Help! How to lose the most weight QUICK!



  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I'm on a 21:3 fasting diet (male, 54, 6'1", sw 250, cw 220).

    The first week on this diet, I lost 7 lbs. I'm sure most of it was water and stuff in my guts. The next week I lost 3 lbs. If I go off the diet for a day or two, i will gain 2-3 lbs of food weight which is all gone 2-3 days of being back on the diet because I'm only carrying 1 or 2 meals in me instead of many. You could probably loose at least 3-5 lbs the first week on this diet (won't all be fat but will help you get into skinny clothes all the same). You will probably loose 1-2 lbs a week after the first week depending on how many calories you put in you in the eating window.

    I still eat 1800 to 2400 cals a day doing this and have lost 30 lbs in about 3.5 months. I also did cardio about 4xweek during this weight loss.
  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    You want people to give you "lose weight fast" advice without the lectures? I am not sure we can follow MFP's guidelines and tell you how to lose 18 lbs fast and without the lectures
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Quick loss? Cut off a limb. Sustainable reasonable loss? 1-2lbs a week, although for some reason this doens't "motivate" you. Unfortunately over expectation doesn't result in sustained weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member

    PS. I know this is landing on deaf ears, but someone reading the thread may take reasonable advice to heart.

    Cheers, h.

    One can but hope :)
    I admire wholeheartedly the persistence of a couple of dozen users on here, including yourself, to explain over and over and give the same reasonable answers to the same unreasonable questions. I know it's done for the benefit of lurkers and not just the OP, and as a former lurking newbie (not long ago) I greatly appreciate it!

    Sorry for the off-topic...

    Off topic as well: i used to have the patience to explain the same things over and over and over, but then i lost it....
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member

    PS. I know this is landing on deaf ears, but someone reading the thread may take reasonable advice to heart.

    Cheers, h.

    One can but hope :)
    I admire wholeheartedly the persistence of a couple of dozen users on here, including yourself, to explain over and over and give the same reasonable answers to the same unreasonable questions. I know it's done for the benefit of lurkers and not just the OP, and as a former lurking newbie (not long ago) I greatly appreciate it!

    Sorry for the off-topic...

    Off topic as well: i used to have the patience to explain the same things over and over and over, but then i lost it....

    That's why, Copy & Paste're, our friends!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Copy and paste are great for some things, and sometimes I really wish I would use it more. But to be honest, no matter how frustrating it can get, I like to treat each person as the individual they are.

    Ok off to do a copy/ paste. Honest- I just did a bit of a long post on one thread and know it applied just as well to another thread. B)

    Sorry for the detour, h.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    tbettridge wrote: »
    I KNOW..I KNOW..I KNOW---you're all going to tell me that I have to be patient and consistent. If I lose weight fast, it will come back on fast....I know all of that!

    BUT....Here is the deal. I've gained 18 pounds in 3 months. (Crazy-i know). I am at my all time high. (170 pounds-I'm 5'7... I can't believe I told you all that. EECK!). I am embarrassed. I literally want to hide in my house until the weight is gone. Of coarse, that isn't an option. I am a social person with lots of "outside" responsibilities. can I lose at least 10 pounds super quick (so I can fit into my jeans). Once I start seeing success, I stay committed. "Success begets success". I can't start with a 1-2 pounds a week thing...I need to see results quick or I lose motivation. Then I can do more of a everyday diet plan. My son is a big time personal trainer who would be so mad I am asking this. He is my source of all things balanced and perfect for everyday living.

    So, without the lectures

    It took you 3 months to gain 18 pounds. Losing 18 pounds in 3 months is reasonable. Tell your son. Let him help to motivate you. You have a personal trainer at your disposal and motivation is the biggest part of the battle.

    That's not exactly accurate. It's not hard to eat 2000 calories over maintenance, but would require to stop eating all together to achieve the same deficit.

    OP what you are asking for is not physically possible no matter how much you want it to be because you aren't big enough to be able to produce a reliable loss over 2 lb unless you nearly stop eating, which no one will be recommending here.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I don't think the OP will be reading anything other than "OMG!!!!!!! I use xxxxx product and am losing weight So fast!!!11". There is some amazing information on here for others. I do not understand WHY people come on here and post questions like this only to not bother listening to the advice. Well, all I can say is good luck to the OP... see you in a couple months when you realise fads aren't the answer. If OP is reading: Are you expecting to do this for the rest of your life? If not, then what happens after you stop with that fad product? Just because the product is something that can be purchased, doesn't mean it is safe and effective. :tongue:

    It's sad, really, when someone won't listen to the proper advice from those with the most experience. The whole fad mentality needs to die a swift death. The successful ones on here didn't lose lots of weight (and kept it off) with some ridiculous product with sky-high BS claims.. they worked hard, and so should you. You are not a special snowflake.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • skysiebaby
    skysiebaby Posts: 88 Member
    Coley88 wrote: »
    I like clarity of thought, hair and fingernails too much to do some lo cal fad diet that teaches me nothing about how to eat.

    Op lose slowly, .5-1lb a week counting calories.

    @JoRocka, who gave you such great advice, carries a higher weight than one would expect looking at her because she incorporates a good progressive lifting programme and has quite a bit of muscle- not jiggly fat.

    Talk to your son about a good progressive, compound lifting programme that you can incorporate while you lose slowly. This will give you a better result than losing fast and being flabby- it will help re shape your body.

    PS. I know this is landing on deaf ears, but someone reading the thread may take reasonable advice to heart.

    Cheers, h.

    I've been on MFP since July and have lurked the forums pretty much that entire time, only having made handful of posts myself. As someone who came into this knowing pretty much nothing about weight loss in July, I lurked quite a bit. I've since lost 20lbs in a sensible and healthy manner. Trust me when I say, you may not be getting through to the OP, but you are doing a world of good for lurkers, even if none come out and say it. Thank you.

    +1, well said. I joined MFP in 2010 and have learnt more from lurking than I realise sometimes.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Copy and paste are great for some things, and sometimes I really wish I would use it more. But to be honest, no matter how frustrating it can get, I like to treat each person as the individual they are.

    Ok off to do a copy/ paste. Honest- I just did a bit of a long post on one thread and know it applied just as well to another thread. B)

    Sorry for the detour, h.

  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    Wouldn't it be cool if all of us knew the answer to super fast easy weightloss then never tell anyone or cash in. Eat at a deficit lose the weight over time. It took 3 months to gain it. It's not going to just vanish away.
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    GsKiki wrote: »
    It's not the best thing to lose weight so fast, but there is a way to do it sort of healthy, but it requires a lot of work. First you need to create calorie deficit, but you also need to do cardio and weights exercises regularly. I would say at least 3 times a week of each. Both cardio and weights are crucial because you do not want to lose any muscle, just fat.
    As long as you eat balanced meals, and don't starve yourself you should be fine, especially because you do not have a lot of weight to lose. If you need some tips, recipes or support feel free to add me :)

    So basically you are saying to eat in a deficit, and then add an exercise deficit on top of that, to lose faster than 2 pounds per week. You know you are supposed to eat back most of your exercise calories? And that it is unsafe to drop below 1200 NET calories per day (gross calories - exercise calories)? And that with the OP's stats, it is literally unsafe for her to aim to lose 2 pounds per week using that formula?

    Stop being in such a rush, and do this smart, and in 3 months you'll be amazed at the difference.

    I don't think I've ever mentioned about not eating the extra that you get from exercise. And for a female it is unsafe going under 1000, MFP will not even allow you that. Advice that I gave her is simply do deficit, exercise a lot, eat balanced meals and you will se results.
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    170 at 5'7" isn't that much honestly- I'm 5'8" and I regularly sit around 165.

    Granted my body comp is probably substantially different than yours- but still- it's not absurdly over weight. So step one.
    1.) calm down- the sky is not actually falling.
    2.) you already answered this- losing weight quickly isn't the answer- it didn't come on over night- it won't leave over night.
    3.) Have you been tracking?
    4.) If not- Start tracking
    5.) start implementing a small 250-350 calorie deficit- maintain that until you stop losing weight. When you stop losing- shave off another 250 calories (i.e. as you lose weight- the amount you need to eat will also go down- sucks i know- harsh reality)
    6.) this is a toughey- be patient.
    7.) lather rinse repeat.. and be consistent and stay on point.

    Good luck.

    I will add to this that as a male 5'7" a healthy bmi doesn't start until just below 159 and in op is female with lower muscle mass 170 can fairly overweight by bf%