everyone goes out to fast food. I just try and be
    Realistic. I don't typically snack though. I try and save alot of my calories for dinner.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I can't stand eating in the office (pet peeve when others prep, cook, snack all glad that does not happen in my workplace)! But I get it...not everyone can eat breakfast and lunch at home. I do though. So breakfast is anything from yogurt with oatmeal and fruit, egg taco, cereal with almond milk, to a veggie and sprout omelet with Sriracha or steel cut oats with nuts. Lunch is usually something easy but good (to me anyway) like a tuna Panini, lentils, beans, rice, taco salad, or quick stir fry.

    This thread is making me feel very grateful to have a two mile commute and standard 8-5 workday.