How do you feel?

Anyone on here who has been overweight, obese care to share how they feel now in thier new bodies?


  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    edited January 2016
    All the hard work and dedication is worth it. Simple as that. I'm motivated to do so much more than I was before. Since dropping my weight I'm better at my job, nicer to people (not that I was mean but I was unhappy and didn't always take the time to share in the joy of others), more likely to do random fun stuff just because, LOOK BETTER, FEEL BETTER, BETTER IN BED..., and generally enjoy life more.

    I know it's hard to imagine how much things change but it's huge. I still have some of the same life issues as I had before, but I'm more equipped mentally and physically to deal with those.

    Whatever it takes, do it.

    Edit: And good luck! Going to send you a friend request.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    edited January 2016
    Twenty years younger! More energy, anxiety gone(what was that about anyway). No more meds for BP, cholesterol, GERD! All those are gone. I've had cluster headaches(AKA suicide headaches) weekly since 2010, I haven't had one in 7 months!
  • TheRunningman1985
    TheRunningman1985 Posts: 66 Member
    All the hard work and dedication is worth it. Simple as that. I'm motivated to do so much more than I was before. Since dropping my weight I'm better at my job, nicer to people (not that I was mean but I was unhappy and didn't always take the time to share in the joy of others), more likely to do random fun stuff just because, LOOK BETTER, FEEL BETTER, BETTER IN BED..., and generally enjoy life more.

    I know it's hard to imagine how much things change but it's huge. I still have some of the same life issues as I had before, but I'm more equipped mentally and physically to deal with those.

    Whatever it takes, do it.

    Edit: And good luck! Going to send you a friend request.

    Thats so good to hear, put a smile on my face. How you felt then is how Im feeling now. But I will get there in the end. Thanks for the request
  • TheRunningman1985
    TheRunningman1985 Posts: 66 Member
    Twenty years younger! More energy, anxiety gone(what was that about anyway). No more meds for BP, cholesterol, GERD! All those are gone. I've had cluster headaches(AKA suicide headaches) weekly since 2010, I haven't had one in 7 months!

    So happy for you honestly, gives me more of a motivation to reach my goals. Sometimes its hard to visualise your success as I've always been overweight.
  • TheRunningman1985
    TheRunningman1985 Posts: 66 Member
    Thank you both for sharing
  • mamadukes23
    mamadukes23 Posts: 36 Member
    I havent hit my goal yet and it has been a loooong journey,BUT , I can honestly say i love myself alot more now than i ever have. Its not just how i look but how i feel. I dont feel so groggy and disgusting. I can actually get up and do things without being short of breath or wanting to fall over. Give it time and my best advice is ; dont beat yourself up over the small things, if you slip and go off track just pick yourself up and keep strutting along you will do it! If you wanna add me feel free :)
  • mamadukes23
    mamadukes23 Posts: 36 Member
    edited January 2016
    Also keep looking at the success stories on here they are great motivation!
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Also keep looking at the success stories on here they are great motivation!

    This is a fun site! You can also go to
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    edited January 2016
    @mamadukes23 your comments about not falling down made me remember a fascinating part of the physical improvements that occurred for both my wife and me.

    In May I had tachycardia, resting heart rate of over 100. My doc gave me a medication to help keep it lower, reviewed recent tests and suggested I walk. We live in the county and it's very hilly(steep) where we live but we started. I vividly remember our first day, head east to the nearest cross road and back home, 1 mile. That first time it took my wife and I 45 minutes, we stopped 9 times to allow my heart rate could slow down. I honestly thought my heart was going to explode, I was hot, sweaty, and miserable. At that moment I don't think I was worried as maybe it would all be over soon, I was that whacked out! Took a day to recover and then do it again. Over the next couple of months we kept walking further every other day, the hills got a little easier and we stopped a little less each walk. My heart rate was still high, but I started to get lower readings! By July we got in a routine, head east a half a mile, turn around go a mile west and then east, back to the house. My wife would stop after the second mile and I would walk back to the east again and repeat the third mile by myself. In September I was walking that third mile in 15 minutes! Up and down the same hills that 5 months prior had beaten me up, badly. The 45 minute mile with impossible hills was no more. It was just a simple easy brisk stroll in the hills.

    My wife progress was similar. In the beginning I was very concerned as she walked down hill she couldn't stop, gravity would take over. She had bad ankles, I had to stop her from falling face first multiple times. I started walking in front of her so she could push off me. A few months later she was confidently walking up and down the hills without assistance of any kind.

    My resting heart rate today runs 65 BPM. My docs medicine, in the trash. My wife's bad ankles, they are perfect! She had been on meds for arthritis in her knees for years. That medicine is with the rest of mine, gone! It can happen for you too!
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    I feel great! I also would be glad to tell you that I have lost 65 pounds in the last 5 years.

    Before that I would say I was 100 lbs overweight and had trouble climbing stairs because of an old knee injury. I live in the Southwest where there are not as many stairs to deal with so it was not as much a problem as in other places of the country. Other than that, I still considered myself in fairly good health. I was a gym member and worked out 3-4 times a week. Yes, still I was very overweight but felt good enough to live life as it was, just telling myself I could be overweight and healthy.

    5 years ago, I finally decided to deal seriously with my overeating and lost 25 pounds but it sure took a long time. I had long periods of plateaus. Finally I started using MFP about a year and half ago. That sped things up quite a bit but the weight loss has not been fast and I still hit long plateaus.

    I feel even better, though! I did not realize how much better I could feel. It amazes me to pick up a 10 lb bag of potatoes at the grocery store and realize I once had 6 of those on my body but that much weight it now gone.

    I feel fantastic going to buy clothes in so many sizes smaller than I wore for years and years. I feel great donating big clothes to thrift stores from my closet. I felt wonderful receiving a clothing item for Christmas from someone I had not seen for a LONG time and realizing she had bought me something that is too big for me because she did not know that I had lost that much weight.

    I know I will struggle with keeping it off, but I will not have those large clothes around to use so I am determined to maintain the weight I have lost so far. I am a bit worried about how much more I should lose and am not sure I can or should try to get down to a "recommended" weight from charts. I cannot imagine eating less than I do now or working out any harder or longer.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    Anyone on here who has been overweight, obese care to share how they feel now in thier new bodies?

    Normal ... like "me" again. I'm back.
  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 550 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread @davidnestor871, I am glad that I stumbled upon this. Because it is how I am feeling as well. Keep pushing and working hard. #wegotthis
  • davidcliff
    davidcliff Posts: 144 Member
    I have a ton more confidence in myself and in general a better self image.

    I have people talk to me almost every day saying that I've inspired them to build a healthier lifestyle.
  • kmleaf
    kmleaf Posts: 46 Member
    I feel better in countless ways now that I have dropped 91 lbs this past 8 months. I'm over half-way to goal, although I still have a long way to go, but the changes have been extreme. Before I started with MFP I was 59 years old and waiting to die. I would get winded just walking from one end of my house to the other and my home is not that large. I was sure that a heart attack would take me at any moment and truthfully, I told myself that I was okay with that. How sad.

    I am turning 60 next month and now I am excited about the future and my chances of having a future are greatly improved. Of course there are the big changes like being able to move around without breaking into a sweat, bend over without making a grunting noise, wear smaller clothes and look younger but some of the smallest changes are what I often appreciate the most. Little things like not having to buy a wide-width shoe and wearing heals again, crossing my legs like a lady, being able to reach my back when it's itchy and best of all, I can wear mascara again. Before, there was too much fat and puff around my eyes and the mascara would just rub off on my skin. That was NOT a good look.

    Most of what I mentioned were superficial improvements to my appearance but I know that the most important is the improvement to my health. I sleep better, have tons more energy and my outlook on life is higher than the moon.

    Anyone can do this. I have not suffered one bit. I eat what I want, when I want, but I count it. Nothing is off limits, but when I only have a certain number of calories to spend I budget those wisely. I don't feel deprived when I pass on a high calorie item because it's not a "forbidden" food - it's just me making a choice.

    I will admit that I have not exercised at all during my weight loss because, well, I absolutely hate it. That's not the best choice and I won't say that exercise will never be part of my program - just not yet.

    I wish I could bottle my enthusiasm and give it to anyone that wants or needs it. Happy 2016 - may the force be with you.
  • lynnpertle
    lynnpertle Posts: 34 Member
    Awesome post. Motivating.
  • TheRunningman1985
    TheRunningman1985 Posts: 66 Member
    Thank you all for sharing, it was/is inspiring and motivating reading all your journeys, I hope to write my journey down and post before and after pics in the near future. This year has to be the year i acomplish my goals. So far MFP has taught me patience, dedication & discipline. I will get there in the end
  • rdgfreshstart2016
    rdgfreshstart2016 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing - very motivating.
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