Want to lose 40lbs!

Hey everyone! I'm Justine and I really want to lose 40lbs. I not only want to do this for my health but I really want to be happy with the way I look and confident in my own skin. I have used my fitness pal before but I never got involved in the community so I'm not quite sure how this works. A lot of my friends are very thin and fit so it can be hard to talk to them sometimes about weight loss so I hope to meet some awesome people with similar goals to go through this process together! Add me or message me - whatever works! Good luck to everyone


  • cocofarm
    cocofarm Posts: 2 Member
    Same here wanting to loose at least 40, but would love if I got down twenty more. Still trying to figure this app out and how to get contacts. I wish you great success.
  • tigerseven4
    tigerseven4 Posts: 10 Member
    My first time using the community support system. What is your plan to drop the lbs? Walking? Running? Eating Clean? Reducing / eliminating alchole? Im going to get more fit then I am now which should result in dropping some lbs.
  • jessiematt451
    jessiematt451 Posts: 17 Member
    I need to lose more but 40 is my first goal! I've used myfitnesspal for many years and had great success. So I'm excited to get back into it!
  • miss66441
    miss66441 Posts: 1 Member
    My plan is to lose 40lbs to but first I want to try losing 10lbs first. Mostly just want to get back into shape
  • sjtooleow
    sjtooleow Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in the same boat @JNicoleMolly, all my friends are thin and fit. I've always been the heavy/thicker friend. I've also been part of MFP for quite some time but haven't been as active. Hoping to change that this time around :)

    I managed to lose 20 lbs back in October by going on a 45 day weight management program of clean eating.

    I'll add you as a friend if you don't mind :) It helps having a community to keep you accountable. Good luck!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I also want to lose about 40 lbs. I have been on here a while but will be active for a while and lose some, then stop. I didn't use the community those times, so this time I hoping the support will help with my determination.
  • AuntSusie7
    AuntSusie7 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm wanting to lose 40-50 lbs. I did it once before on Jenny Craig, but over the last 6 years I slowly gained it all back. I need support and motivation.
  • shodan83
    shodan83 Posts: 2 Member
    I've used this app before along with runtastic. Worked really well but I fell off the wagon. I want to get back in the game to loose about 30lbs. Never used the support community before but I think this is something I need. Feel free to add me.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    It's totally doable! You've got to work for it more than just wanting it. It helped me to break down my goal into smaller parts so it wasn't overwhelming. Have a clear plan and remind yourself of it every day.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    I've been a regular at MFP for over two years now--lost 66lbs but have put back on 20 so getting back on the wagon again. Using the community forums helped me alot--you don't realize how much support you need and how much it helps reinforce your motivation. You have to keep it on the front burner so getting on here and sharing was the key to my success I think. I recommend joining a weight loss challenge or start one yourself--some friendly competition toward a mutual goal helps too. My final piece of advice: please, please, please learn (I beg you) that you "lose" weight so that your pants are "loose". ;)
  • JNicoleMolly
    JNicoleMolly Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for your support!
  • cponeill89
    cponeill89 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm also aiming for a loss of 40lbs, my goal weight is what I probably was back in school.
  • sparrish531
    sparrish531 Posts: 499 Member
    Planning on going to the gym for aerobic and strength training, cycling and doing MUCH better with my eating habits. Planning to lose 45 lbs. Would enjoy being accountable to folks with similar goals.
  • dmzinz
    dmzinz Posts: 5 Member
    I also want to lose 40 lbs. been on a roller coaster for a yr. going up 2 lbs. down 2 lbs. ...I am ready to get this weight off ...
  • Salex579
    Salex579 Posts: 9 Member
    puffbrat wrote: »
    I also want to lose about 40 lbs. I have been on here a while but will be active for a while and lose some, then stop. I didn't use the community those times, so this time I hoping the support will help with my determination.

    Same here. Hoping that seeing others in the same boat as me will give me the motivation I need to keep going. Feel free to add me! The more the merrier! :)

  • mraskin25
    mraskin25 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm aiming for more then 40 overall but 20 to start. I've been losing and and regaining weight a little at a time for 5 years but without being active in this community so I hope this helps make this time different. Anyone feel free to add me! I hope to have more people to hold me accountable and would love to have more people to talk to who are in a similar point in life
  • Mom2max
    Mom2max Posts: 5 Member
    I'm right there with you @JNicoleMolly!
  • wmcaldwell17
    wmcaldwell17 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! 40 it is... Anyone open to adding me? Let me know
  • danaeenglund2015
    danaeenglund2015 Posts: 17 Member
    Anyone can add me too! I'm in the same boat! 40 is a good goal for me to start with. I'm so excited to get in shape and it helps knowing that there is this community here! Let's do this!
  • gettingto65
    gettingto65 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm hoping to lose between 40-60lbs - whenever I reach a point where I'm happy! I'd love any new friends to help with motivation etc so feel free to add me :)