Anyone else have stomach issues when adjusting to their new

Before I start, I do have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. That being said...

I began this journey 2 and a half week ago and in the first week and a half, lost 14 pounds. This week, it's a whole other story!

Before, I would one meal a day. I was never hungry and usually had to force myself to eat a meal, and it was usually at a fast food restaurant and full of calories and fat. I was tired all of the time, I had no energy, I would sleep until 1pm or 2pm every weekend, and I huff and puffed going up any kind of stairs or walking long distances. I drank a lot of soda (2 20oz Cokes or more each day) and never drank any water. When I did have cravings, it would be either for sweets or protein, depending on the time of the month (if you know what I mean).

I recently turned 31 and had hit 295lbs. I was so disgusted by this I decided that a change was in order. My husband, who was 210 when I met him and 320+ at his highest weight, jumped on board when I convinced him that it would be cheaper than eating out all the time and we could make it convenient for our "busy lifestyle". We decided to start a new way of eating and incorporated the Slim Fast shakes into it but increased their recommended 1200 calories a day to fit our needs (I'm at 1400 a day and he's at about 1700). We started walking a minimum of 2 miles every night - no exceptions! - and we're up to 3 miles comfortably and he's starting to run again. I've also been adding aerobic workouts into my routine 3-4 times a week. I've also stopped drinking almost anything but water (will have some milk or tea rarely).

Now, I know I have had some slips, but I have basically kept my calories in check. I have a hard time, mostly because of the processed foods, keeping the sodium, carbs, and fat in check and I am not getting as much protein as I would like. However, most days I am under my calorie goal.

Before I go further, I want to apologize for the tmi I am about to share. This past week, though, I have been having horrible stomach issues. They seem to pass as the day progresses, but in the mornings, they are quite debilitating. Within an hour of waking up, I get horrible double-you-over cramps. I get nauseous and feel so bloated. The scale says I've added up to 5 pounds onto my lowest weight, depending on the day. This morning, it was 3.5 pounds. The jeans that had previous been very loose was very hard to button and zip and hurt my stomach when I fastened them. I will get terrible constipation followed immediately by diarrhea and the whole time I want to throw up. My whole body will feel swollen and it makes me skin sensitive to the touch. Like I said, this usually passes as the day progresses and by the end of the day I am able to work and function and do my workouts. However, I wake up the next morning and start the process all over again.

I don't know what's going on or why? It makes me want to go back to one meal a day just to make the stomach issues go away. Has anyone else had these sort of problems? What did you do for them?


  • charelaine
    charelaine Posts: 712 Member
    Hi. I am new here, and maybe others will be more knowledgeable, but I would say go to the doctor. Any stomach issue can be a sign of bigger problems. It also could be nothing. Either way, a doctor will be able to help you sort it out so that you can continue the progress you are making.
  • Vendetta2300
    I started MFP about two months ago at 253 lbs, and I have suffered terrible constipation. I did not suffer anything else, not like you, but my constipation was so bad I cried all day. Nothing would help, not laxies, not anything. After I have forced myself to drink at least 8 cups of water a day and upped my fiber, my stomach has been great.

    However, what you're dealing with sounds very severe. Good for you, seeing a doctor!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    You could be bloating pretty bad from sodium intake - -but I would def. go get that checked out. It could just be gas and it could be from just your rapid change in diet but no one on here is an expert and that's an uncomfortable situation that could be a sign of something bigger.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    wow... i'm sorry to hear that. i hope the doctor can tell you whats up. i'v only been on MFP for about 2 weeks now.. havent had any troubles... felt bloated the other day but thats more or less it

    Feel better!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Please see a doctor for that. That's a pretty serious issue if you're experiencing vomiting daily.
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Do you still have your gall bladder? When I switched over to eating better foods, and exercising, I would get horrendous stabbing pains in my chest area, behind my sternum. I went to the doctor and he said any kind of drastic eating changes, even if gradual can effect the entire digestive system, and mine just happened to make my gall bladder go nutty.

    Make sure you get in AT LEAST 64 ozs of water every day, as it will help flush your system, and get your body regulated to better eating.

    Good luck at the doc's! :)
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    Okay, this may NOT be it but rapid weight loss can cause the formation of gall stones and lead to gall bladder attacks. I started my new healthy lifestyle April23 and lost a quick 15 lbs (right before joining MFP) after about 4 weeks, I started having what they call upper right quadrant pain (right side upper side under right breast) and severe diaharea (sp?) and bloating. Went to doctor, they ordered ultrasound and HIDA scan and low and behold I had gallstones (per ultrasound) and according to the HIDA scan I had a cystic duct obstruction. I wanted to wait to have surgery, but if you wait , an obstruction can get infected and then they have to "open" you up instead of doing it laproscopically (7/10 day recovery vs. 6 week!) So on June 3 I had surgery. I'm almost 2 weeks post op. Severe /and or quick weight loss can exacerbate an underlying gall bladder issue. It really sounds like that to me, but I will be interested to hear what your Dr. says! Good luck!
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    oh, and I didn't have it, but nausea and vomiting are also big time symptoms of gall bladder disease. Gall bladder pain can also radiate to your back and you feel it near your right shoulder blade.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I was having that problem before i started on this site. Cutting out the high fat and junk has helped me out so much.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    When I first started this change I had an upset stomach almost every day. I never vomited though but was constipated quite frequently. I think it was just my body adjusting to the new changes and eventually it passed, but the constipation/upset stomach lasted for about a week or two. I would call your doctor just in case because its very serious that you're that sick every single day. It sounds kind of serious but maybe moving from one extreme to the other is what is causing it.
  • butterfly1445
    butterfly1445 Posts: 81 Member
    If you've changed your diet significantly and are eating new things you may be allergic. If you are eating more dairy it could be lactose intolerance and if you are eating more whole grains of the wheat variety it could be a wheat allergy. This sounds a little more serious than that though, definitely good that you are going to the Dr. today. Before you go make a list of any new foods you've been eating.

    I will say my switch over to wheat bread and eating more fiber and whole grains has caused a bit of a gas/bloat problem for me. Nothing this serious though, usually settles an hour or two after I've finished eating.
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    I think you are making fabulous progress and wonderful changes in your life. It's awesome. What you describe to me is what I have dealt with for as long as I can remember. I've had every test in the book..the most they can say is IBS. (irratable bowel syndrome) But, I do have to say, when I eat right, things are much better. Your body is going through a great shock, and it might just be trying to deal. I'll be curious as to what the Dr. says. i also do better when i either eat the probiotic yogurt, or i bought the capsules of probiotics. Keeps me more regular. Made sure you are getting enough water.
    Good luck. You are doing fabulous! Do NOT go back to the old ways to fix the new problem. It will get better!!! You will feel so much better as well.

  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    Went to the doctor and he said it was mainly adjustment issues causing a spastic colon. He prescribed fiber supplements and a muscle relaxer and said it will correct itself in a couple of weeks.