Supportive and motivational friends please!

I've been here before but didn't log seriously. I just really need to maintain but without logging and motivation, I tend to over eat. Needing supportive and motivational people


  • annestrei
    annestrei Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I think thats common for everyone. When I have to record what I eat, I think about it. When I don't, I tend to pop things in my mouth. Maybe you can track some days and give yourself a break some days. I like this quote "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels". Good luck, you can do it!!
  • BEBR2014
    BEBR2014 Posts: 15 Member
    Good morning. It is easier to log as soon as you finish a meal or snack then to try and remember it at the end of the day. It will become a habit. If you forget, just get back to it as soon as possible.

    Wishing you a successful start to 2016!
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    What works for me is logging food the night before, it helps me with meal prep and I find I stick to what if planned. It also means less food waste and cost.
  • What works for me is logging food the night before, it helps me with meal prep and I find I stick to what if planned. It also means less food waste and cost.

    I do this when I work. Helps me stick to the plan

  • josephka
    josephka Posts: 45 Member
    If you have the MFP app on your phone, it's easier to log than on the computer / at least for me. Just log as soon as you eat something because you're right, at the end of the day you will forget some things.
  • Smartsteph
    Smartsteph Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! Im starting again and know I need to be more involved with others to track my food consistently and hold myself accountable. I would be happy to provide support! Feel free to add me
  • eboy1718
    eboy1718 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! Looking for support and motivation as well. Been yo-yo dieting since I can remember. My highest weight has been 256 lbs. Currently 240lbs. My lowest was 138 and that was when I was 20 years old. I am 28 now and just want to get my life right again. I work overnight and tend to eat at work and eat as soon I get home again in the morning. I just need to start this app again. I just need a buddy to diet with and compare what we eat and our calorie intake. Sort of like a competition. I tend to be very competitive maybe that can help me.
  • bvff35
    bvff35 Posts: 74 Member
    I like logging meals the night before too. It helps me to know exactly what I will eat that day when I'm hungry so I dont have to think about it when the time comes. It helps me stay on track. I also try to meal prep for at least 4 days at a time to also take the guesswork out of it when im hungry.
  • bvff35
    bvff35 Posts: 74 Member
    eboy1718 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! Looking for support and motivation as well. Been yo-yo dieting since I can remember. My highest weight has been 256 lbs. Currently 240lbs. My lowest was 138 and that was when I was 20 years old. I am 28 now and just want to get my life right again. I work overnight and tend to eat at work and eat as soon I get home again in the morning. I just need to start this app again. I just need a buddy to diet with and compare what we eat and our calorie intake. Sort of like a competition. I tend to be very competitive maybe that can help me.

    You can definitely do this!!! Im not very competitive at all but im willing to try. :smile:
  • mellymint80
    mellymint80 Posts: 33 Member
    MarkR7879 wrote: »
    I like the idea of logging the night before
    I see where that would help keep you from eating more plus not having to log throughout the day
    Thanx for the advice

    I definitely agree, I try to track for breakfast and lunch first thing in the morning as I am preparing for the day. This allows me to know what to expect and on busy work days it is nice to be prepared. If I don't eat something I just delete it, if I have something extra I add it, more than anything it keeps me accountable to myself and on track.

    Every time I have been successful with weight loss I have also been diligent about tracking. As soon as I stop or slack off I can guarantee I will gain.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I've been on MFP on and off for a few years with good success. The end of last year just ran away from me, working 3 p/t jobs and I just ate awfully. I'm now back up to nearly 140lbs so I've got some hard work to do. Most if my friends I've had for ages and they're silent friends now so I could do with new up to date supporters.
    So if anyone wants a chatty, friendly, slightly weird friend feel free to add me!
    Btw I like running and weight lifting
  • saramatthews919
    saramatthews919 Posts: 161 Member
    I tend to pre log for the day in advance so I know what I'm eating or record it as soon as you've eaten I find that easier than logging at the end of the day as I can keep track of my carbs fat etc
  • Cvanessa09
    Cvanessa09 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    MarkR7879 wrote: »
    My problem before was waiting until the end of the day and forgetting things It became frustrating so therefor I give up on it.

    My same problem exactly.. What I did is I placed this app next to my Facebook and my IG. And every time I'm bored or have a break at work. Instead of checking on Facebook or IG, I log on my MFP instead and logging my food. Is kinda becoming a habit. Plus it reminds me on how many calories I have available for the day.
  • JRDT23
    JRDT23 Posts: 9 Member
    Snap! I need some advice and support I really struggle doing it alone!
  • hanmarie2016
    hanmarie2016 Posts: 3 Member
    I have got an infection in my ear and can't hear .. It's making me want to lie on the sofa and binge but I am trying to keep myself busy which isn't resting .. Have had some paracetamol and weight to go porridge would like some encouragement I am really trying ..