Yoga for a "Re-Beginner"

Can anyone recommend a good youtuber or website to follow for Yoga? I used to do it many years ago and would like to get back into and just looking for videos to follow for a somewhat re-beginner. I know I can google it but I like to hear what has worked best for others. Thanks in Advance!


  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Yoga w/ Adriene. She uploads new vids every Wednesdays. She's also doing a 30 day Yoga Camp right now. She's pretty awesome.
  • erimethia_fekre
    erimethia_fekre Posts: 317 Member
    edited January 2016
  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member
    I love Tara Stiles! She has a ton of videos on YouTube at different levels and lengths. Good luck!
  • swissmiss431
    swissmiss431 Posts: 22 Member
    Got to iTunes. I use 20 min Yoga Session from They have videos and just auditory.
  • runrobots
    runrobots Posts: 3 Member
    Also recommending Yoga With Adriene on Youtube. She already has a lot of free videos to choose from, and what I really like is that she really encourages you to go at your own pace and not overstretch yourself. She often demonstrates adjustments for stretches too, which is really helpful if you're if you're new or just getting back into yoga after a long break.
  • Kellynnjo
    Kellynnjo Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Everyone!!
  • glitterrainn
    glitterrainn Posts: 73 Member
    I did yoga w/ Adrienne yesterday. Make sure you have a mat. Afterwards I was nauseous, I had a headache and my wrists hurt so much. And it's probably because I did it on my hard floor.
  • zenjen13
    zenjen13 Posts: 174 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Yoga w/ Adriene. She uploads new vids every Wednesdays. She's also doing a 30 day Yoga Camp right now. She's pretty awesome.

    I third this ^^^^. I have been doing yoga for 9 years now (with the same instructor) and when I need a home workout I turn to Adriene. If you listen to your body and follow her instructions then you shouldn't get hurt. Plus, you can always pause it if you need a break!